The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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6 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Unique Record Albums CONTAINING SIX PAGES OF INDEX For Durability, Artistic Design and Finish, our Albums have no equal. They are made in the most substantial manner by skilled workman, and are firstclass in every particular. We sell them at ^very low prices t o meet competition. DISC RECORD ALBUMS ARE WHAT EVERY Talking Machine Owner MUST NOW HAVE With the index they make a complete system for filing away all disc Records, and can be added to, Album by Album, as Records accumulate, like books in a librarv. OUR SUPERB ALBUMS ARE BEST FOR VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND ALL OTHER TALKING MACHINES MADE IN TWO SIZES TO FIT ALL 10 AND 12=INCH DISC RECORDS These Albums contain 17 pockets made of strong fibre paper, each pocket having a hole in the center, as shown in the picture. These pockets are so made that they show very plainly both the single and double face titles on the Records„ The Albums are bound in the finest quality of Brown Silk Finish Cloth, with gilt title on front cover. They are also bound in imitation leather. Write for sample and prices of our Albums, which are superior to all others. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 235 South American St., Philadelphia, Pa LARGE HOLIDAY BUSINESS DONE IN CINCINNATI. Leading Talking Machine Houses Say That Business for December Was Not Only Large in Volume But That the Demand Was for the Expensive Styles — Some Talk of the Phonograph Co. Engaging in the Retail Business. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Cincinnati, O., January 9. — The local branch of the Phonograph Co., of Cleveland, which entered the jobbing field here some time since, closed an immense holiday business under the management of F. O. Peterson. The outlook for a large Edison business in this territory is excellent. There is some talk here of the Phonograph Co. conducting a retail department as well as jobbing business, but Mr. Peterson would not discuss the matter. John Arnold, the well-known dealer, has been handling Edison goods in this territory for years, being the only representative in the business district. Arnold disposed of his entire stock during tne holiday rush and had numerous demands for the higher priced Edison instruments. There is no question but what the Edison instrument has made quite an impression in Cincinnati. Manager Dittrich, of the Victor talking machine department of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., summed up the situation of the past month as follows : "The month of December exceeded our expectations. The amount of business done was limited only by the amount of machines available with which to fill orders. We are very well satisfied, even though we could have increased the volume of sales very materially had we been able to secure sufficient stock to fill orders. The immense sale of Victrolas and other Victor styles has stimulated record business enormously, and provisions will immediately be made to take care of this increase." Throughout the month of December and up into January business at the local Columbia store was characterized by strenuous hustle and bustle throughout the day and far into the night. "Business during the holidays," said Manager Whelen, "was unusual, and we closed a larger December business than any previous holiday season in the history of the Cincinnati store, both in records and machines. The stock was practically cleaned out and, had we been able to secure all the stock necessary to supply the tremendous demand, and room to accommodate all the customers, results would have been far in advance of what they were. The new types of Columbia models stimulated this wonderful demand, and the new Grafonola 4 'Leader' lived up to its name. This little $75 model is certainly a winner, and if we had been able to get in sufficient of this type we could have tripled our sales even in this one type. "Business was good throughout the wholesale territory, and during the month we enjoyed the visits of many of our large dealers, who came in personally to select their holiday stock. The year as a whole has been a very gratifying one, and we are now ready to pitch in with renewed vigor to make last year's figures loom up small in the distance when the next New Year rolls around. "F. A. Norris, who has for years been associated with the Adder Machine Co., has just joined the Dictaphone local forces, and in the short time that he has been associated with the Dictaphone has placed some very nice installations." Advertising Manager Page, of the Aeolian Co., attributes much of the after-Christmas rush, which has been a feature of the holiday week, to money presents given many people who desire to invest it in a substantial manner, which happens to be a talking machine. In speaking of the business at Aeolian Hall he said : "December business at Aeolian Hall surpassed all expectations, although much was expected, the installation of new Victrola booths more than doubling Aeolian facilities, being evidence that a large increase was looked for. "Business was simply enormous, all styles of Victrolas showing the demand. A very large number of Style XVI were disposed of, including many in special finishes. "The record business was very much in the nature of a landslide. It proved a very difficult matter to get enough dance records to meet the demand. "The Aeolian Victor force is in splendid shape and includes a number of new faces. The organization has simply had to be increased half a dozen times in the past few months to meet the requirements of the trade." The Otto Grau Piano Co. is much elated over the success of its Victrola department, which was instituted during the past year. Its stock was cleaned out by the holiday rush. The Lyric Piano Co., with its larger and better facilities for handling Victor business, did very well during the Christmas season, as did the Milner Musical Co. KNOWLEDGE OF RECORDS PAYS. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Davenport, Ia., January 8. — The John Hoyt Piano Co., of this city, which maintains an attractive Victor department, recently had placed before it an excellent example of the value to be derived from their Victor salesmen carefully studying the Victor catalog. One of their salesmen, Mr. Pickens, recently closed a sale of a Victrola XVI to a prominent music lover of this city, who requested him to select a list of records, which were to be sent out on approval. Mr. Pickens selected the records carefully, the total list amounting to $117. It is a tribute to. his judgment and knowledge of the Victor record library that not one of these records was returned by the purchaser.