The talking machine world (Jan-June 1918)

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June 15, 1918 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 89 WE GUARANTEE Our System will pay for itself in 6 months by increasing your sales or it is returnable for FULL CREDIT FILES, FINDS =and SELLS RECORDS in a modern way It saves your time and keeps track of what you sell and what you need in the simplest way. Write today for our new proposal on this War Time Necessity Prompt Shipments OGDEN SECTIONAL CABINET CO., Inc. LYNCHBURG, VA. GETTING AFTER THE VACATIONIST Talking Machine Retailers Now Have Opportunity for Realizing on Stocks of Smaller Machines for Use of Campers, Etc. From practically every section of the country comes the report that the heaviest demand is for the higher, or rather medium-priced machines, those selling from $75 up to $165 or so, and that therefore the most serious machine shortage is found in the styles retailing at those prices. At the same time, both wholesalers and retailers have on hand for the most part substantial supplies of the smaller types of machines, those without tops, retailing for $35 or Wiley B. Allen Co. Vacation Window less, and for which the normal demand is not at all heavy at this time. Quite a number of retailers have already realized that this year, as has been the case in other years, the small machines in substantial numbers can be sold to campers and vacationists generally, who do not care to subject their high-priced machines to the rough handling and exposure incident to the summer vacation. It would seem that this year particularly an especially strong drive should be made to place the small machine, and thus make up in some measure for the loss of business, due to the shortage of the more elaborate models. There has already been received at The World office numerous photographs of special window displays designed to attract the attention of vacationists, and the accompanying view of the show window of the Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Ore., offers a fair example of elaborate window treatment. The campaign should not stop at the window, however, but machines for vacation use should be advertised strongly and matter sent out through the regular mailing list and advertisements in the resort sections of the local newspapers. Publicity in summer resort booklets and advertising sections of newspapers hits the vacationist just at the time he is making his plans for the summer and therefore at a time when he is most interested. Why not make every "talker" store a center of neighborhood war activity? « TO HELP IN THE WAR Must Back the Government With All Our Strength— How Best to Do It President Wilson, in his statement calling upon every man, woman and child to pledge themselves on or before June 28 to save constantly and to buy regularly the securities of the Government, says: "May there be none unenlisted on that day!" As the President points out, "This war is one of nations — not of armies — and all of our 100,000,000 people must be economically and industrially adjusted to war conditions if this nation is to play its full part in the conflict." Our nation, not our army and navy only, is at war. And that means that all of us not actually fighting must do our part. That part consists in giving the army and the navy all the support of which we are capable. To do that each one of us must first of all be a producer to our maximum ability and a consumer of necessities only, for every bit of man power and every particle of material is necessary for the use of the army and navy and for the making of the things essential to our citizens. As a maximum producer and as a consumer of necessities only, each one of us will be an accumulator of savings. And these savings can be invested in War Savings Stamps with benefit both to the Government and ourselves. CHANCE TO MAKE FIFTY DOLLARS One of the surprises at the National Music Show held in New York last week was the offer of a prize of $50 in Thrift Stamps by The Music Trade Review, New York, for the best article treating on "The Value and Importance of Music in War Time." The judges to pass upon the merits of the essays submitted are Lieutenant John Philip Sousa, C. M. Tremaine and the Editor of The Review. The contest cioses on June 20. LAW TO END TRADE BRIBERY Washington, D. C, June 6. — The Federal Trade Commission last month sent to both branches of Congress a communication urging "the enactment in the public interest as an aid to the preservation of fair and free competition, a sufficient law striking at the unjustifiable and vicious practices of commercial bribery; and that such law be so comprehensive as to strike at each person participating in any such transactions," The Federal Trade Commission has found commercial bribery to be general throughout many branches of industry, and scores of complaints have been issued by it on that account. Fourteen States at present have laws prohibiting such practices. Jobbing Rights Several large distributing contracts with exclusive territorial rights have been closed by us as a result of a HOFFAY AIRTIGHT trial machine, model 100, sent for examination. Let us ship you this wonderful instiument, which you may return at our expense within two weeks from receipt. No obligation to buy it. Write to-day. Yourterritory may be open and you may secure valuable rights. HOFFAY TALKING MACHINE CO., Inc. 3 West 29th St. New York City