The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1913)

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16 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. The Edison Disc is a Big Opportunity Make the Most of it! Here is the chance for the dealer who has wanted to take his public by storm. You have no idea of the music of a disc phonograph until you have heard The Edison Disc Phonograph It will surprise you just as it surprised us, and just as it is bound to surprise the people whom you want to reach. The tone quality is actually unique in its sweetness, the volume is a revelation, the lasting permanence of its mechanism and beauty of its cabinets will attract buyers whom you have never been able to convince. It is a worthy new member of the Edison family, and it will be helped by the enviable reputation of its big brother, The Edison Cylinder Phonograph which will hold its old friends, and go right on widening its acquaintance and increasing your profits — from day to day. The dealer must have a jobber who is with him, heart and soul. Your success is our success — that's the way we look at it. Our territory has been going fast in the last six months. It's going every day. If you want to represent the Edison line in yotlf town, show us that you are interested at once. Write us about our especially attractive proposition. Frank E. Bolway EXCLUSIVE EDISON JOBBER Syracuse and Oswego New York