The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1916)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 11 The only change in Columbia dealers profits during the last month has been an improvement. (Write for "Music Money," a book "full of meat" for those dealers interested in quick and frequent turnover of capital.) Columbia Graphophone Co Woolworth Building, New York located on the ground floor of the big furniture establishment, occupying large and prominent space near the main entrance, where five modern demonstration rooms have been installed, each one carrying out a different color scheme and style of furnishing, but all blending into a harmonious whole. Since taking on the line, the company has featured Victor products extensively in its window displays and advertising, and reports business starting out very encouragingly. Scott Takes Over Scott Store The old quarters at 607 Clement street, formerly occupied by G. W. Scott, have been secured by J. R. Scott, who, by the way, does not happen to be a relative of the former proprietor, and will be re-opened as a talking machine establishment. The new owner has been connected with the Wiley B. Allen department for some time. Plan to Attend Jobbers' Convention Andrew G. McCarthy, of Sherman, Clay & Co., president of the National Talking Machine Jobbers' Association, expects to attend the convention in Atlantic City in July, and is making his plans accordingly. Philip T. Clay, of the company, will attend the convention also. He left for Arizona the latter part of May with his family, expecting to go on to New York and other Eastern points before returning. F. B. Travers, manager of the Sonora Phonograph Co., of San Francisco, has gone South after a short stay at headquarters here, following an extended trip in the Northwest. The Hauschildt Music Co. has moved to a new location in Sacramento, Cal., and contemplates adding a stock of talking machines at its branch store in that city. Mme. Rappold Gives Edison Tone Test At Scottish Rite Hall on the afternoon of May 28, a large audience heard the voice of Mme. Marie Rappold in dual form. The diva was there herself, and on the stage with her was an Edison Diamond Disc phonograph on which her records were played. INTRODUCE NEW FEATURE Herewith is reproduced in miniature a page from the Columbia Record, house organ of the Columbia Graphophone Co., which embodies a new idea in this publication. An interesting series of talks will be prepared by the editor of VICTROLAS LEAD BIG DRILL Fourteen Thousand School Children of Tacoma Go Through Annual Out-Door Evolutions to Music of Talking Machines — Giant Victrola Proves a Great Attraction to Public X(lhs Columbia Rgcord^S The Double Disc Dial Minute Talks Between Tunes ' » 1M before you sell, tt. There is no other way o matte sure of success. In clline. Columbia records it is mperative. Know this first. Every man s born with the love of music powder before setting mine. Talk sense before yc Mention the success current musical season. of the If you the telle centr. some kind of love of sc of music. Achildcro' roar of a passing train whistle: a familiar air, ill cle -ne kind s at the the boy . popular . Opera The vast' s instru library of the worl mental and vocal inspirations makes multitudinous appeals. You can't sell music blind. You can't be a parrot, and sey "Here's the latest, hear this." At least you can't be a parrot and SELL RECORDS. Neither can you be a decorative automatic counter adjunct and rotate "Whal'il you hear today" Find your aim. Send out an air scout before firing your shot. Use little speak of the last concert, a coming artist. Make ANY remark but "Whet'll you hear " Oct a line on a customer's likes, satisfy those, then create new ones. Satisfy the want a man comes with. That will be one sale. Find out his musical temperament and build up new wants. There lies your future business. There is no more refined, delicate, intellectual business than selling Columbia records. Education, diplomacy and tact must be in your make-up. Getting the ran;: on each individual name on your books mean, personal labor and personal profits. Aim before you sell. Tacoma, Wash., June 1. — Last Monday the Tacoma school children held their annual Stadium Day festival in the Tacoma Stadium with about 14,000 children taking part in drills, exercises, folk dances, etc. In several of the features all the children drilled as one body and all the evolutions were made to the accompaniment of music from the Victrola. Fortyeight instruments of that make having been placed in the public schools of this city by Sherman, Clay & Co. The giant Victrola constructed by B. A. Almvig and F. C. Lindquist, of the local store of Sherman, Clay & Co., and which was described in The World last month, continues to prove a great attraction at various public affairs in this city. The cabinet is ten feet high and four and one-half feet square, and the volume of sound produced makes it especially suitable for out of door work. About June 15 it is the intention of the company to place the mammoth Victrola in Wright's Park, one of the largest parks here. The instrument will be placed on a large cedar stump about twelve feet in diameter and high enough so that it can be seen and heard a block or more away. the Columbia Record for use in the Double Disc Dial, this house organ within a house organ. The Columbia Record has made remarkable progress the past year and each issue contains informative material which can be used by Columbia dealers to excellent advantage. It is understood that plans are now under way for even further enhancing its value. The Sherfrey Jewelry Co., of Council Grove, Kan., has secured the agency for the VictorVictrola line of talking machines and records, and is featuring the line prominently in the local press. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL TALKING MACHINE JOBBERS' ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AT ATLANTIC CITY, JULY 10, 11 AND 12. IT WILL BE THE GREATEST EVER! We Are Not Going into the Manufacture and sale of Talking Machines, BUT, we will make cabinets and cases for a limited number of responsible manufacturers. For prices, send specifications, volume of business and blue prints, if possible. We can create original and distinctive case designs for you. DEALERS— Who would be interested in a line of quality pianos at sale-able prices should write us. Cfmte & Sutler iptano Company PERU, INDIANA