The talking machine world (Jan-June 1918)

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March 15, 1918 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 115 WORLD'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Any member of the trade may forward to this office a "Situation" advertisement intended for this Department to occupy a space of four lines, agate measure, and it will be inserted free. Replies will also be forwarded without cost. Additional space will be at the rate of 25c. per line. If bold faced type is desired the cost of same will be 25c. per line. WANT TO MEET a talking machine man or a business man who would like to enter the talking machine business, one who has large business acquaintance, to help me organize and finance the manufacture of a new and highly meritorious motor for which there is a big demand. Will make the right kind of a proposition to the right man. Address "Box 500," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Position as department manager. Either line. Columbia or Victor. Over twelve years' experience. Well posted on both record catalogs. Best references. Wisconsin preferred. Address "Box 501," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. HIGH-CLASS salesman wanted; must possess unquestionable ability, also produce selling record. We want an experienced man. Salary and commission proposition. Car furnished. Address The Turner Music Co., 153 North Main St., Wichita, Kan. ATTENTION, Edison jobbers and dealers. Experienced Edison salesman and manager, with some capital, will consider financial interest in established Edison agency in connection with position. Address "Box 502," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Experienced salesman, wholesale and retail, also expert mechanic, desires position with good house, Chicago and vicinity. Address F. B. 28, care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. TALKING MACHINE REPAIRMEN— Extra money easily earned when repairing machines, demonstrating new phonograph attachment. Every owner a possible customer. Address !'Box 504," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— A thoroughly experienced Pathe and Victor retail man wishes a situation in or about New York City. Address "Box 506," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. WANTED — Large Gramophone company in London is anxious to procure spring motors, tone arms and sound boxes of the highest grade to assemble their machines. _ At present using 90 per cent. Swiss and the balance British parts, but would like to get hold of good American parts if they can import them. Manufacturers of these parts are requested to communicate with "Box British," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — A thoroughly experiences Edison Diamond Disc salesman. In applying state age, experience, and give as references names of former employers. A good opening for a high class man. Adress "Box 493," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WHOLESALE SALESMAN desires to make change. Well known and has built up successful record. Can furnish best of references from present connection. Victor line preferred. Address "Box 497," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SITUATION WANTED— Man of 12 years' talking machine experience desires a road position, can produce. Make me a proposition. Address "Lyb," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Cabinet superintendent and designer wishes to connect with live concern March 1. Familiar with up-to-date methods. Good executive and knows how to obtain results. Now employed in New York City. Highest references. Forty years old. Address "Box 494," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Manager or superintendent of phonograph factory will be open for position March 1. Now with a firm manufacturing high grade commercial phonographs. Output 125 a day. Am in a position to show how your production can be increased and your merchandise improved without increasing your cost. Specialize on designing period and modern styles, general construction, cost, elimination of waste. Executive ability in handling labor and labor problems. If it's production you need, address "Box 495." care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SITUATION WANTED— Experienced Edison salesman and manger desires to make connection with live Edison dealer. Hold similar position now. Address "Box 496," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Capable, experienced, reliable person to take charge of disc manufacturing department. Address "Box 480, care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. " WANTED — A position as manager of talking machine store or department. Young, married man of long, practical experience. Al references. Middle West preferred. Address "E. B. 6," care Talking Machine World, 209 S. State Street, Chicago, 111. TRAVELERS visiting talking machine trade can make $50.00 per week easily, selling our sensational novelty for talking machines as a sideline. Pocket samples. Excellent proposition. Only first class men need apply. State particulars, and district you cover. Address Uniset Reproducer Co., Wabash avenue and Jackson boulevard, Chicago, 111. POSITION WANTED— Would like to work in phonograph store or anvwhere else in phonograph line. Address "Box 489," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SITUATION WANTED— Experienced Edison salesman and manager open to offer. Hold similar position now. Age 33, married. Address "Box 490," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — By a New York manufacturer, an expert man to develop a phonograph motor. Answer in detail by letter only, state experience and salary expected. Address M. Weingarten, 286 Fifth Ave., New York. FOR SALE Patent and complete manufacturing equipment for new talking machine attachment of real merit. Address "Box 505," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. SITUATION WANTED— Superintendent at present employed, thoroughly familiar with every angle of the phonograph business, desires to make a change. Address "Box 491," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SITUATION WANTED— By high grade finishing foreman. Have had several years' experience on talking machines. Will be open for position February first. Want to connect up with a good, live, growing concern, one that would appreciate first class finishing, production and efficiency in every respect. State amount of men in finishing room, the output 'whether table or floor cases, the salary you would pay for an Al man. Address "j. D.," 306 East South Grand Ave., Springfield, 111. SITUATION — Mechanical engineer thoroughly understanding the manufacturing of phonograph parts, complete machine assembling or machine work, is open for a position as superintendent or production manager. Highest credentials as to ability. Address "Box. 473," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. ENERGETIC — Young man with clerical, order and executive experience, familiar with the phonograph record line, desires position in any part of the country. Address Philip Greenberg, 2325 East Sixty-third St., Cleveland, Ohio. SITUATION WANTED — If it were possible to secure a sales manager who has sold over $21,000 worth of phonographs, personally, in one year, to manage your department, would you consider him? Have good position now. Will explain reasons for wanting to make a change. Will furnish signed statement of business done. Strictly confidential. Address "Box 472," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. POSITION WANTED by expert mechanic with thorough knowledge of motors, assembling, cabinets and inspection of finished production. Competent to take full charge. Address "Box 487," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SALESMAN — Calling on talking machine and piano dealers, to handle a profitable side-line that may be developed. Territory open. Proposition one that most dealers will not refuse. Steady return on repeat business. Address "Box 488," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Experienced salesmen in the talking machine and piano trade (having a slight knowledge of wood finishing will be an asset), to sell a meritorious article as a side line. Write for particulars at once, as territory is going rapidly. Our offer to the trade gets the business for the salesman. Address Master Mfg. Co., Box 96, Camden, N. J. WANTED — -An expert talking machine assembler by a manufacturer in New York City. Permanent position for a man who thoroughly understands the assembling of popular priced machines. Address "Expert," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — A superintendent for a talking machine plant who is a capable executive and who can organize an efficient working class. We want a progressive and thoroughly efficient man who can take complete charge of the plant, which is one of the most complete in the country. Give full details as to past experience, training, etc. All replies held strictly confidential. Address "Box 476," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Experienced talking machine salesmen who are familiar with the wholesale trade, and who are capable of handling a first class line of machines and records. There is an excellent opportunity for the right men, with unlimited earning possibilities. Give full particulars^ in first letter. This is a proposition that will place the right men with one of the best equipped manufacturers in the trade. Address "Box 477," care The Talking Machine World. 373 Fourth Ave.. New York. WANTED — By a New York distributor an assistant repair man. Salary to start $14. Address "Repairs," Box 478, care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. C. E. WARD CO. PLANS TO EXPAND Will Shortly Open Branch Offices in California and Also in Canada New London, O., March 9. — The C. E. Ward Co., manufacturers of the Ward khaki moving and dust covers for talking machines, as well as other specialties, report that, although held up somewhat recently by the fuel shortage, their plant is now back to normal, and orders are now being turned out in the usual prompt manner. The company plans to open a branch office in California, and another in Canada in the near future for the convenience of the trade in those sections. Phonograph Supply and Repair Parts STEEL needles, per 1,000 (100 in envelope) $ .65 SAPPHIRE needles for Pathe or Edison.... 25 DIAMOND for Pathe or Edison 1.75 MAIN-SPRINGS. I"x0.25xl2' long, each .60 %"x0. 23x10' long, each 35 3/4"x0.22x8'/2' long, each 24 GOVERNOR springs for Victor motors, per 100 1.50 For Columbia motors, per 100 1.75 THUMB Screws for Victor sound boxes, per 100 1.50 For Columbia sound boxes, per 100 1.50 GREEN Felt for 10" turn-tables, each 15 GREEN Felt for 12" turn-tables, each 20 MICA Diaphragms for Victor sound boxes, each 15 For Columbia sound boxes, each 25 For Standard sound boxes, each 25 GOVERNOR pinions for all cheap motors, each 15 NEEDLE Cups, nickel-plated, per 100 2.00 Nickel-plated, in lots of 1,000, per 100 1.75 NEEDLE Cup Covers for used needles, per 100 1.20 In lots of 1.000, per 100 1 .00 SOUND BOXES, fit Columbia tone arm, loud, each 70 SOUND BOXES, fit Victor, extra loud and clear, each.. 2.25 FAVORITE PHONOGRAPH ACCESSORY CO. 1491 DeKALB AVENUE BROOKLYN. N. Y. CASH Paid for list of names of phonograph owners, any and all makes; all names and addresses must be guaranteed as machine owners, Victor, Columbia, Edison Disc, etc. If you have a mailing list quote us your price. Address Box 499, c/o The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., N. Y. City. STEEL NEEDLES Repair parts for all talking machines made; main and governor springs, double and single spring motors, tone arms and sound boxes and complete machines. All at lowest prices. FULTON TALKING MACHINE CO. 6-10 Broadway New York City FOR SALE Columbia Graphophone store in a city of 150 0" population, near Cleveland, O. Annual business $35,000. The finest and best store of the kind in the city. Present owner willing to retain some interest in the business if buyer desires. Address "Box 503. care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SPOT CASH PAID— WANTED Any amount of records in all languages, Talking Machines, Horn or Hornless, also parts of all makes. Address Phonograph and Record Exchange, 2104 Third Ave., New York. Telephone 7848 Harlem. FOR SALE Thirteen tons Half Hard Cold Rolled Strip Steel in perfect condition and in original boxes as received from mill. Size 3/32" x 3Ji" x 8'. Will quote an attractive price for quick sale. THE THOMAS MFG. CO. Dayton Ohio FOR SALE Best Quality steel phonograph needles extra loud 49c per thousand, in lots not less than 20 thousand, remittance must accompany order. M.. ELDOT 970 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, N. Y. MAGNET DECALC0MAN1E NAMEPLATES SOLD BY HURTEAU.W1LUAMS&C0.'" MONTREAL OTTAWA FOR TALKING MACH|Ne CABINETS En Pamphlets with fac-simile illustrations and prices mailed on request. SMITH-SCHIFFLIN CO. 126 Liberty Street New York City THE PHONOGRAPH ©■' 1240 HURON ROAD tfawhmrtoci) PhOnci p/tosreer t>Ao ce XT 140* sort,® nrer I Oldest Mus.c I ro3 E E ©at© mr •