The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1913)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 23 VICTORS USED IN CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL IN TACOMA. Most Impressive Illustration of the Value of the Talking Machine in School Work — Five Machines Going in Field at One Time Furnish Music for Rehearsals and Lead the Band on Field Day in Order to Preserve Regularity of Tempo. As a .stimulator of musical taste and an aid a greater interest in athletic exercises, the talki machine has hecotne a factor of great moment .ill parts of the country. while the other pictures the field day exercises held iii the beautiful stadium of Tacoma, seating some 18,000. Owing to its enormous extent only a partial view of the stadium appears. PURCHASING AGENTS ORGANIZE. National Association of Purchasing Agents Formed in New York with H. T. L.ecming, of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., as Temporary Chairman — The Objects of the New Body. The National Association of Purchasing Agents, consisting of purchasing agents and buyers in all lines of trade, was formally launched at a meeting held at the Hotel McAlpin on October 16, and at which meeting IT. T. Leeming, of Thomas A. Edi Tacoma School Children Drilling to Music of theVictor Talking Machine. These pictures show one of the most remarkable uses of the Victor talking machine in school work that has ever come to our notice. The children of the schools in Tacoma. Wash., had pre In the small groups of various exercises five Victors were used, placed at different points on the field. When the great mass drill was given it was, of course, necessary to use a band for greater son, Inc., was elected temporary chairman, and E. B. Hendricks, well known in commercial circles, as temporary secretary and treasurer, with headquarters for the present at the Hotel McAlpin. The objects of the new association are set forth as follows : "This association will be devoted entirely to the interest of purchasing agents and buyers, and will have sub-associations in all. sections of the country. Some of the objects are : (1) The formation of the purchasing agents and buyers into a national body ; (2) mutual acquaintance and the resulting privilege of exchanging ideas and opinions; (3) the standardization of purchasing routine and methods; (4) the investigation and certification of new appliances and materials; (5) the improving of existing methods for the diffusion of market information; (6) the gathering and dissemination of data relating to the subject of buying; (7) the standardization of specifications, and other features that will probably be suggested in the future that will be of benefit or interest to the purchasing agent or buyer." NEW H0N0RS_F0R EDISON. Music Store in Endicott Makes Special Display of Incandescent Lights to Mark Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Their Invention. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Eneicott, N". Y., November 10. — The recent twenty-fifth anniversary of the introduction of the incandescent electric light, the invention of Thomas A. Edison, received more than passing notice in this town, when the store window of the Endicott Music Co. contained an appropriate display in which Mr. Edison's picture was used as part of the decorations, together with a large number of new and old styles of incandescent lights. The display attracted much attention and favorable comment. The Victor Leads the Band During Field Day Exercises in Stadium at Tacoma. pared all their exercises for their field day festival volume, but the Victor will be noted in the fore to the music of Victor records. ground leading the band, thus insuring that the In one of the illustrations a division of the music would be given in exactly the same way as children is shown at rehearsal with the Victor, they had been taught to follow. SCHOOL ADOPTS VICTOR BOOK. A LIVE BIT OF SALESMANSHIP. Edison Dealer in To wn of 97 Population Sells $150 Phonograph to Local High School. G. M. Lambert, an enterprising Edison disc dealer at Luna, la., reports the sale of a $1-30 Edison disc phonograph to the Pottsville High School of that city. When it is considered that Luna, la., can boast of the immense population of ninety-seven, a fair idea of Mr. Lambert's energy and aggressiveness may be gathered. The special music committee of the high school is now arranging for the holding of a series of recitals in order to properly introduce the Edison disc product to the residents of the town. One of the most conclusive evidences of the value of the Victor and the course of study in the book, What We Hear in Music, is found in the adoption of the entire course by the Skidmore School of Arts, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Mr. Haliam, president of the New York State Music Association, is very enthusiastic, and has put in the whole course in his classes there. TO ENJOY YOUR WORK. Leave something for the imagination — something which a further examination will reveal. If you really want to enjoy your work, work one day at a time. Don't worry about the hard work of to-morrow until you are face to face with it. Then wade in and demolish it.