The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1917)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 33 GREAT ACTIVITY PREVAILS IN SAN FRANCISCO TRADE Temporary Unsettlement Due to War Disappears — W. S. Gray Plans "Domestic" Expansion — Effective Publicity Being Carried On by Leading Dealers — Talking Machine Men Have Reunion San Francisco., Cal., June 4. -There is little inclination for complaint among the local talking machine dealers and jobbers, as business compares favorably with the corresponding period of previous years. The month of May has shown some improvement over April, which is taken as an indication that war conditions are not going to interfere to any considerable extent. Just as many people seem to be buying talking machines as usual, and the average price being paid has not decreased as yet, according to reports from various departments. The demand for records is holding up equally well, go if purchasers are practicing economy in some lines, evidently the agitation has not reached the talking machine business here. The spirit of the times has been the incentive for a great many patriotic window displays in San Francisco, and talking machines have been featured prominently in a number of the better ones. Patriotic records are having a big sale. Watching Tax Legislation Closely The local trade is taking an active interest in the proposed war tax on musical instruments. A number of dealers met at the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s store on May 25 to discuss the measure, and a committee was appointed to get in touch with the trade in other sections in order to formulate a plan of action. F. R. Sherman of Sherman, Clay & Co. is chairman of the committee and the other members are Byron Mauzy, the Stockton street music merchant, and Geo. R. Hughes of the Wiley B. Allen Co. Saturday Closing in July Several of the downtown music establishments that have talking machine departments have agreed to close at 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoons during the months of June and July. Plan Domestic Expansion on Coast Walter S. Gray, Pacific Coast manager for the Domestic Talking Machine Corp., with headquarters in the Chronicle Building, this city, has just received samples of several different types of new machines from the factory. He is now negotiating with several people with a view to establishing a jobbing agency for Northern California. He has demonstrated the line to a number of San Francisco dealers and is much gratified over the way it is being received. Some have volunteered orders, he says. As soon as he gets a jobber established here, it is Mr. Gray's intention to leave for Los Angeles and then make a swing around by Salt Lake, Utah; Butte, Mont.; Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., etc., placing the line in all the important Western distributing centers. Wiley B. Allen's Victrola Publicity Jas. J. Black, manager of the talking machine department of the Wiley B. Allen Co., is making an extended trip in the East, combining business and pleasure. Geo. R. Hughes, assistant manager of the Allen Co., says the talking machine department made a better showing proportionately during the past month than did the piano end of the business. This company featured a huge Victrola at a recent Ad Fiesta in the Civic Auditorium, which was the subject of much comment. Since it has occupied a prominent position at the store and has continued to attract attention! It stands about nine feet high and is an excellent imitation of one of the large Victor machines. Being constructed of beaver board with wooden corners, it is light enough so a man can easily stand inside and carry it around. Byron Mauzy Gives More Space to Talkers Byron Mauzy is now devoting two floors at his store on Stockton street to talking machines, having moved the small goods department from the third floor and added the space formerly given over to these goods to the talking machine department, which already occupied one entire floor and part of another. Chas. Mauzy, who has charge of this part of his father's business, reports business holding up fairly well. Owing to the shortage of needles, he has put in a line of "Wall-Kane" needles, and reports them selling fine. He is anxiously awaiting the new Victor models XIV and XVI, which he thinks will attract much attention. Eastern Outfitting Co.'s New Quarters New quarters are being fitted up by the Eastern Outfitting Co. at its store, 1017 Market street, for its phonograph department. ■ Under the new arrangement this department will occupy prominent space on the main floor, which will provide much better facilities than the present location on the second floor. The new department will consist of three modern demonstration rooms Eastern Outfitting Co.'s Patriotic Window and two large sales rooms. It will be ready for occupancy about June 15, at which time an elaborate formal opening will be held. Columbia machines and records are handled exclusively by this firm, under the management of Geo. T. Hively, who has made a very good showing since he assumed charge on January 15 last. Prior to that time he was in business for him self in Lincoln, Neb. He has been paying particular attention to the window displays devoted to graphophones. A very good example of his work is shown in the photograph on this page, which speaks for itself, being a very attractive patriotic display. The Eastern Outfitting Co. maintains a Columbia department in Los Angeles, Cal., as well as San Francisco, and it is understood a similar department is soon to be added at its store in Seattle, Wash. Great Crowd at the Ball One of the largest gatherings of people connected with the local music trade ever brought together, attended the ball of the Talking Machine Dealers' Association held in the Colonial ballroom of the St. Francis Hotel on the evening of May 28. Every one enjoyed the splendid entertainment thoroughly, and the arrangements committee was thanked. Leon F. Douglass' Latest Invention Leon F. Douglass of the Victor Talking Machine Co. has added another invention to his already long list. It is understood his latest achievement is a mechanical device intended to solve the submarine problem. The plans, specifications, etc., have been turned over to the Navy Board at Washington. News Brieflets Fred Dennison, Pacific Coast manager for the Columbia Graphophone Co., has no complaints to make about business. He says May was a very good month and he considers the prospects favorable for the remainder of the year. The Taft Furniture & Hardware Co., at Taft, Cal., has taken its place among the successful dealers on the Pacific Coast handling Columbia products in conjunction with furniture and allied lines. Though Taft is only a comparatively small town, this company is doing an excellent business in talking machines. Mrs. Leon F. Douglass, of San Rafael, Cal., has just invested $100,000 in Liberty Loan bonds, this being one of the largest subscriptions by a woman thus far in California. TONE ARMS-SOUND BOXES MOTORS Tone Arms and Sound Boxes of the Universal Type Play All Makes of Disc Records For Lateral Cut Records We make 2 designs of sound boxes and 4 different styles of tone arms. We also make exclusive designs to speciat order. High-grade motors. The tone quality of our product is unsurpassed. The reproduction is perfect. Buy Direct From Factory — Save Money You are dealing direct with manufacturers when you buy from us. Thomas motors and parts are made complete in our own factory. Every dollar you save on the working parts of your machine adds to your profit and permits you to use a finer grade of cabinet. We can show you how you can save money. Quality of Motors and Parts Unsurpassed Thomas motors and sound boxes are made in Dayton, Ohio — the "city of precision" — the home of the best workmen in the world. Our sound boxes, motors and tone arms are the result of long and careful experiment. They are being used by manufacturers of high-class phonographs all over the world. High Quality — Low Price, is our motto. Prompt Deliveries. Distinctive Designs to Order. Let our Service Dept. help solve your phonograph problems. THE THOMAS MFG. CO., 122 Bolt Street, DAYTON, OHIO