The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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24 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. NEW YORK TRADE DISCUSSES EUROPEAN WAR. The Effect on Business in the Metropolis and Throughout the Country Naturally Interests — Business Up to Expectations According to Leading Members of the Trade — Optimistic Over the Outlook — New Edison Shop Near Completion — Other Timely News. The most discussed topic in the local talking machine trade the past two weeks, as in all other lines of mercantile life, has been the frightful war now raging in Europe. Manufacturers, jobbers and dealers are carefully weighing all the pros and cons of the situation to the best o.f their ability, and the consensus of opinion seems to be that the war will not disturb the talking machine industry as a whole, but, on the contrary, may act as an additional tonic to increased business. Quite a number of the jobbers and dealers have members of their families or business staffs abroad at the present time, and the cables received have been reassuring in every case. The European War and Business. The most tangible effect of the European disturbances to date in connection with local business has been the marked increase in the demand for foreign records, particularly those selections recorded in the mother tongues of the warring nations. In certain sections of the city the dealers are unable to supply the orders they are receiving for patriotic selections in foreign languages, and should the war be protracted this demand is certain to increase by leaps and bounds. New York is generally acknowledged to be the cosmopolitan city of the world, it being an oftexpressed axiom that in the boundaries of Greater New York there are residing more people of certain nationalities than are left in the home countries. This is, of course, an exaggeration, but well illustrates the magnitude of New York's foreign population. A large proportion of this population is available for solicitation as talking machine record prospects, and as the latest advices indicate that the reservists of several of the foreign countries will not be able to leave this country to go to the front, patriotism for the fatherland will undoubtedly be at high pitch during the course of the deplorable catastrophe abroad, and patriotic selections will be purchased for many homes throughout the land. All of the manufacturers have European factories and branches, which will necessarily suffer materially from the effects of the war. Although no official announcements have yet been made, it is highly probable that some of these factories, if not all of them, will be obliged to shut down indefinitely. Aside from the fact that shipping is at a standstill throughout Europe, a considerable proportion of the workmen have departed for the front, with no likelihood of their places being filled before the close of the war. In times of peace the closing of the European factories by the manufacturers for any length of time would necesitate the plants in this country diverting a certain part of their output for shipment abroad, but as there is no demand for talking machines and records in Europe at the present time, and as foreign shipping has practically ceased, the European market will await the close of the war and the resumption of the factories on a normal basis. Month's Business Up to Expectations. In local circles business the past month has been fully up to expectations, and in the majority of instances showed a gain over last year. In the minds of many of the jobbers and dealers August is not expected to be quite as good as last year, this opinion probably being influenced by the unsettled conditions prevailing throughout the world. In any event, the first two weeks of the month have been generally satisfactory, slight losses being reported by some o.f the dealers and corresponding increases by others. New Edison Shop Nearing Completion. The new home of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., at 473 Fifth avenue, New York, is rapidly nearing completion, and all indications point to. its being ready for occupancy early next month. The exterior of the building is attracting the attention of all passers-by on Fifth avenue, who pronounce the decorations as being unusually artistic and pleasing for a commercial structure. The color scheme is gold and white, and when finished both the interior and exterior promise to be representative of modern perfection in building construction. The location of the new Edison Shop, as the building will be termed, is ideal, facing the New York Public Library and is in the heart of the best retail district of New York. The block between Fortieth and Forty-first streets, where the building is situated, is considered by many business men as the best business street along Fifth avenue, and the opening of the Edison Shop will be awaited with interest by the trade. Collections Good with Columbia Co. "Collectio.ns have been very good for this time of the year," said R. F. Bolton, manager of the wholesale headquarters of the Columbia Co., at 89 Chambers street, New -York, "and to my great surprise are comparatively better than July of 1913, notwithstanding the business depression since the first of the year. Our dealers report a steady demand for our product, particularly in the larger machines, while the call for dance records continues to keep up at an amazing pace. The outlook as a whole for the next few months is decidedly encouraging, and I fail to see how the terrible wars in Europe can injure local busines." Optimistic Over Business Outlook. J. Newcomb Blackman, president of the Blackman Talking Machine Co., 97 Chambers street, well-known Victor distributer, anent conditions, said as follows : "Our business for the past month shows a very nice increase over last year, and the first three months of our fiscal year — May, June and July — have been very satisfactory, showing gains o.ver the corresponding months of 1913. I feel very optimistic regarding the immediate business outlook, and base this optimism on the fact that our country has been running on lo.w gear so long that it is about ready for good business. The wars abroad should not injure business in this country to any appreciable extent, and eventually will work to our benefit. If exports are held up prices will be lo.wered, for this country will be obliged to absorb not only its natural consumption but an extra amount of vast proportions. On the other hand, if the foreign wars result in increased exports of foodstuffs, and prices are comparatively higher, busy factories and busy people will offset this. I believe that the legislation which we have had has put this country in a po.sition to conserve its financial resources if it takes advantage of the opportunities presented." "July Business Surprising," Says Purdy. "July business was surprising in many respects," said H. N. Purdy, manager of the Edison disc department in the prominent piano house of Hardman, Peck & Co., 433 Fifth avenue, New York. "We had expected that trade would slow up considerably with the advent of very warm weather, and were therefore unprepared for the steady call for machines and records which we experienced the entire month of July. Record trade was especially strong, while our sales of the higher priced Edison disc phonographs maintained the high average we have had since this department first opened. In addition to selling several of the $250 models to prominent yacht owners, we have just placed two o.f these machines in boat club houses in near-by cities, where they are being used for dancing purposes with great success." Columbia Concentration on Summer Trade. The many local representatives of the Columbia Graphophone Co. have been concentrating their activities the past months o.n the development of timely summer business, paying particular attention to the sale of smaller machines for bungalows, summer camps, etc., and leaving no stone unturned to build up their record sales. The results of this campaign have been gratifying to all the dealers, who. state that the popular "Favorite" and the new "Jewel" machines have been sold to vacationists in resorts throughout New York State for entertainment during vacation time. The new dance records recently issued by the Columbia Co. and placed o.n sale this month are creating a furore with the patrons of the local trade, according to the reports the dealers arc sending headquarters. Feeling Quite "At Home." Back in their former quarters and feeling per fectly at home, the New York Talking Machine Co., 81 Chambers street, New York, Victor distributer, has resumed its creative work for the assistance of its dealers, and the officials are busy planning new helps for the coming fall. In the meantime business is going steadily forward, and notwithstanding the well-nigh insurmountable handicaps under which the company has worked since its disastrous fire on June 21, Sales Manager Moody reports a gain of 25 to 33% per cent, for the month o.f July, as compared with last year. This is a truly remarkable record and one which looms up still more impressive when it is considered that last July . was a recordbreaker. Completes New Co-operative Idea. When a representative of The Wo.rld visited the company's headquarters last week Mr. Moody was busily engaged in the completion of a new cooperative idea which will be used in connection with the co.mpany's stock system of racks, bags and stock envelopes. Mr. Moody has perfected a plan whereby the dealer may use colored labels which, when placed in various positions on the envelope, signify vital points concerning this record, such as over-stock, good selection, quick seller, etc. To further carry out the value of this plan, colors have been designed to denote various styles of records. For example, white signifies sacred, green is comic, black is bands, red is choruses, etc. Other divisions which have a separate color are male quartets, instrumental novelties, vaudeville sketches, orchestras, popular songs, etc. When the label is of a smaller size, a foreign record of a certain language is signified. It is planned to send these signal sets out with the company's regular stock o.utfit, besides furnishing them free of charge with all large orders for the New York Co.'s stock envelopes. Landay Improvements. Landay Bros., the well-known Victor distributers, are making numerous improvements to their warerooms at 563 Fifth avenue, New Yo.rk, which will considerably increase their stock facilities. Additional demonstration rooms are being constructed on the main floor and new stock rooms on the sub-floor. PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE "TALKER." (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Norwood, O., August 8.— D. S. Tarbell, a Victor enthusiast of this city, who is the owner of an exceptionally large library of Victor records, recently issued a new personal catalog, in which he pays a tribute to the Victor products in a "foreword" as follows : "I have printed this book, just a very, very few copies, for my own particular, individual gratification, and yet, at one and the same time, have not been unmindful o.f the opportunity it may give me — through the acceptance of the invitation it carries to 'come and hear' — to add a bit to the enjoyment of those I especially like because of the fact that their ideas, or their lives, at least in part, run in my groove. "The boo.k comes into existence as a sort of observance of the thing which has so generously contributed to my life — in the morning, starting many a wrong day right; in the evening, furnishing a welcome diversion ; and in the dead, lonesome hours of the night, when sleep refuses . its good offices, bringing that peace and comfort and rest that neither gold nor silver can buy in any other way. Therefore, am I grateful. "D. S. T." Many a deckle-edged, rough-finished man has a better fibre than his evenly enameled rival.. SEE HOW THE JOBBERS IN THE WORLD CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS.