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Great Activity in Musical Circles — National Federation of Musical Clubs Holding Annual Convention in Los Angeles — Other News.
(Special to The Talking Machine World.)
Los Angeles, Cal., July 6. — Los Angeles is now busy entertaining the National Federation of Musical Clubs convention and a great many musicians of note from every part of the country are in the city. A great deal of publicity has been given, to this convention by the local papers, and this has had a good effect on business, especially during the last two weeks has it been noticeable.
The scarcity of talking machines and records has been a great trial to all local dealers, but the situation is getting better slowly, and all the jobbing houses promise a full stock before August 1.
The Wiley B. Allen Co. is contemplating several changes in its talking machine department which, when completed, will give it one of the finest departments on the Coast. According to the plans the entire ground floor will be devoted to demonstrating and showrooms, with the exception of a small space allotted to the Lindsay Music Co., which handles small goods and sheet music only. This is more than double the space occupied by the talking machine department at present.
Sherman, Clay & Co., Victor wholesale dealers, were able to get but 'two of the new model Victrola XVIII. Not being able to supply all the Victor dealers, Mr. Ruggles, the manager, had to resort to a drawing, in which Barker Bros, and the Wiley B. Allen Co. were the lucky winners.
F. H. Thomas, of the F. H. Thomas Music Co., 691 Boylston street, Boston, Mass., Edison dealer of that city, is in Los Angeles for a short stay.
Mr. Guyette, manager of the talking machine department for the Broadway Department Store, is very much pleased with the showing made by the Sonora talking machine during the last month. The Broadway is the exclusive agent for this machine and is looking for a steady increase in sales for it in the future.
Herman J. Efker, for four years president and general manager of the Music Co., Tucson, Ariz., has purchased the T. T. Gardner Music Co., of Gardena, Cal. Mr. Gardner, who has been identified with the talking machine business in and around Los Angeles for several years, is retiring from business. The new house will be known as the Gardena Music Co.
Mrs. Frances Elliott Clark, head of the educational department of the Victor Talking Machine Co., is in the city attending the convention of the National Federation of Musical Clubs. Mrs. Clark expresses herself as very well pleased at the number of Victrolas now being used in the
When delivering your talking machines
use the
Heavily Padded and Quilted
(Made in two grades)
Write for booklet
611 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
No. 3 Strap
public schools in Los Angeles. Mrs. Clark, as chairman of the public school music department of the federation, presided ait the morning session June 26, at which meeting she read an excellent paper on "Recent Developments in Public School Music." In her paper Mrs. Clark called particular attention to the following interesting facts: "At the present time so many new and advanced ideas are being put into use in so many places that it amounts almost to complete revolution in the purpose and methods of teaching music in the schools. Sight reading has again come into popularity, but the processes are so much improved as to be scarcely recognizable. Rote singing is being put in its proper place. Good tone quality occupies first place as an indispensable requirement in any organized system. The talking machine has brought into the schools a hitherto impossible joy and value of hearing much of the very best music, interpreted by great artists, thus making it possible for the first time in the world's history to really use the great cultural and intellectual value of music in the process of regular education. Largely because of this wider knowledge of the
music itself more time is left for the technical study." Mrs. Clark is very enthusiastic over southern California and intends to prolong her stay as long as possible.
H. W. Johnson, who has been connected with the Victor department of the George J. Birkel Co. for quite a number of years, has recently had a streak of extra good luck. A lady customer of Mr. Johnson's recently died and in her will remembered him to the extent of several thousand dollars. We are unable to give the exact amount, but from a reliable source we understand that it was a very tidy sum. Mr. Johnson's friends were both surprised and pleased at his good luck. Report has it that he is in a quandary as to which girl's proposal to accept. However, leave it to "Hank."
"I hear your daughter is making great progress with her music."
"I'm afraid she's overtrained. She won't play anything now that sounds the least bit like a tune."
To secure those Victor machines and records for your summer business you need the Pearsall Service.
1\ /lOST of the summer business is "quick" business; people make up their minds to buy on the spur of the moment, and profits are made only if you have the goods in stock. They won't wait for you "to get them." Look over your stock now and test Pearsall Service with an order for both machines — all types — and records. Let us show you that Pearsall service means more profits for you.
Silas E. Pearsall Company
16 West 46th Street, near Fifth Avenue