The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1916)

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92 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD Lots of C 25 Lots of 12 Mr. Dealer: Do you realize that you will not be able to supply the enormous demand for No. 10 and 11 Victrolas? Protect yourself with the only substitute, No. 9 Victrola with Cavanaugh-Cabinet. Original In Design — Superior In Workmanship— In All Victor Finishes Only one Victrola. You know it. Only one Cavanaugh-Cabinet. Learn to know it. J. J. CAVANAUGH 452 Fulton Street :: Brooklyn, N. Y. Phone 6600 Main Catalogue on request $10.25 I $10.00 Singly Lots of 6 WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR THE VICTOR BUSINESS Paper Read by Roy J. Keith, of the Chicago Talking Machine Co., at the Opening of the Emerson Piano House, Decatur, 111., Offers Some Interesting Information The subject assigned to me reminds me of the small boy who had been sent to the drug store by his mother to buy 5 cents worth of salts. While the clerk was weighing it out the boy said, "Say, boss, dont' give full weight — it's me that has to take it." Although Mr. Spayd has received many compliments on his beautiful new store to-day he does not need to hope that somebody will save something nice to say for another day, like the soldier whom I saw at Platttsburg this summer, who one evening after mess found a Salvation Army on hand. The soldier went up to the leader and said, "Say, mister, do you save women?" "Certainly we do," was the reply. "Well, mister," the soldier blurted out, "save me a blonde for Saturday night." We who are in the talking machine business should congratulate ourselves that we have the good fortune to be in the Victor business, for in the talking machine business Victor supremacy is established. There are no half way measures with the Victor Co. — they have been leaders right from the beginning. They introduced the first hornless machine, the first electric machine, the first lateral cut record. They have contracted and held right from the beginning the greatest singers, the best bands and the leading orchestras. They have kept the quality of their goods in the front rank. They have advertised, even in the face of oversold markets, to an extent that has made their trade-mark now generally conceded to be the best known one before the public. They stand for the one-priee principle — the only right and fair way of merchandising standard, nationally advertised goods. And they have played fair equally with we distributors — you dealers — and your customers. It's like a beautiful fairy tale — far more wonderful than the tale of Aladdin's lamp — the evolution of the Victrola — the romance of your own business. Mr. Spayd's new store speaks for what this business, in part, has come to mean in our commercial life — for the Victrola and the piano go hand in hand — a store and a business that Decatur may well be proud of. For the music business is more than just a business. It's one of the largest and strongest influences in the country to-day to make our lives more worth while — bringing to us all probably more happiness than any other one thing in the world. And see what the Victor Co. are doing to enlarge and foster this influence — looking always well into the future in the conduct of their business. I mean the idea of the Victor in the schools : — the idea to make a really musical America. In a short three years Victors have been installed in the schools of over 4,500 cities — the Victor is being played before 12,000,000 school children every day. There have been no half measures in this undertaking either — the leading authorities in school work, music history and appreciation, folk and country dances have been engaged for this field. No expense has been spared to UNIVERSAL BALL-BEARING TONE-ARM (Tone-Arm of Refinement) The only tone-arm on the market absolutely void of any tone obstruction. F. C. KENT COMPANY 24 Scott St., NEWARK, N. J. MOTORS Our Experience Guarantees A Perfect Product Kirkman Engineering Corporation 237 Lafayette Street, New York Successors to the STANDARD GRAMAPHONE APPLIANCE CO. BUY YOUR SAPPHIRE NEEDLES WHILE PRICES ARE LOW Prices are advancing rapidly on jewel points, so stock up today. We have a tremendous stock of needles at low prices, and can guarantee immediate delivery. Supertone supplies are made right and are the ideal needles for securing good music. Don't delay but write today for prices Supertone Talking Machine Co. 8 West 20th Street NEW YORK