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Ai'ril 15, 1918
Milwaukee Talking Machine and Piano Man Entertains Officials of United Phonograph Corp. and Members of Own Staff in Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wis., April 2. — A most enjoyable dinner party was given in the Gold Room of the Hotel Wisconsin on Thursday evening,
family gathering, without an unduly serious aspect, in preparation for the real work that is now being undertaken by him in behalf of the Puritan. This thought was carried throughout the dinner. When the guests took their seats they found favors of a humorous character and a menu that was particularly Puritan-esque.
The guests of honor were Fred A. Dennett, president and general manager of the United
horn. Representatives of the press included Alfred B. Cargill, W. A. Dudley, Harry J. Grant, Leonard Meyer and Frank Effinger. Other guests were James Orth, J. B. Thiery and Roy Steffen.
Electric Phonograph Co. Incorporated to Manufacture Coin-Operated Machines
Kalamazoo, Mich., April 4. — The Electric Phonograph Co., of this city, has been incorporated with capital stock of $30,000, to engage in the manufacture of coin-operated electric phonographs, designed particularly for use in public places. The equipment for a factory has been ordered, and a plant will be established in this city. It is stated that the company owns a number of new patents covering their instruments.
The officers of the new company are: President, John W. Adams; vice-president, E. B. Desenberg, and secretary-treasurer, A. J. Reams.
Portland, Ore., April 2. — Oregon never considered its scrub cactus growth — which is found in the waste sections of Eastern Oregon — of much value, but even this is now being turned to account by the phonograph people. The scrub cactus needles, tests have shown, are admirably fitted, after proper treatment, for record needles, and these, with a variety also found on the Mexican border, are rapidly being turned to commercial advantage. These needles have been placed on sale in Portland by the Wiley B. Allen Co. and are found to give pleasing sweetness and softness to the tone. There is little danger of the supply of raw material ever beingexhausted in Oregon, no matter to what extent the manufacture of the thorns into record needles expands.
Dinner Given by Chas. J. Orth to United Phonograph Corp. Officials and Members of His Staff
March 21, by Charles J. Orth, 504 Grand avenue, the well-known piano and talking machine dealer who recently took over the distribution of the Puritan phonograph in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. The event served to introduce the men responsible for the Puritan to the Orth force and members of the press. Mr. Orth stated the dinner was a little
Phonograph Corp., Sheboygan; William H. Thommen, general superintendent of the company and designer of the Puritan, and Lloyd Jenkins, general sales manager. Mr. Orth's staff was represented by W. H. Heise, Adam C. Schroeter, W. H. Hadert, Gustav Kleemann, G. M. May, Paul Wachs, Roy Hettinger, Albert Mueller, Henry Staab and George E. Ball
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