The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 29 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEWS ITEMS. The Biggest Holiday Trade in the Talking Machine Business for Southern California — A New Pathephone Agency with Colyear Co. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Los Angeles, Cal., January 6. — Southern California has just finished a most prosperous holiday business in both talking machines and records. Never before have so many machines been sold in and around Los Angeles, and this in spite of the fact of the general depression in business throughout the country. A scarcity in both machines and records has been felt both by the jobbing houses and retailers, and from the present outlook in the East it will be several weeks before we can promise a FOR SALE The services of a thoroughly trained talking machine man. Twelve years' practical experience in all branches. Collegian — good appearance. If you want new blood on your staff and willing to invest a few dollars weekly which will pay good interest, drop a line for interview to "Energetic," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. TALKING MACHINE MANAGER Young man, 30 years of age, with a broad business experience, four years in the talking machine business with one of the biggest houses; knows and has held positions all the way up to and including manager, and am holding this successfully; am desirous of maKing change for better position and possibilities; knows wholesale end as well; first-class appearance and personality and capable of handling the best trade. Address "Manager," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. WANTED FOR CASH Want to buy big job lot of talking machines and records, any make ; also flower horns and parts for any make. Will pay spot cash for same. Address "Cash," care The Talking Machine World, New York. POSITION WANTED I would like to correspond with a Columbia or Victor dealer who has a proposition to offer a good talking machine man; I am capable of taking charge of a department, or 1 will accept a position as salesman. I am 24 years old, married. I will give reference to my ability as a talking machine man also as to my character. E. laylor, 304 Spearing St., Jacksonville, Fla. FOR SALE 1,000 high-class Polish and Russian double face 10 in. records; 1,000 English song and dance selections, double face, 10 in. records. Must be sold at once. 20c. each. Berliner Phonograph Co., 140 East Fourth St., New York. WANTED Wideawake salesman who is good in getting orders — not promises — to represent a prominent talking machine accessory concern and handle its products as a side line. Big proposition for a "business getter." Address "Salesman," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth avenue, New York. For Sale, Sacrifice For sale entire stock or in lots to suit, consisting of 30 EDISON FIRESIDE PHONOGRAPHS AT $8 EACH 15 TRITON DISC MACHINES AT $6 EACH 85 SMALL COLUMBIA CYLINDER MACH'SJAT $2 EACH 6000 2 MIN. INDESTRUCTIBLE RECORDS $4 PER 100 3500 BRAND NEW SPANISH Z0N0PH0NE DOUBLE FACED RECORDS $30 PER 100 Loose Leaf record albums(io & 12 iNCH)$6perdoz. Also large stock of Edison and Columbia business phonographs new and slightly used at BIG SAVINGS. SINGLE SAMPLES supplied upon RATE of PRICES QUOTED. Corre Address ipt of check at the pondenoe invited. R0SEN'STALKINGMACHINESH0P.3SCH00LST..B0ST0N.MASS. full supply of machines and records. It was very gratifying to note that the larger models of all makes of machines were the most in demand. The great number of machines recently sold will, without doubt, create an enormous demand for records in the next few months, as many of the purchasers of machines were unable to get a complete list of records most desired. Curtis Colyear, a Los Angeles business man and capitalist, has recently acquired the Pacific Coast agency for the Pathephone machine. Mr. Colyear has obtained the services of Harry Club as manager. Mr. Club is a talking machine man of fifteen years' experience, and is well known all over the Pacific Coast. The Colyear Co. has already established six agencies and has disposed of the entire output of the first shipment. One of Mr. Colyear's numerous warehouses is being remodeled and refitted as jobbing headquarters for the Pathephone. The first agency established was with the Barnes Music Co., 131 South Broadway. Mr. Barnes is remodeling his talking machine department, and now has six sound proof rooms, in which to display his Columbia and Pathephone machines. Mr. Barnes claims the distinction of being the first Pathephone dealer of the Rocky Mountains. ihe Wiley B. Allen Co. reports fine business for December, and says that its business exceeded that of last year. Manager Wolfinger says Victrolas XI and XIV were the best sellers. Chas. S. Ruggles, of Sherman, Clay & Co., Victor jobbers, reports a 25 per cent, increase in business. His record stock is very much depleted at the present time, but he expects some heavy shipments in the near future. P. T. Clay, of the same company, passed through the city recently on his way from the Hot Springs in Arizona. The Geo. J. Birkel Music Co., "The Exclusive Victor Dealers," also report a fine holiday trade, especially in the larger model Victrolas. The talking machine department of the Southern California Music Co. broke all records in the history of that department during the holidays. The large talking machine quarters were taxed to the utmost in accommodating the crowds. They did an especially fine business in the Edison Diamond Disc phonographs. C. A. Lovejoy, manager of the wholesale Edison department of this company, believes he will be able to supply the enormous demand for machines and records despite the great fire at the Edison factory. Telegrams from the factory state they have the situation well in hand by this time. Joseph Carter and Earl Dible, of the Southern California Music Co., made a flying trip to San Diego over New Year's to attend the opening of the Great Fair. Irving Andrews, one of the hustling proprietors of the Andrews Talking Machine Co., says business was never so good. The Columbia Phonograph Co., wholesale, has had an exceedingly prosperous season, and there has been a large demand for their new model Grafonola, equipped with the automatic record ejector. This is an exceedingly simple and effective way of keeping records, and is proving very popular. They also report the sale of several grands during the holidays. Barker Bros, report a phenominal business during the past month. This enterprising house, under the able management of C. A. Booth, have in a short space of time thoroughly established themselves in the talking machine business, and in time bids fair to rival the busines of the largest houses on the Pacific coast. Mr. Booth bewails the shortage of the Edison Diamond Disc goods. Miss Brown, with the Baxter-Northrup Music Co., is pleased with business in the Columbia line during the holidays. The Broadway Department Sore, which has just recently entered the field, with a complete line of Edison Diamond Disc machines and records, are doing a splendid business, and the manager, Mr. Guyot, looks for a steady increase. L. E. Newton, manager of the talking machine department of the Southern California Music Co., in San Diego, accompanied by his charming wife, spent Christmas in this city. At Your Service INfl VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS EXCLUSIVELY 563 5th Avenue NEW YORK "A limited number of dealers served well is a very good policy as our dealers can tell." At Your Service INC VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS EXCLUSIVELY 563 5th Avenue NEW YORK