The talking machine world (Jan-June 1919)

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48 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD May 15. 1919 'EMERSONIAN" MAKES ITS DEBUT JOSEPH WOLFF LEAVES FOR EUROPE Nev/ House Organ For Distribution and Dealers Will Be Edited by A. H. Cushman Emerson distributors and dealers were introduced this week to the Emersonian, the new house organ published monthly by the Emerson Phonograph Co. in the interest of and for distributors and dealers of Emerson'records. This publication succeeds the Emerson Spotlight, and. judging from present i n d i c ations, the new house organ will be received enthusiastically by every member of the Emerson sales organization. Arthur H. Cushman, director of sales for the Emerson Phonograph Co., is editor of this n e w publication, and his many years of merchandising experience Cover of the Emersonian and knowledge of rttail selling problems and policies will undoubtedly enable him to make the Emersonian a practical and valuable publication. The May issue contains a number of excellent articles that deserve to be read with interest by Emerson distributors and dealers everywhere. Several of these articles are illustrated, and the May Emersonian as a whole is a most attractive house organ. Treasurer of the Sonora Phonograph Sales Co., Inc., to Visit England. France and Switzerland — Entertained at Luncheon Previous to Departure— Has Important Plans for Future Sometimes it is not well for a talker salesman to become a talkative salesman — he can often win his point by listening. Sailing on the "Adriatic," leaving Kew York the latter part of April, Joseph WoIf¥, treasurer of the Sonora Phonograph Sales Co., Inc., accompanied by his wife, left for an extended trip through England, France and Switzerland. Prior to his departure he was given a surprise in the form of a farewell luncheon, at which over a score of men connected with the Sonora organization were present. In England Mr. Wolff will visit London and other important cities, and will confer with the head of Sonora's export department, A. F. Bramley, who went abroad a short time ago and who has now a good grasp on the present situation in the leading continental countries. After studying the British export situation Mr. Wolf? will go to Paris for a short time and then pay a rather lengthy visit to the Sonora motor plant at St. Croix, Switzerland, where he will aid in laying out and have executed plans which will result in a greatly increased motor supply for his company. .•\t this time many improvements in the motor which have been worked out in this country and abroad will be introduced, and the Sonora motors will have many important improvements which will make them surpass their present verj' remarkable performances. After completing his Vi'ork in Switzerland Mr. Woli¥ will return by a route which he has not as yet determined, possibly through England or Spain. The increase in the output of Sonora motors will be pleasant news for Sonora dealers, because it means a greatlj' increased output. It may be mentioned here that a 75 per cent, increase in Sonora output is anticipated by August, and it is hoped and believed that the 1919 output of instruments will be two and one-half Joseph Wolflf times as great as 1918, and even with this great increase it Icoks as though the demand will still continue to be far ahead of the suppl3^ TALKING MACHINES AND PIANOS Antigo, Wis., May 6. — The RavencroftJewell Jewelry Co. has been organized by H. E. Ravencroft and. Harry E. Jewell to take over and continue the retail jewelry business of Fred W. Albright, who is engaging in the wholesale business at Chicago. The new owners are enlarging the scope of the business by adding a complete piano and talking machine department, which will be supervised by Mr. Jewell. He is an experienced member of the music trade and intends to install a very fine talking machine department. Once an OkeH Dealer-AIways an OkeH Dealer THEY ALL STICK BY US FOR THE SAME REASONS LIBERAL PROFITS and PROMPT DELIVERIES ARE EVER ASSURED WHEN YOU BUY RECORDS Don't Keep on Waiting for Good Luck First Shipment of OkeH Records Will Bring It Directly to Your Bank Account May We Help You to It? GARFORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY ELYRIA, OHIO