The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 27 FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR SAN FRANCISCO CONVENTIONS. National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers Expected to Make Strong Showing at Annual Meeting in July — Plans for the Special Train — July 24 Victor Jobbers' Day. In less than two months from the date this issue of The Talking Machine World makes is appearance, the special train bearing the delegates to the ninth annual convention of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers to be held in San Francisco on July 22, 23 and 24, will be bound for the Pacific Coast. The itinerary of the special train which leaves Chicago on Tuesday, July 13, and after stops at Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City and San Diego arrives in San Francisco on July 21, was published in full in The World last month. There are a number of important matters to be considered by the jobbers in view of the many unexpected developments in the trade during the past year or so, and as many of the Association as possible should make it a point to attend the session. In addition to the usual convention features there are the two great attractions — the Expositions in San Francisco and San Diego, to make the trip well worth while to every talking machine man who strives to make it. The special train offers many unusual opportunities for those who travel by that means to see much of the country on the eight day journey from Chicago to San Francisco, at an expense of only a few dollars more than that involved in the regular four-day non-stop trip. The several jobbers who are also dealers in pianos will also have the opportunity of stopping over for the few days following the Jobbers' Convention and attending the sessions of the National Association of Piano Merchants. The arrangements for the special train are under the direction of L. C. Wiswell of Lyon & Healy. Chicago, and the officials of the organization are making every effort to insure the success of the convention. The importance of the affair as viewed by the Exposition officials is indicated by the fact that the director of congresses of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition has officially designated July 24 as Victor Talking Machine Jobbers' Day at the Exposition. On that day the jobbers will visit the Exposition in a body and dinner and special entertainment will be provided in their honor. The time for making final preparations for the convention is limited and the members of the Association who contemplate traveling to the convention either by themselves or with their families should not delay in advising Mr. Wiswell so that suitable accommodations may be provided. In view of the rush toward the Golden Gate that will naturally set in during the summer, the desirability of traveling comfortably by special train and in company with congenial companions will be realized by all jobbers. NEW QUARTERS_FOR STEWART CO. Stewart Talking Machine Co., of Indianapolis, Victor Distributer, Leases Seven-Story Building to Accommodate Its Growing Business — Lively Month for Columbia Branch. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Indianapolis, Ind., May 5. — Announcement was made to-day by the Stewart Talking Machine Co. of the leasing of a seven-story building at 18-20 West Georgia street for the wareroom and wholesale department of the company. When the Stewart Co. gets into its new quarters it will have 35,000 square feet of floor space, which the company believes is the largest floor space of any exclusive Victor jobbing house in the United States. The Stewart Talking Machine Co., handling the Victor line of talking machines, started after the wholesale business in the Middle Western States in 1009. The wholesale quarters opened at that time were outgrown s:veral years ago when large quarters were leased in the Wulsin Industrial building. Now the company has found it necessary to lease an entire building for its own use. Modern equipment for the handling of orders will be installed and the number of employes will be increased. The company expects to get into its new quarters within the next few months in order that everything will be in readiness for the fall trade. Alexander M. Stewart is president of the Stewart Talking Machine Co., and W. S. Barringer is manager. Indications are that the Columbia Graphophone Co.'s branch here in charge of A. W. Roos will have a record breaking month as far as sales of machines and records are concerned. In other words, business is very good. The Kipp-Link Phonograph Co.. distributers of the Edison line, is eating up all the machines and records it can get from the Edison factory, but the effects of the fire are still being felt. The Rowlandson Regulator Co. was granted a certificate of incorporation the first of the month by the Secretary of State at Albany, N. Y. The incorporators are Dr. R. E. Faldl. Dr. C. Pick and R. I. Convissar of New York. The capital is given as $10,000. The company plans to manufacture a device which will regulate the tone volume of talking-machine records. HANDSOME QUARTERS IN BANGOR. Chandler & Co. Open New Recital Hall and Private Rooms to Demonstrate the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Bangor, Me., May 10. — Chandler & Co., distributors in Eastern Maine for the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph with headquarters in this city and who have met with great success in featuring both the Edison machines and records, have just opened the second floor of their building on Hammond street, which has been fitted up and euipped in the most elaborate manner. The feature of the second floor is the main room of the recital hall, provided with comfortable upholstered leather chairs and which accommodates a goodly audience at the regular Edison recitals given by the company. In addition to the recital hall there are three sound proof rooms provided for the demonstration of machines and records. Each of the rooms is decorated in a different style and very comfortably furnished. RETURNS FROM WESTERN TRIP. Jos. Wolff, of the 'Sonora Phonograph Corp., Makes Satisfactory ReDort of Conditions. Jos. Wolff, secretary, Sonora Phonograph Corp., 57 Reade street, New York, has returned from a Middle Western trip covering not only a number of their representatives, but visits to the various cabinet factories. Mr. Wolff reports business as looking up very satisfactorily ajl along the line, and that if they can only eliminate the main trouble, which is delivering phonographs to the various dealers and jobbers who need them for their clients, the officers of the concern will feel relieved. "My trip was a short one," added Mr. Wolff, "and I was obliged to cover as much ground as I possibly could in a short time, but my observations of conditions prompt me to predict that this year will total a good volume of business." LOCKING PLATE FOR SOUND BOXES. The Peerless Specialty Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., is the maker of a locking plate for Victor sound boxes, particularly for use in demonstration rooms, which insures them from being stolen. They are most effective in this connection, and should make a wide appeal to dealers throughout the country. The selling rights are in the hands of Clement Beecroft, 309 W. Susquehanna avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. Prepare Now for Fall Victor Business <J| During the next few months you, Mr. Victor Dealer, will have an opportunity of arranging your plans for your 1915 Fall and Winter Campaign. <J| Service should be the key-note of this Campaign, and it is in this important field that we can help you. ([ We have made a careful study of the requirements of the Victor dealer during all seasons of the year and realize that you must receive first-class service from one end of the year to the other. (jf We are ready to co-operate with you in every possible way, and base this co-operation on 1 0 years of service on the "firing-line." G. T. WILLIAMS CO., lM*> 217 Duf field St., Brooklyn, N. Y.