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January 15, 1919
The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World
Commands Cash Payments !
THE Sonora dealer has a big advantage over others: the Sonora, because of its remarkable superiority, is easily sold for cash, and you know that money in the bank is infinitely preferable to risky, troublesome, long out-standing accounts.
T 00 K at the Sonora, The ^ handsome "bulge" design, with lines of grace and individuality, is exclusively Sonora's.
CTUDY the Sonora, Ex^ amine the long-running motor, the improved tone control, the accurate automatic stop, perfect sound box, universal tube, envelope filing system, etc.
TTEAR the Sonora, You'll understand why it is simply irresistible when you hear its magnificent tone. The Sonora plays all makes of disc records perfectly with*out extra attachments.
Sonora won highest score for tone quality at the Panama Pacific Exposition m competition with the leading phonographs of the world there exhibited
An unequaled line of upright styles and ten matchless period models are now ready at prices ranging from $50 to $1000.
Write us regarding an agency in your territory
onora ^Pfjonograpt) ^ales Company, 3nc.
George E. Brightson, President
Executive Offices: 279 BROADWAY, NEW YORK
DemonstraEion Saions: NEW YORK, Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street — 50 Broadway (Standard Arcade) PHILA.: 13] ' Walnut Street TORONTO: Ryrie Bldg. EXPORT DEPT.: 417 West 28th Street, New York
N O TE : Sonora Semi-permanent Needles, which replace steel needles, are in big demand. Why not participate in their sale ?