The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1917)

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22 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD STOCK SHORTAGE STILL EVIDENT IN SAN FRANCISCO Shipments Slow in Arriving From Factories — Serious Scarcity of Needles — New Quarters for Edison Phonographs, Ltd. — Galli-Curci Records Popular — Sonora Progress — Other News San Francisco, Cal., April 3. — Shortage of stock is the chief cause for worry in the San Francisco talking machine trade. Shipments of machines are slow in arriving, and several styles of the more popular makes are completely sold out. The shortage of needles is causing much embarrassment and promises to become a serious problem when Lent closes. At the present time dealers are selling fibre needles whenever possible, but as these needles do not play loud enough for dancing, it will be impossible to use them to replace the steel needle when social functions are recommenced after Easter. At the present rate of demand, with the factories taking no orders from the Coast, it is highly probable that there will be no steel needles to be obtained in San Francisco within a short time. At the next meeting of the Talking Machine Dealers' Association the needle situation will be brought up and thoroughly discussed with the object of combining in an effort to get a sufficient supply of needles for the Western trade. Demand Beyond the Supply Claude A. Adou, manager of the Emerson Phonograph Co., makers of the Emerson record, announces that as a result of the enormous sale of records in the Western territory he has been obliged to retrench and is opening no new accounts until July. Mr. Adou has signed up several big people to handle the Emerson record as jobbers, and is rapidly placing them in all the towns on the Coast. Edison Phonographs, Ltd., Lease Quarters The Edison Phonographs, Ltd., has been incorporated in San Francisco by A. C. Ireton and Harry L. Marshall, personal representatives of Thomas A. Edison. Mr. Ireton, formerly sales manager of the Thomas A. Edison, Inc., arrived in San Francisco several weeks ago with Judge DeLos Holden, counsel for Thomas A. Edison, and the firm was incorporated at once. Mr. Ireton is vice-president and general manager of the new concern, and Harry L. Marshall will be associated with him as his assistant. The Edison productions, formerly handled by the Pacific Phonograph Co., of which A. R. Pommer is manager, will be handled exclusively by the new firm which will deal directly with dealers throughout the Coast. A large two-story and basement building has been leased1 at 871 Mission street to house the establishment and demonstration rooms, display rooms and offices are being completed as rapidly as possible. More Room for Mauzy Talking Machine Dept. Byron Mauzy has moved the talking machine department to the third floor of his building in space recently vacated by the small goods department, which has been moved to the entrance floor of the store. The entire fourth floor of the store is now given over to record demonstration rooms making accommodations more convenient for the handling of the large record business enjoyed by the establishment. A complete stock of new process Edison records and the latest type machines have been installed and are selling well. Conditions With Sherman, Clay & Co. Sherman, Clay & Co., Victor distributors, report that the Galli-Curci records, which have just .arrived, are making a hit, selling in large numbers. L. S. Sherman says that the only trouble experienced in the talking machine trade is the difficulty of receiving goods. His establishment has a large shipment of Victor goods coming by boat through the Canal. This method of shipping goods is much surer than the railroad with traffic conditions in their present state. J. A. Black, manager of the Wiley B. Allen Co-, talking machine department, reports business "bully good," with a great need of Victor Style 16. ., • H. L. Marshall, of the Edison Phonographs, is on a two weeks' business trip to Portland and points in the Northwest. A. R. Pommer Visits Trade in the East A. R. Pommer, of the Pacific Phonograph Co., 140 Geary street, is in New York conferring with several large makers with a view to securing the handling of some other line of phonographs. Mr. Pommer has completed a deal with the Emerson Phonograph Co. to handle a jobbing agency of the Emerson records on the Coast. Visiting Trade in Interest of Sonora F. B. Travers, manager of the Sonora Phonograph Co., 109 Stockton street, made a most successful trip to Los Angeles during the month. Mr. Travers is now in Seattle on a three weeks' tour of the Northwest, where he is calling on agencies and looking into trade conditions. E. W. Shepard and wife, of Shepard & Sons, Klamath Falls, Ore., paid the Sonora shop a visit during their recent stay in San Francisco while on their way to Los Angeles on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard expect to spend several weeks in the South. C. R. Marlow, of the phonograph department of C. A. Wright & Co., Santa Rosa, was in San Francisco on a brief business trip several weeks ago. Clark Wise is well satisfied with the past month's business, especially -in his Victor line. FEATURING MUSIC IN THE HOME Ft. Wayne JournalGazette Carrying Page of General Music News — Talking Machine Man Contributes an Interesting Article The Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Journal-Gazette has been added to the list of daily newspapers of the country which is conducting pages devoted to music in the home, and much of the space is given over to talking machine interests. In a recent issue of the Journal-Gazette H. L. Tinker, manager of the Victrola department of Wolf & Dessauer, contrib.uted a most interesting column article on musical development through the home, written along broad lines. LONG CABINETS D 83 In all finishes. Specially adapted for use with Columbia 50. Front posts made to follow lines of posts on Columbia 75. FIRST and FOREMOST In the cabinet field. Why? Because we've specialized in CONSTRUCTION FINISH and ADAPTABILITY Our supremacy in these essentials warrants your handling the perfect line. That's why you should anticipate your wants NOW, when the season's at its height. D 79 In all finishes. Shown with top moulding and shelves. Specially adapted for use with Victrola IX. Prompt deliveries on all orders. Write for Illustrated Catalogue of complete line THE GEO. A. LONG CABINET COMPANY HANOVER, PA.