The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 23 LOOK FOR BIGGER BUSINESS THE COMING FALL In Los Angeles and Southern California — C. S. Ruggles Delighted with Eastern Trip — Managers of Leading Houses Are Optimistic — Electric Tablet System for Barker Bros. — Talking Machine Men Are All Most Optimistic Over the General Outlook. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Los Angeles, Cal., August 5. — The so-called "wave of depression" seems to have dealt lightly with o.ur beautiful City of the Angels, at least so think we of the talking machine busines. From reports of all jobbers and retail dealers busines is still on the increase and the prospects for bigger business this -fall are good. No place in the world do people seem to get as much enjoyment from their machines as here in Southern California, where the climatic conditions admit of impromptu concerts out of doors as well as in. Charles S. Ruggles, local manager for Sherman, Clay & Co., has just returned from a delightful trip to the eastern coast. Mr. Ruggles took in the big convention, where he met many friends and made a great many more. He says he was treated royally by everyone and had the time of his life. He visited the Victor factory at Camden. During his absence the business was capably managed by William Campbell, his able assistant, who will not take his vacation until next September. O. A. Lo.vejoy, head of the wholesale talking machine department of the Southern California Music Co., has just returned from a three Weeks' sojourn in the mountains. He claims he will have to work nights to clean up the Edison business that has accumulated during his absence. A. Graham Cook, of the Birkel Music Co.., reports a fine business the last two months, especially in the large model Victrolas. They are redecorating thair demonstrating rooms and when finished will have one of the really beautiful talking machine departments in Southern California. Guy Pooler, of the Birkel Music Co., is enjoying a two weeks' vacation at the present time. C. R. Wilson, president of the Wilson Music Co., 180 East Colorado street, Pasadena, is putting in three mo.dern soundproof ventilated demonstrating rooms to take care of his large and growing business. The Carlton Music Co., of Long Beach, Cal., has adopted a novel way of advertising its talking machine business. Mr. Carlton has secured the services of a small boy and a, and has built an attractive sandwich sign containing Victor, Edison and Columbia posters. This slips over the boy's head and rests on his wagon, and he and the goat do the rest by parading up and do.wn the main streets of Long Beach. V. B. Chatten, recently connected with the Musical Record Co., on South Broadway, has joined the forces of the Carlton Music Co., o.f Long Beach, for the summer. J. W. Booth, manager of the talking machine department for Barker Bros., has just returned from an Eastern visit, and is quite enthusiastic over the Edison disc. While in the East he had the good fortune to meet Mr. Edison during his visit to the factory. In the near future Mr. Booth intends installing the electric tablet system in all record booths and demonstrating rooms. Any salesman wishing a' record from the stock ropm has merely to write the number on the tablet, which in turn registers it on a duplicate tablet for the stock clerk, who immediately brings the record to him, thus making only one trip instead of two.. R. E. Daynes, of the Barker Bros, force, recently sold two Columbia Grafonola Regents the. same day, thereby demonstrating the popularity o.f that Columbia model. F. S. Allen, proprietor of the Musical ' Record Shop, has a very unique window display cf dancing figures run by three talking machines. By an ingenious arrangement of mirrors the number of figures is multiplied many times. An advertisement of this kind never fails to, attract and brings many prospects into the store. T. T. Gardner, of Gardena, Cal., one of our new dealers, says he is doing a fine business in Victor, Columbia and Edison cylinder. His territory is located between Los Angeles and the beaches, and he is building up a fine trade. Miss Alice Brown, manager of the talking machine department at Baxter & Northrup's, has just returned from San Francisco, where she spent her vacation. She is a very optimistic young lady and predicts a big increase from no.w on in both Columbia and Victor sales. R. S. Odell, formerly with the F. G. Smith Music Co., of St. Louis, Mo., is now with Baxter Northrup, and is delighted with California. The Southern California Music Co.. is redecorating its extensive talking machine department. By the addition of two more rooms, formerly used by the piano department, it now has eighteen demonstrating, occupying the entire third floor. R. E. Wolfinger, in charge of the talking ma chine department at the Wiley B. Allen Co., reports a brisk trade in the Victor line, especially in the larger Victrolas. The Andrews Talking Machine Co. has enjoyed its share of the summer trade, and is expecting to. keep busy from now until the holidays. W. F. Stidham, who is in charge of the Columbia Graphophone Co., wholesale, of Los Angeles, is very much pleased at the way Columbia goods are moving, especially the grands, a great many of which have been installed in the best homes in Southern California. He reports several new agencies in the near-by towns. HEARD FROMJN LONDON. Arthur D. Geissler, vice-president and managing director of the New York Talking Machine Co., Victor distributer, who sailed for Europe last month, has advised his office that, according to present plans, he will sail for home on the 19th of this month. During the wars abroad Mr. Geissler has been marooned in London, from which he expects to sail. Motion Picture Dancing Lessons At Home! With the Pathescope THIS IS ONLY ONE OF THE MANY DELIGHTS THAT THIS SAFE, SIMPLE, AND PERFECT MOTION PICTURE MACHINE CAN BRING TO ANY HOME THAT OWNS ONE THE Pathescope is an extremely simple and compact, yet essentially practical Motion Picture Machine for use in the Home, School, Club, etc. It is not a diminutive model of the large professional machine, but a startlingly original design of projector, which in its simplest form is entirely self-contained, and requires no wiring, no electric connections, no equipment of any kind, but an ordinary table on which to set the machine. By a remarkably ingenious arrangement, the simple action of turning the handle actuates the film, generates its own (incandescent) electric light, and projects the pictures in living, fascinating motion upon the screen. For Demonstrations or Catalogue Address: PATHE S CO RE Dept. 5, Aeolian Hall New York AGENCIES: 515 Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia 1101 F St., Washington 507 American Bidg., Baltimore 459 Washington St., Buffalo 108 6th St , Pittsburgh 622 Kittredge Bldg. , Denver 1516 3d Ave., Seattle RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATION DESIRED ELSEWHERE The First Safe, Simple and Perfect Home Motion Picture Machine. Complete with 4-foot Screen and all Accessories $150 An exceptional opportunity for Talking Machine Dealers to add a PATHESCOPE DEPARTMENT and FILM EXCHANGE, or for Enterprising Men with some capital to establish a Permanent and Profitable Business of their own. Write for Agents' Circular.