The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. EDISON JOBBERS AND DEALERS HOLD CONVENTION. Spend Two Days at Factory in Orange — Hear Lectures on Mechanical Features of the Phonograph and Discuss Sales Problems and Plans — Banquet at Rector's on Monday Evening. Prominent in the meetings of the Edison dealers and jobbers, which were held on Monday and Tuesaay, August" 9 and 10, at the factory of Thos. A. Edison, Inc., Orange, N. J., was the fact that the market for high grade machines was never better bers, and after luncheon shook hands with and greeted every delegate. The banquet Monday evening at Rector's was largely attended, there being about 300 present. Carl H. Wilson, first vice-president and general manager, vied with the speakers for attention. After the dinner a Coney Island party was made up, going down in sight-seeing "hacks" and taxicabs. It was a very enjoyable evening and the guests had the time of their lives. ANNOUNCE THE STARR PHONOGRAPH. The Starr Piano Co., Richmond, Ind., has sent out a formal announcement of its entry into the manufacture of talking machines. The brochure is very artistically gotten up in blue and gold and sets forth the policy of the Starr Co. in its new domain of manufacturing. There is also an illustration of the Starr phonograph, Style 2, which retails at $125 and is designed to play all disc records. V siting Dealers and Jobbers Photographed than it appears to be for the coming season. The underlying purpose of these annual meetings is to foster the get-together spirit; to discuss various problems that confront both the factory and the at Edison Plant. (T. A. Edison in Center). officiated as toastmaster, this being his first appearance, having been obliged to devote all his time during the day to several matters that came up. The speeches were brief and embraced topics bear CELEBRATES SILVER WEDDING. A. Abelowitz, head of the Abelowitz Phonograph Co., New York, prominent Victor dealer, celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his wedding Sunday evening, receiving the hearty congratulations and good wishes from his many friends in the trade. Among the many handsome gifts received were silver trays from A. D. Geissler, managing director of the New York Talking Machin: Co., and Emanuel Blout, Victor distributers. Chester I. Abelowitz, who is manager of the Victrola section of A. Herz, Terre Haute, Ind., arrived in New York to attend his father's silver anniversary, and will probably remain in the East several weeks. Another Group of Edison dealer, and to create suggested policies for the ensuing year, and ever since the introduction of the new Edison diamond disc phonographs and records these meetings have been held. Being informal, they enable a discussion of mutual affairs that is prolific of unusual results in this exchange of ideas. Heads of the various departments gave lectures on such parts of the Edison disc machine as the reproducer, the cabinet, records, etc. ; in fact, the entire number of constructional features. The first day was termed "Mechanical Day" and the second — Tuesday — was called "Sales Day," each being utilized for problems of the classifications indicated by the name of the day. Dealers and jobbers from all parts of the country were present, there being over 200 in attendance. As the guests arrived they were greeted by Sales Manager Ireton <and H. R. Skelton, and after registering were escorted to the fourth floor, where the meetings were held. Win. Maxwell, second vice-president, presided, and saw to it that the business of the meetings was run off promptly. Considerable interest was manifested in the talks by the various heads of departments, and many of the delegates entered into impromptu chats relative to the efficacy of doing things in different ways. Perhaps the most interesting announcement made was concerning the six types of new Edison phonographs ; three being of the Amberola type, and the remaining three of the Edison diamond disc models. In the first group are the $30, $50 and $75 models, while in the disc group are the Model A100 Moderne, Model C-150 Sheraton and Model C-200 Adam. These new machines are even a further advance in the wonderful efforts already achieved in the manufacture of artistic phonographs by Thos. A. Edison, Inc. Mr. Edison was so interested in the gathering that he insisted on lunching with the trade mem Men Visiting the Factory. ing upon the benefits of mutual meetings on the value of the Edison disc phonograph both as a musical instrument and a business builder for fall, as well as upon the hospitality and courtesies of Thos. A. Edison, Inc., to their visiting guests. During the serving of the courses a cabaret show A. E. DONOVAN APPOINTED. Henry D. King, manager of the personal record department of the Columbia Graphophone Co., announced this week the appointment of A. E. Donovan as special representative of the department to assist Mr. King in the various branches of this division. Mr. Donovan was connected with the Lawyers' Title Insurance & Trust Co., New York, for ten years, and enters upon his new duties with a full realization of the unlimited possibilities of this department. Mr. King's sphere of endeavors has also been broadened, as in addition to being in charge of the personal record division of the business he will also render material assistance in the general record department. The Myers Phonograph Co., Toledo, O., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $5,000 by E. H. Forster and others. Service That's Profitable The Victrolas and Records That You WANT WHEN You Want Them. Stocks That Meet the Demands of the Dealers Without Disappointment. Every Order Is Filled the Day It Is Received. Shipping Facilities That Insure Promptness. ACTIONS-NOT PROMISES That's BLOUT SERVICE EMANUEL BLOUT Victor Distributor 2795-2799 BROADWAY (At 108th Street) NEW YORK