The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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80 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Everybody knows the talking machine industry is prospering— but some of you do not realize the marvelous present rate of growth of Columbia Grafonolas and Columbia Double-Disc records, that has made it necessary for us to again increase our factory output. (Write for "Music Monty," a book "full of meat" for those dealers interested in quick and frequent turnover of capital.) Columbia Graphophone Company Woolworth Building, New York IMPRESSIONS OF THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. Following His Return from San Francisco Mario This Great Enterprise and the Co n Dorian Tells of the Successful Launching of mpleteness of the Columbia Display. An interesting account of the formal opening of the PanamaPacific Exposition at San Francisco, Cal., and the success which this fair has already achieved is given by Marion Dorian, treasurer of the Columbia Graphophone Co., who returned recently from an extended visit to the Pacific Coast, where in company with several officials of the Columbia Co. he attended the opening celebration at the exposition. Mr. Dorian, who arranged the many details connected with the installation of the Columbia exhibit at the fair, expects to return to San Francisco the first of next month, and remain in the West some little tim;. Referring to the exposition, Mr. Dorian said : "The opening of the exposition occurred on schedule time and was successfully carried out by the expositon officials. The attendance for the opening day was very heavy, and according to the official reports far in excess of the opening figures of any exposition ever held in this country. "The booth of the Columbia Co. was one of the few which were completed and ready for inspection on the opening day, and, in consequence, the Columbia Co. was granted a special rating of 10 per cent, which will figure in the judging of the exhibits by the International Jury of Awards, this 10 per cent, being granted all exhibitors whose exhibits were ready and open for inspection on the opening day, February 20. "In the Palace of Liberal Arts where the exhibit of the Columbia Graphophone Co. is installed, there was a steady stream of visitors during the entire opening day, and the booth of the Columbia Co. was crowded all day long. The different features of the Columbia exhibit excited a great deal of interest, and all of the various phases of the exhibit were inspected by the visitors with manifest approval. Among the numerous special exhibits which the Columbia Co. is displaying is one which has continued to draw not only unlimited interest, but very high praise. It is the exhibit of the different steps taken in the manufacture of Columbia double-disc records. It consists of nine differ ent items beginning with the rough wax-like disk, which after shaving and polishing constitutes the master record when recorded, and ranging through the different steps and processes of matrices to the finished Columbia double-disc record pressed from the matrix. "This exhibit is displayed in such a manner as to give an actual conception to the ordinary visitor of the interesting processes through which the master record passes before the finished disc record is ready for use on the Grafonola. Other special features of the exhibit consist of specially prepared models of motors used in current models of Grafonolas, including electric motors in motion. "No goods are sold at the booth of the Colum LONG CABINETS New Patterns for the New Victrola IX. Write for Particulars THE GEORGE A. LONG CABINET CO. HANOVER, PA. Address Clement Beecroft, Sales Manager 309 W. Susquehanna Avenue PHILADELPHIA bia Co., but lists of dealers in and near San Francisco are furnished visitors, and a number of sales of machines and records have been made by these local dealers which have been traced directly to the demonstrations made by the attendants at the booth. "While the exposition was not entirely ready at Marion Dorian. the time of the opening, the officials of the fair are unquestionably entitled to a great deal of credit for the splendid work accomplished, for the fair was nearer readiness on the opening day than any other exposition at which I have had any experience. "In ths Liberal Arts Palace, Mr. Hardee, chief of that section had accomplished wonderful results 'by his energy, thorough organization, and spirit of helpful co-operation with the exhibitors. These qualities in Mr. Hardee so impressed themselves on the exposition officials that after the opening day he was drafted to direct special events in connection with the exposition generally, and has been giving a great deal of attention to this important work with astonishingly fine results. He continues to have charge of the Liberal Arts Palace and will later devote all his time to that particular palace. "The transportation department in charge of Mr. Teager has done excellent work. All of the exhibits pass through the transportation department and must be handled by that division before they are delivered to the exhibitors. The promptness with which the one hundred or more cases in which the Columbia Graphophone Co.'s exhibit was contained were handled and delivered to the Columbia booth was remarkable. Not one case was missing or was there a moment's delay in checking, han^ dling and disposing of every case. Mr. Teager and his department handled the gigantic proposition confronting them with signal judgment and executive ability. "It is the unanimous opinion of the general public and the exhibitors as well that thanks to the capability of the men directing the affairs of the Panama-Pacific Exposition this fair will be one of the most successful events of this nature which this country has ever held."