The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 19 Ragtime Rastus An Automatic Dancing Doll for Disc Talking Machines Put on or taken off Victor or Columbia Machines in 5 seconds. THE GREATEST WINDOW DISPLAY and Most Unique and Best Selling Talking Machine Novelty ever brought out and an extra source of revenue for you. RASTUS DANCES ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT STEPS— Dances to the music and goes well with any clog dance or fast, raggy record. COSTS LESS THAN MANY SINGLE RECORDS MORE FUN THAN A DOZEN FUNNY RECORDS What Dealers Write Us: This is a photograph of thewindowof a Talking Machine Store displaying "RASTUS" on an electric-driven talking machine. This store sold 7 gross Ragtime Rastus, or at the rate of over 2 dozen a day while exhibited, with crowds around the window day and evening. Mr. Ross Douglass, President, National Toy Company. We exhibited "Rastus" on a machine in our window as you asked us to, and while it is not in our line, sales averaged one dozen a day while we kept "Rastus" in the window. Brown-Howland Company. From ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. "On Ian. 30th toys arrived O.K., and sold 3 the first hour. Enclosed find check. Please ship by return 1 dozen more. P. S— Just sold 2 more.. Telegram same date: 'Ship 1 dozen at once, money on way, sold out.' Letter written next day: 'Express 2 dozen "Ragtime Rastus," as I have got them all crazy about them, 400 and 500 blocking up the Boardwalk looking at them. I could have sold a lot more if I had them Saturday.' " From FLORIDA. "Kindly send by first express 2 dozen 'Ragtime Rastus.' We have sold shipment made to us and anticipate quite a demand for them." From CHATTANOOGA, TENN. "Express 2 dozen 'Ragtime Rastus.' Enclose check for last bill. The niggers down here have spasms over 'Rastus.' We put one in our show window— it got the crowd all right." From PITTSBURGH, PA. "You will enter our order for i dozen 'Ragtime Rastus.' The first order we received have all been sold." • From CANTON, OHIO. "Kindly double our order for 'Ragtime Rastus,' shipping at once." We have many Repeat Ord chine Departments of some Philadelphia best stores. From HARTFORD, CONN. "Your 'Ragtime Rastus' is taking well. We want i dozen rushed to us at once." From CONNECTICUT. "Please rush i dozen 'Ragtime Rastus.' This little novelty is certainly a dandy, and caused a whole lot of attention last evening. Would like these here by to-morrow, as I have a booth at a local fair and could use them to advantage." From PENNSYLVANIA. "As you advised in your recent letter, 1 rigged up a machine to run by motor in my show window. The first day I received orders for nine." From COLORADO. "I am in receipt of sample 'Ragtime Rastus' and find it a very amusing toy for Talking Machine owners. Kindly enter my order for 2 dozen at the price quoted." — Talking Machine department of a large department store in Boston sent us 7 repeat orders during the 4 weeks "Ragtime Rastus" was on exhibition, in fact have repeat orders from almost every dealer who has started to handle them. From DEALER IN LYNN. "Enclosed find check in payment for 'Ragtime Rastus.' We would like you to ship to us as soon as possible 1 dozen more, and oblige." NOTE. Time to catch the February issue of The Talking Machine World does not allow us to get permission to use the names of above dealers. ers from the Talking Maof Boston, New York and GET A SAMPI F AND EXHIBIT IT DANCING WITH A GOOD LIVELY ^ 1 ^ O^mrLIL RECORD-RASTUS WILL DO THE REST Kindly fill in attached coupon and mail it to us, enclosing your letter head or business card, and we will immediately send you sample RAGTIME RASTUS, by parcel post, prepaid. Sample, $1, dealer's price, $12 per dozen, f. o. b. Boston, in any quantity. Sample sent subject to return in ten days and money refunded. NATIONAL TOY CO. 30 Federal Street, BOSTON, MASS. J/ ST 0N