The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 45 The recently organized PERSONAL RECORD DEPARTMENT of the Columbia Graphophone Company opens up a field for profit that no talking machine dealer could well ignore. For full particulars, write the Personal Record Department, Woolworth Building, New York. (Write for "Music Money," a book "full of meat" for those dealers interested in quick and frequent turnover of capital.) Columbia Graphophone Company Wo .1 worth Buildi. g, New York FROM OUR CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS— (Continued from page 44). growth of the Pathe in all parts of tha country and his concern, which is the Chicago Pathe jobber, is receiving numerous inquiries from dealers who have heard of the merits of this line. Among the recent talking machine dealers visiting Chicago were the following: Mr. Butler, of the Butler Music Co., of Marion, Ind. ; H. G. Power, manager of the -talking machine department of the Taylor Carpet Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ; Robert Smallfield, Smallfield Music Co., Davenport, la. ; Morey Roberts, Ottawa, 111. H. R. Fitzpatrick, representative of the Victor Talking Machine Co., is spending some tim; in Chicago visiting all the local dealers. WADE & WADE INCREASE ACTIVITIES. Place on the Markets a Line of Lubricants Particularly Designed for Talking Machine Mechanism and a Polish for Talking Machine Exteriors — The New Products Described. (Special to The TalUing Machine World.) Chicago, 111., May 10. — Wade & Wade, manufacturers of the Wade fibre needle cutters, have extended their activities to new phases of the talking machine business and have placed upon the market a line of lubricants particularly designed for talking machine mechanism and a polish for talking machine exteriors. "I have long been cognizant," said S. O. Wade, "of the fact that there has n:\er been serious effort made to supply the trade with what I consider satisfactory oils and polishes, and believing that the field was a large one, I have experiment :d for a very, long time with the sole idea of getting a lubricant suited to the peculiar needs of the talking machine and a polish that will enable the talking machine owner to acquire a finish that the talking machine cabinet is worthy of. We are putting out two lubricants, one of which is to be known as Wadolatum, for use on worm gears and sprockets, and Wado-Oil for lubricating bearings, friction leather, etc. Then, in addition to this, we are putting out Wado-Pol, a polish for talking machines, pianos and furniture, which will bring out the natural grain and make the finish bright and lustrous. "The Wadolatum is a heavy, lubricant which is particularly designed to apply to spur gears and worm gears and other bearings that require treatment of this kind. Wado-Oil is a lighter lubricant, very high in viscosity and particularly adapted to high-speed machinery. An oil of this kind should be applied to the ends of all spindles and shafts, the friction leather and the sleeve which slides on the governor spindle. "■We expect to do a large business with these new products, and have already received generous orders from our friends in the trade who feel that the Wade fibre needle cutter is an assurance of the quality of any other Wade product." Some men who have had no advantages of their own take advantage of everyone else. INTERNATIONAL TALKING MACHINES A Line of Rapid-Fire Sellers Ranging in Retail Price from $15 to $100. Our factory is equipped for quantity business. Talking machines complete or machine cabinets made according to your special designs. We also make record cabinets embracing a wide range of designs and prices. Get complete information by addressing the STYLE D INTERNATIONAL 41 ins. High, 18 ins. Wide, 22 ins. Deep Furnished in Mahogany or Oak. RETAIL PRICE, $65. INTERNATIONAL 1426 Harrison Street TALKING MACHINE (Not Incorporated) COMPANY CHICAGO DESIGNATES VICTOR JOBBERS' DAY. Director of Congresses of Panama-Pacific Exposition Name's July 24 as Victor Talking Machine Jobbers' Day at Fair. (Special to The Talking Machine Wur] 1.) Chicago, III., May G. — A telegram recdved the latter part of last week by L. C. Wiswell, of Lyon & Healy, from Andrew G. McCarthy, of Sherman, Clay & Co., San Francisco, runs as follows : "Have just been officially advised. July 24 officially designated as Victor talking machine jobbers' day by the Director of Congresses of Panama-Pacific International Exposition." Some time since Mr. Wiswell, acting for the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers, entered into correspondence with Mr. McCarthy asking him to exercise his office to secure the appointment of a Victor day at the Panama exposition. Mr. McCarthy has been successful in his efforts, and the date secured, Saturday, July 24, is the last day of the jobbers' convention, the dates for which are July 22, 23 and 24. "I am particularly pleased with the designation 'Victor Talking Machine Jobbers' Day' said Mr. Wiswell, "as it recognizes both the Victor Co. and our association, which, of course, is practically made up ofVictor jobbers." "SAFETY FIRST" TALKS VIA TALKER. Safety Commissioner of Santa Fe Railroad Uses Edison Machine and Special Records in the Mexican Language to Deliver Lectures. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Kansas City, Mo., May 8.— Isaiah Hale, safety commissioner for the Santa Fe Railroad, has procured an Edison machine with Edison records in the language of Mexico. The records consist of two good talks on safety first in the Mexican language and the other pieces usually rendered are La Paloma and La Golondrina. Mr. Hale travels the Santa Fe tracks in an automobile and stops at every point wlrjfe the Mexican section hands are at work. The talks at first are marvelous to them to hear the clear Mexican voice coming from the wooden box : and when Mr. Hale plays the songs from their homeland most of the.m cry like babies. They touch their heads to show that they understand the talks on the safety first movement, and the records of accidents of the big railroad company show that they do understand them, for accidents are growing fewer day after day. The Mexicans, looking upon the American ,as a hostile enemy, and never friendly to him, vouch by this one American whom they hold first in their regard as a man who understands them. Mr. Hale can say only a few words in Mexican, and that is to wish them well when saying good-by. The Mexicans have all been looking forward to the day of Mr. Hale's return along the line of the Santa Fe. Advertising is the strenuous servant of a strenuous age. It is the power behind the success of every successful business. — Printers' Ink.