The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1914)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 15 The Trade In Boston And New England JOHN H. WILSON, MANAGER, 324 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. and in that time the department has been enlarged several times. Mrs. Jones possesses a thorough knowledge of the talking machine business and in these three years she has been instrumental in selling a great many Victor and Columbia outfits. Talking Men Get Together. Several inquiries have been made lately as to when the boys of the talking machine business are again going to get together. The beefsteak dinner of three years ago is pleasantly recalled by many, and there are lots of good fellows who'd be glad to enter into the spirit of another such time. Who'll volunteer to engineer it? H. A. Yerkes a Visitor. H. A. Yerkes, the wholesale manager of the Columbia Co., was a Boston visitor within the p^st week. He was entertained by Manager Erisman. ENTERTAINSJMMIGRANTS. Eastern Talking Machine Co. Sends Victrola to Immigration Station in Boston to Furnish Music for Thanksgiving Day— Thoughtfulness Much Appreciated. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Boston, Mass., December 9.— The Eastern Talking Machine Co. at 177 Tremont street, through the instrumentality of William J. Fitzgerald, the manager of the wholesale department, sent down a Victor outfit to the immigration station the day before Thanksgiving for the benefit of the immigrants who were detained there. The instrument gave the greatest satisfaction and immediately Commissioner H. J. Skeffington sent a letter to Mr. Fitzgerald, which read as follows : "The undersigned wishes to express our appreciation of your courtesy in loaning for the benefit of the detained immigrants at this station one of your Victor machines, together with a choice selection of records. It was a happy combination of circumstances that brought the machine in time for use on Thanksgiving Day. For while the celebration of this festival in the usual spirit was hardly to be expected in the case of persons involuntarily detained, it should be said that the entertainment provided by your Victor served in some measure to impress upon the immigrants the significance of the day, and greatly added to the enjoyment of the occasion. When the facts were explained to the immigrants assembled they expressed their feelings in a rising vote of thanks, which it is a pleasure at this time to convey to you. Your kindness was not only appreciated by the immigrants, but will be felt by others during the coming months." WM. H. GREEN APPOINTED MANAGER. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Worcester, Mass., December 8. — William H. Green, who has been employed by the Atherton Furniture Co., of this city, has been appointed manager of the talking machine department of this house. This concern handles the Columbia graphophones and the Edison diamond disc outfits, and with both of these the house has been very successful. Mr. Green is starting on a campaign which promises well. The department is well equipped for the display of machines, and two small booths play an important part in demonstrating goods. BIG PURCHASE OF RECORD ALBUMS. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Boston, Mass., December 7. — H. Rosen, of the School street talking machine headquarters, has just made a large purchase of record albums from a Boston stationery house. Mr. Rosen says this is the largest purchase of albums ever made by a Boston dealer. It is his intention to interest the trade in these albums, which are of the standard improved loose-leaf kind, some for the 10-inch and others for the 12-inch records. In a leaflet which Mr. Rosen has put out six reasons are given why this particular holder should be used. STIMULATING SALES ACTIVITY. Special Rewards for Sales Force Who Made Largest Records of Sales. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Worcester, Mass., December 4.— At the Denholm & McKay Co.'s large store a prize selling contest lately was undertaken which has resulted most encouragingly for all concerned. It was continued from the 10th of one month until the 13th of the next, and the prizes offered were of generous cash amounts and were offered to the clerks of the store in the departments making the greatest gains in percentage over the business of last year for the corresponding period. Out of the fifty-two departments of this big store the talking machine department led with an increase of 170 per cent. This is certainly "going some" for alleged hard times. As one of the men said : "We hustled some to do it, believe me." The manager of thj talking machine department at this establishment is William F. Howes, who formerly was manager of a similar department at Houghton & Dutton's, Boston. He assumed his present position last April, and in that time he has made some splendid strides in his department. NUTTING TO HANDLE "TALKERS." (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Manchester, N. H., December 4. — W. L. Nutting, of this city, who has a well-equipped piano store at 4 Temple street, has decided to get into the talking machine game and he has taken on the Edison diamond disc line. Although having it but a short time, he has been able to interest a great many people in the proposition. BUILDING UP A GOOD BUSINESS. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Portsmouth, N. H., December 6. — Joseph M. Hassett is finding a good business in Victor and Edison goods. The conveniently located establishment at 115 Congress street has had many callers, including some of the best people of the city, within the past few weeks, most of them intent on purchasing for Christmas. Mr. Hassctt's business in records alone has been extremely large. NEW MANAGER IN WORCESTER. * C. H. Schaeffer Takes Charge of Barnard, Sumner & Putnam Co. Department — Other News. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Worcester, Mass., December 4. — C. H. Schaeffer has been appointed manager of the talking machine department of the Barnard, Sumner & Putnam Co. Although a comparatively new man to the talking machine business, he has been well coached by W. C. Clifford, who is well-known to the trade. This house carries the Edison diamond disc and Columbia outfits and the holiday business has thus far been excellent. The Worcester Phonograph Co., of 11 Trumbull square, is meeting with great success with the Edison line, and it has been conducting some wellattended recitals among some of the leading clubs of the city. The Marcellus Roper Co., of 284 Main street, which is considered the largest Victor dealer in this vicinity, is meeting with marked success, due in no small degree to the work of Daniel J. O'Neil, brother to the well known ambassador, "Doc" O'Neil. H. R. Skelton, the hustling traveler for Thomas A. Edison, has been in town endeavoring to make the diamond disc outfits a household word throughout the city and environs. He spent two weeks in town and he says that the holiday business in Worcester promises to be large, and that there is likely to be a shortage in high-priced outfits. KEPT OPEN HOUSE DURING GAME. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) New Haven, Conn., December 8. — The Pardee, Ellenberger Co., Inc., whose large establishment here is known throughout the State, kept open house the day of the big football game between Harvard and Yale. Practically all of the Edison dealers who happened into the city for the day paid their respects to the house and those who had not been there before were delighted to be shown about the establishment. Among those who were entertained by Mr. Pardee and his partner was F. K. Dolbeer and members of his family, and Manager Silliman, of the Boston store, and his son, Horace. After the game several of Mr. Pardee's more intimate friends were entertained at his hospitable home. If your needles are made by Bagshaw — they are made right Over 63 million talking machine needles shipped in ten consecutive working days to customers in the United States. This is the world's record, and shows at a glance the magnitude of our facilities. We guarantee Bagshaw-made Needles to be the best for any record W. H. BAGSHAW Established 1S70 Oldest and Largest Manufacturer in the World LOWELL MASS.