The talking machine world (Jan-June 1918)

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March 15, 1918 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 103 OTTAWA PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE PLANNING FOR JOBBERS' CONVENTION Ottawa Pianophone Co. Suffers Total Loss of Factory — Temporary Plant Opened in Chicago to Take Care of Current Orders Chicago, III., March 11. — The plant of the Ottawa Pianophone Co., Ottawa, 111., was total-, ly destroyed by fire on Saturday night. The origin of the fire is unknown, but a high wind storm fanned the flames and firemen were delayed twenty-five minutes waiting for water to be turned on. Had there been a proper water supply the plant could have been saved. A temporary plant has been secured in this city to take care of the orders on hand, and there is sufficient stock on hand to insure the trade an ample supply of the full Hiawatha line. Manager Fred Moynahan states that a new plant will be ready in sixty days on a location not yet determined upon. An Open Letter to Every Live DEALER in the Trade We still want 95 dealers of the 200 we started out to get last month — to know about STRADIVARA, and the quickest way we know how to do so is to "deliver the goods," and here's how we intend to do it: WE WILL SHIP from our regular stock 95 SI RAD1VARA "KNOWN FOR TONE" Machines AS DEALERS' SAMPLES If you consider yourself a "Live Dealer" be one of the remaining 95 to join us in forcing the issue for our big Spring drive for business. Write today for a sample machine while this special allotment lasts. Join this list of Live Dealers who have sold hundreds of our machines and are making REAL PROFITS: ' N. B. Shaw & Sons, Amsterdam, N. Y. Wm. Beagle, Johnstown, Pa. Russell & Rigg, Altoona, Pa. F. P. Weaver, Meadville, Pa. J. Steams IVyman, Boston, Mass. S. Da Boll, Rochester, N. Y. B. E. Pudney, Owego & Sidney, N.Y. L. B. Van Wagenen Co. Kingston, N. Y. Larkin Piano Co., Yonkers, N. Y. Lindner Piano Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Selmore Piano Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. B. Kantor, Inc., Newark, N. J. Geo. L. Schuyler, Watertown, N. Y. Howell Bros., Hoboken, N. J. Nat'l Furn. Co., Newark, N, J. Cannon Furn. Co., Newark, N. J. Hoffman Furn. Co., Newark, N. J. S. E. Lee Piano Co., Bridgeport, Conn. O. W. Merrell, Winsted, Conn. Walter Andrews, Jamestown, N. Y, Geo. A. Fellows, Gloversville. N. Y, Space prohibits at from mentioning several hundred After all the supreme selling test is quality — by comparison; and STRADIVARA has all the features of other machines, with the REAL Norwegian spruce sound board tone feature added. 7 Models — from $45 to $225 SCHILLING PIANO CO., Inc. Wholesale Distributors 112 WEST 23d ST., NEW YORK Louis Buehn Heads Arrangements Committee to Look After Details of Annual Meeting to Be Held at Atlantic City in July Plans are already under way for the next annual convention of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers, which will be held at the Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, in July. The Traymore headquarters have proven most satisfactory to members of the association during the past two conventions, which accounts for the selection of that hotel for this year. Of course, as they say in circus land, the coming convention will be bigger and better than ever. The trade is faced with unusual problems this year, and it would seem that every jobber would welcome the opportunity to meet with his fellow jobbers for the discussion of current problems as they affect the talking machine business. Louis Buehn, head of the Louis Buehn Co., Philadelphia, has been appointed chairman of the arrangements committee for the convention, and is already hard at work lining up the details. Announcements of the various convention plans will appear in The World each month up to the time of the meeting. SUPREME COURT RENDERS DECISION Price Maintenance Suit of Boston Store of Chicago vs. American Graphophone Co. Decided in Favor of the Chicago Concern Washington, D. C, March 5.-^The United States Supreme Court handed down yesterday an important decision which in effect limits the rights of a patentee under the patent laws to control the resale price of an article. This decision was rendered in the case of the Boston Store of Chicago versus the American Graphophone Co. In September, 1915, the United States District Court in Chicago granted an injunction against the Boston Store of Chicago enjoining it from selling Columbia records at cut prices. The case came before the Supreme Court upon a certificate from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in and for the Seventh Circuit. The questions certified to the Supreme Court were the following: 1. Does jurisdiction attach under the patent laws of the United States? 2. If so, do the recited facts disclose that some right or privilege granted by the patent laws has been violated? 3. Can a patentee, in connection with the act of delivering his patented article to another for a gross consideration then received, lawfully reserve by contract a part of his monopoly right to sell? 4. If jurisdiction attaches solely by reason of diversity of citizenship, do the recited facts constitute a cause of action? The Supreme Court in its decision answered the first question in the affirmative, and all the other questions in the negative. STOCKHOLDERSASSENT TO PLAN President Francis S. Whitten, of the American Graphophone Co. and the Columbia Graphophone Co., has sent out a letter to stockholders in which he says that over 90 per cent, of the stockholders have filed their assent to the reorganization plan, 60 per cent, being necessary. Temporary certificates of the Columbia Graphophone Mfg. Co., as the new company to take over American Graphophone will be known, will be issued shortly. The time for stockholders who have not done so to turn in their stock has been extended to March 15. Paragon Mfg. Company, Inc. HICKORY, N. C. Manufacturers of High-Grade Phonographs $85.00 to $265.00. Play all Disc Records This Ad. is for your Benefit, write us. Hickory, N. C. Style A Price, $225.00 Size 49'/2 x 21 x 25 In Fumed Oak or Satin Mahogany Triple Spring, Spiral Gear, Nickeled Motor, Tone Modifier, Plush -covered Turntable, Automatic Stop, Lock Needle-cups and Rests, Leg Sockets and Casters. Record compartment opening on side through a rising and falling balanced door, fitted with five ten-inch and four twelve-inch high-grade albums, capacity 108 records. All exposed metal parts heavily gold-plated. The patented spun vibratory horn is finished in Roman Gold. Send for Catalogue Not Sold Through Jobbers fultON-ALDEN co INC. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS