The talking machine world (Jan-June 1920)

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46 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD January 15, 1920 o n 0 Unico Equipment always increases business THROUGHOUT America music houses like Gregory's are installing Unico Equipment. They know it is a paying investment to do so, because 1 ,200 dealers have proved it, and also because their own investigations convince them that Unico Installation insures smooth-going, salesmaking service. Unico equipment expresses progressive management. It utilizes, to the utmost, available floor and wall space — facilitates orderly, attractive stock display— provides instant and individual service which satisfies the most exacting customers. Unico demonstrating rooms, counters, record racks and decorative treatments are readily adaptable to any desired plan regardless of size of stock, and by virtue of patented flexible features may be re-adapted at will to suit changing conditions. Selected woods, artistic cabinet work, superior finish and appointments leave nothing to be desired. Unico equipment reaches you completely finished, glazed and fitted ready for assembly and use. Prompt shipment from stock in ten designs enables quick completion of your improvements. "Musical Merchandising,'' our latest booklet, describes in full all the vital Unico advantages. It will be mailed on request. GREGORY'S MUSIC HOUSE c r cutcoiT, Uimwgf Pianos, Player Pianos, Victrolas and Records 120 121 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE SAGINAW. W S., MICH August 12, 1919. Unit Construction Co, Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen: We are very much pleased with the change in our store, both in appearance and business since your Installation ■ has been completed. We feel sure that ve have ^he prettiest Vlctrola and Piano store in Michigan out side of Detroit. Our business has increased. with leaps and bounds since our opening the 12th., qf July. In one day during that time our cash record sales amounted to more than the sales of Christ-' mas Eve, 1918, -which you knoT is about the biggest day of our year, in fact our business for the first twelve days of this month have more than doubled the whole month of August last year. Of cours? we attribute this increased business to the faot that ire can now take care of our customers more efficiently and give them better service than ever before. Thanlang you for your courteous attention, we are Very truly yours Gregory's Music House. RECEIV/6 A W. AuGU 1019 Send to-day dimensions of your available space. Our plans and estimates will be submitted promptly. Address our nearest office. Unico Construction is Patented BOSTON 85 Essex Street UNIT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ray bum Clark, Smith. President NEW YORK 2 o o Madison Ave Coi ner 4-l?t St. Streets. Grays Avenue PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO Luon &. Healu Building Unico Designs are Patented San Francisco Holbrook Building |c;« unico^ fix