The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1915)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 47 PLAYS ALL DISC RECORDS i BIG Shlkphm R! >oves in an up-and:atching the music contact and bringlities. The PATHE SAPPHIRE never wears out and never has to be changed. The music lovers are buying PATHEPHONES all over the country! The PATHE Dealers in hundreds of localities are all reporting enormous volume of business — they are having a phenomenal demand for PATHEPHONES for Christmas. the IErful in a sidt is VPthe D Model 200 Sells for $200 A PATHE Agency is an exceedingly valuable franchise. How about your territory? Is it taken care of? Better get in touch with us to-day and reap the advantage of our National advertising campaign and the benefit to be derived by you through the use of the wellknown name, "PATHE FRERES," familiar to millions of people every day who attend the moving-picture shows. Model 300 Sells for $300 IONOGRAPH CO New Yohk,U.8.a: