The talking machine world (Jan-June 1918)

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March 15, 1918 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 17 Columbia Grafonolas Sell the Joy of Good Music the Price Fix Itself No matter how little money a customer can afford to pay for good music, there's a Columbia Grafonola to suit his purse. The one he can afford to buy is the one to sell him. For, though it is the instrument that is delivered at his home, what he is really buying is the joy and comfort of music. The low-priced model, at $18 or $30, will give him his desire. A moderate expenditure for an instrument will enable him to buy more records than if he puts nearly all his available purchase money into a higher-priced Grafonola. Acquaintance with the Grafonola, increasing enjoyment of the wide variety and splendid quality of Columbia music, will make your customer a regular purchaser of Columbia Records, and an advertiser of his Grafonola among his friends. Some day he will buy a higher priced instrument. That day will take care of itself, if you take care of his present desire in the right way. Columbia superiority is as marked in the lowest priced instrument as in the Grafonola de luxe. Let hophone Co. lg, New York Columbia Grafonola $30