The talking machine world (Jan-June 1919)

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90 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD May is, 1919 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE MAKING GREAT STRIDES Leading Dealers Report Careful Buying But Volume Is Large — Period Styles Win Favor — Stern Corp. Anniversary — Latest News ICA NO STAINS IN OUR DIAPHRAGMS OF BEAUTY THE INTERNATIONAL MICA COMPANY FactoiT. 37th and Brandywine Streets Office and Sales Department. 1228 Filbert Street PHILADELPHIA San Francisco, Gal., April 28. — While business has not been rushing the last month the general average of activity points to a normal condition in the trade, despite the competition with the Victory Liberty Loan. There is very little reckless spending now in comparison with two years ago; well-paying jobs in the industrial plants are not so easy to get and hold and hence the workers are inclined to be more conservative in manipulating their wealth. The record business is encouraging all along the line and the success of new makes of records is little short of marvelous, considering the established reputation of the old standard makes. Showing OkeH Lines L. R. Gruen, Pacific Coast manager for the Otto Heineman Phonograph Supply Co., is back in the San Francisco office after a trip to the southern end of the State. He says the Heineman lines were well received in Los Angeles and San Diego and that business has been most favqrable at all the principal Coast cities. Mr. Gruen will make a trip to the Northwest early in May. The San Francisco office now carries a sample line of the OkeH Talking Machine made exclusively for the foreign export trade. Four sizes are shown. There has arrived also a large stock of OkeH records to supply rush orders on the Coast. Use Windows During Parade The four large windows of the San Francisco office of the Heineman Co. face Market street r A WINNER The BEST Stylus Loud or Soft semi permanent Plays 100 to 300 Records NO SCRATCH PERFECT POINTS NO HISS PERFECT TONES It has achieved instantaneous success. Cranks on Tone, w^ho have used every needle, are now Perfectly Satisfied w^ith -e"BEST stylus 99 semi-permanent Not a camouflaged needle. You w^ill not need a magnifying glass to determine its superiority. A trial w^ill convince the most skeptical. Write now for free samples, discounts and descriptive circulars, which we furnish for your mailing list. Exclusive jobbing territory granted and protection given The Ansonia Needle Co ANSONIA and during the monster parade on April 22, the special holiday for welcoming home the California fighters who distinguished themselves at Argonne, Mr. Gruen entertained a number of guests at the office, from which an exceptionally fine view of the parade was possible. The windows were lavishly decorated with flags and "Welcome Home" banners. .E. C. Johnstone Entertains StaEE In appreciation of the earnest co-operation of his staff in making the first quarter of the year such a signal success E. C. Johnstone, manager of the Sonora Phonograph Shop on Stockton street, entertained the entire force at a dinner and theatre party a few weeks ago. The dinner was preceded by a business meeting at which the means and methods best suited for merchandising were discussed. The dinner was held at Tait's Cafe and after the dinner the party adjourned to the Columbia Theatre. Display of Edison Period Designs The Edison Shop this month is featuring in the show window phonographs in the beautiful and dignified William and Mary style. One of the most marked advances in the talking machine business the last year has been in the improvement in cabinet designs. Men Back From Service Robert Cannon, of the talking machine department of Sherman, Clay & Co., returned with the famous 363rd Regiment of the 91st Division, A. E. F., on April 22. He was one of the fighters who served in the big doings at Argonne. Martin Klein, of the talking machine department of the Wiley B. Allen Co., is another war hero to return on April 22. He served in France with the 347th Artillery, saw activity at Argonne and was away a year and a half. J. J. Black, of the Wiley B. Allen Co., who is serving as a yeoman in the Navy Department at the Union Iron Works, expresses himself as being so fascinated with the service that he is considering seriously the matter of re-enlistirig. Byron Maozy Makes Improvements Byron Mauzy has worked out a plan whereby the merchandising of talking machine goods is expected to be facilitated somewhat. The main floor is now largely devoted to talking machines and demonstrating rooms, several new soundproof rooms having just been built in, and the arrangement is such that each make of talking machine is segregated. By displaying and demonstrating each make under conditions best suited to bring out its strong points Mr. Mauzy believes the general volume of business will be increased and customers given the greatest satisfaction. The record sales alone of the San Francisco branch of the Columbia Co. during March were as great in value as the total business of the oftice for the same month a year ago. This month was the second largest in the history of the oflice. Celebrates Third Anniversary Frederick Stern, president of the Stern Talking Machine Corp., gave a dinner to his employes on April IS at the Palace Hotel. The affair was to celebrate the third anniversary of the company's business career and in appreciation of the guests for the part they have played in making the enterprise a success. Attend Rotary Club Convention Byron Mauzy and family and Charles Mauzy and wife made a party on a trip to southern California during the latter part of April. The Die CastTone Arms,Reproducers and Attachments in any Quantity PARKER WHITE -METAL & MACHINE CO. ERIE. PENNSYLVANIA