The talking machine world (Jan-June 1919)

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40 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD June 15, 1919 GREATEST HOST OF HITS ever gathered on RECORDS Never before have there been as many great song and dance hits recorded on OkeH Records at any one time as RIGHT NOW. THIS MEANS QUICK SALES Immediate delivery on any number Let us suggest to you a sample order of sure sellers CONVINCE YOURSELF 1159 ( RING OUT! SWEET BELLS OF PEACE 1158 (Tenor) ( I SHALL MEET YOU (Tenor) JA-DA (Ja-Da, Ja-Da, Jing, Jing Jing!) (Tenor) CAN YOU TAME WILD WIMMEN? (Tenor, with Orchestra) ( A LITTLE BIRCH CANOE AND YOU 1160 (Vocal Trio) ( GIRL OF MY HEART (Tenor) liec j MARY (Fox Trot) ( BEAUTIFUL OHIO (Waltz) 1185 < .THAT WONDERFUL MOTHER OF MINE (Tenor) FOREVER IS A LONG, LONG TIME ( Tenor ) r JOHNNY'S IN TOWN (Baritone) 1187 ] ANYTHING IS NICE IF IT COMES FROM ( DIXIELAND (Baritone) ( MUMMY MINE (Fox Trot) 1188 ] HOW 'YA GONNA KEEP 'EM DOWN ( ON THE FARM? (One Step) 1166 1184 TILL WE MEET AGAIN (Waltz) RAINY DAY BLUES (Fox Trot) THE KISS THAT MADE ME CRY ( Tenor ) SOME DAY I'LL MAKE YOU GLAD (Tenor) VANITY FAIR (One Step) 1189 ' FLUTTER ON BY MY BROADWAY ( BUTTERFLY (Fox Trot) 1192 ^ AND THAT AIN'T ALL (Vocal Duet) 1 BY THE CAMP FIRE (Vocal Trio) RISHELL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY Williamsport, Pa.