The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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28 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. The "Eclipse"— $25 The Grafonola "Baby Regent"— $100 The Grafonola "Jewel" — $35 The Grafonola "Mignonette" — $100 The Grafonola "Favorite" — $50 The Grafonola "Colonial" — $150 Our Oppo To-day the United Stategjoi only important nation at pe; e we peace, but a vast measie prosperity is surely indicated)' ports from our great crop-prli The countries of Euro produce. But they cannot cease to oh Their demands for food, il not abate. It is imperative tv be supplied; it is clear that tls I to do a large share of the siipl This means that the ver | of money that this country n *i return for imports from Eut) sity remain in this country. I an appreciable proportion of i day which the present Eurcc must come into this countrj r commodities which we alone It behooves the Americi solidly ; to meet the present b with steady industry undisti 1 reasonless perturbation. The promptness and effiif The Grafonola "Leader" — $75 The Grafonola "Nonpareil" — $150 (Wie fo deafrs inl