The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 47 Eclipse Phonograph Company A. W. TOENNIES & SON 203 WASHINGTON STREET HOBOKEN, N. J. JOBBERS OF Edison Disc and Cylinder Phonographs Exclusively Dealers of New York and New Jersey Write for terms and discounts. A-200 VALUE OF WINDOW DISPLAYS Emphasized by the Success of M. Sonnenberg Piano Co., Yonkers, N. Y., in Featuring the Columbia Line So Artistically. The enterprising methods of the M. Sonnenberg Piano Co., Yonkers, N. Y., are well illustrated by the accompanying picture of a recent window display presented by the company on behalf of its in the Saturday Evening Post. The Favorite is the machine featured in this display, and the dolls attached to the machine by ribbons made a most attractive setting for the machine. J. Bareuther, who is manager of the Yonkers store of the M. Sonnenberg Piano Co., is a firm believer in the value of artistic window displays, and the fact that the Columbia business in this store is steadily increasing can be attributed in a considerable measure to Mr. Bareuther's energetic and live-wire publicity and sales policies. The Columbia line is handled exclusively in this store. CHARGE INTEREST ON VICTROLAS. Minneapolis Dealers in Victor Talking Machines Sign Agreement to Charge Six Per Cent. Interest on All Instalment Sales. and modern equipment, it is planning to increase its output to a considerable extent. This concern makes a specialty of talking machine record albums and carrying cases, and its business now reaches all over the country, due to the high quality of its goods, consistent with reasonable prices. General Manager Skinner, in speaking to The World representative, said: "Of course it took a week to move, and during that time we were a little delayed in shipping orders, but we are now settled and, with the additional output, we are in an excellent position to care for the orders of the trade. It is these orders that are making our rapid growth, and we aim to give the best satisfaction both as regards quality, price and deliveries, s > that the business may continue to grow." (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Minneapolis, Minn., February 7. — All Victor dealers in Minneapolis, some fourteen in number, have signed a pact to charge interest on deferred payments as is done with pianos sold on the instalment plan. The pact includes two department stores, who were expected to balk on the proposition, but apparently there was little difficulty in signing them. The matter of obtaining the signatures to the agreement was turned over some weeks ago by several dealers at an informal gathering to Robert O. Foster, of Foster & Waldo, former president of the National Association of Piano Merchants. It is agreed that the interest rate will be 6 per cent., that being the current rate on loans of various kinds in Minneapolis. COLUMBIA CO. TRADE IN BUFFALO. Business in Both Wholesale and Retail Departments Practically Doubled — Better Grade Machines in Demand at All Stores. MOVE TO NEW FACTORY. Attractive Sonnenberg Window. Columbia graphophone department. This photograph, which was taken at night, hardly does justice to the beauty of the display, which was used as a follow-up of the Columbia Co.'s advertising The Schafford Album Co. Has a Modern Equipment in New Plant at 27-29 Walker Street, New York — Manager Skinner's Report. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Buffalo, N. Y., February 7. — According to W. L. Sprague, manager of the Columbia Graphophone Co., in this city, the business of the local store has increased considerably during the past month. The retail business of the store in this city has increased about 55 per cent, and the wholesale business has been doubled. One of the unusual features of the marked increase is the fact that Buffalo people are purchasing more $75 and $100 graphophones than $50 machines. A window, artistically trimmed, adorns the front of the store which is located in Upper Main street in the heart of the music trade center of the city. The Schafford Album Co., formerly on Lispenard street, New York, is moving to a larger factory at 27-29 Walker street, where, with new machinery Sometimes when duty calls we can't hear it because pleasure keeps up such a racket just around the corner.