The talking machine world (Jan-June 1919)

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June 15, 1919. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 125 "When It's Moonlight on the Prairie, Mary Darling," "S. R. Henry's Barn Dance," "My Husband's in the City," "I've Got the Time, I've Got the .Place, But I Haven't Got the Girl," "I'm Looking for a Nice Young Fellow Who's Looking for a Nice Young Girl," "By Heck Song," "Sister of Rosie O'Grady," "Kentucky Dream." "The Colored Major," "Crack o' the Whip." MAKING ENCOURAGING PROGRESS The Emerson Philadelphia Co. Building Up a Great Trade in Eastern Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey and Washington, D. C. The Emerson Philadelphia Co., distributors for Emerson records in eastern Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, Delaware and Washington, D. C, have found conditions in their territory very encouraging. In a recent chat with The World Harry Fox, general manager of this company, said: "When we took charge of this territory a few months ago we anticipated good business, but the sales have gone far beyond what we had looked for. With the live sales force vmder my supervision developing a host of'new and high-class dealers, with the Emerson product coming better all the time and fully meeting trade demands,' and with the enthusiasm with which Emerson dealers are pushing the records, I am confident that the summer business will be followed by a busy fall." NEW JONES=MOTROLA DISTRIBUTORS Jones-Motrola. Inc., has consummated the largest May business in the history of the organization, and it reports a bright outlook ahead. A number of well-known houses in the trade took on the Jones-Motrola, Inc., as distributors during the past month, among them being Wiley B. Allen, San Francisco, Cal.; Cohen & Hughes, Baltimore and Washington; H. A. Weymann & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa.; Girard Phonograph Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; E. F. Droop & Sons, Washington and Baltimore; H. R. Eisenbrandt Sons, Inc., Baltimore. XHE DUSONTO PHONOGRAPH The DUSONTO is 100% perfect in Tone, quality and in appearance. The DUSONTO plays any make disc record on the market, guaranteed to play same perfectly, without any expense for additional attachments. To hear the sweetness and distinctness of ■ one produced by the DUSONTO means satisfaction to the most critical ear. Numberless homes are made happy every day by the DUSONTO. The DUSONTO is built in six different style Cabinet Machines ranging in price from $90.00 to $225.00 retail. We are in position to take on at once a few additional, live wire dealers, and insure prompt deliveries throughout the year. Write us at once for exclusive territory. STOPFER & STACKHOUSE CO. BOURBON, IND. Distributors for Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan TO BECOME A WORLD TRADE CENTER Merchants' and Manufacturers' Exchange to Establish Clearing House for Commerce at Grand Central Palace in New York City The new proposition of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Exchange of New York to make Grand Central Palace a great clearing house for world commerce, for the extension of American commerce in foreign countries as well as the importation of foreign goods into this country, has been approved. It is now planned by the Government to turn Grand Central Palace back to the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Exchange and the building will be used for the permanent display of all kinds of manufactured goods. The Merchants' and Manufacturers' Exchange is said to have established foreign connections for export business in every important city in the world and manufacturers, jobbers, retailers and buyers will no doubt soon regard Grand Central Palace as a great trade center when visiting New York City. Clubrooms, office facilities and other means of increasing personal comfort will be installed in the building for the convenience of visiting merchants. LEONARD STRONG FOR CONVENTIONS General Sales Manager of Thos. A. Edison, Inc., Tells of Experiences at the Various Dealers' Conventions in the South. General Sales Manager T. J. Leonard, of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., has prepared for the benefit of the Edison dealers and to be published in "Diamond Points" a most iateresting review of his experiences at the several conventions of Edison dealers held by jobbers in the South, including the conventions in Dallas, under the auspices of the Texas-Oklahoma Phonograph Co., the convention in Atlanta, and also in New Orleans, reports regarding which have already appeared in The World. Mr. Leonard is distinctly enthusiastic over the direct results of these local conventions, and puts much of that enthusiasm into his writing. GROWING PEORIA CONCERN The Bell Hood .'at. Sept 24. 1912 Semi-Permanent Point Needle The Sounding Board Bell Produces the Best Result Advantages of tbeBell Hood Needle Plays 50 to 100 Records— Eliminates Scratching — Purifies and Humanizes the Tone. Retails one package of 3 Needles for 25 cents Dealers' Prices, $15.00 for 100 Packages SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO JOBBERS Always ask for "Nemitco" and "La Philipita" Brand in the Musical Instrument and Accessories Lines. New England Musical Instrument Trading Co. 127 East 23rd St., New York Representative for Dominion of Canada ARTHUR K. KEMPTON Suite 205, Drummond BIdg., Montreal, Quebec P. A. Bergner & Co., Peoria, 111., has been using much space in the local newspapers giving publicity to its talking machine service. This store says that in a year and a half it has earned the reputation of being the largest distributors of talking machines in Central Illinois. IN LIGHTER VEIN A piano player doesn't always mean a human being these days. Neither does a talking machine mean a member of the fair sex. Score another mark against the King's English. SPECIAL OFFERS RECORD DELIVERY ENVELOPES 45-lb. Kraft, 2 Buttons, String Fasteners l-M QUANTITY 10-in.— $ 9.25 perthousand 12-in.— 11.00 " S-M QUANTITY 10-in. — $ 8.75 per thousand 12-in.— 10.50 " 10-M QUANTITY 10-in. — $ 8.25 perthousand 12-in.— 10.00 " RECORD ALBUMS lO-iD. (12 pocbels), $7.50 per doz. 12-iD. (12 pocke ts) $8.75 per doz. These albums are of the best quality that can be bought. As our stock is limited, we would advise you to place your order at once. F. O. B. NEW YORK PATENTED DEC. II ELVETONE Phonograph Needles Taf king Machine CABINET The Two Best Selling Propositions in the Talking Machine Trade To-day The Cabinet & Accessories Company^ Inc. 145 East 34th Street Otto Goldsmith, President Tel. Murray Hill 6470 NEW YORK CITY