The talking machine world (Jan-June 1920)

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January 15, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 49 Percy Grainger plays three piano SOlOS Oil one record. Wise dealers will order fortissimo. A-6128. Columbia Graphophone Co. NEW YORK AN ATTRACTIVE WINDOW DISPLAY NEW QUARTERS IN JACKSON, MICH. The Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Ore., has won quite a local reputation for the attractiveness of its window displays, which are without exception quite out of the ordinary. The ac Barnard Music Co. Occupies Entire Building and Will Shortly Reorganize Business Wiley B. Allen Co's Brunswick Display companying picture shows a recent display in which the Brunswick phonograph was featured most successfully with the "Brunswick Girl" in silhouette utilized to distinct advantage. The Wiley B. Allen Co. is doing well with the Brunswick in Portland and vicinity. The Barnard Music Co., of Jackson, Mich., has taken new quarters at 231 South Mechanic street, that city, where the entire building is occupied. In addition to a complete line of pianos, the company features particularly the Brunswick phonograph and records, for which an elaborate department has been provided in the new building. Musical merchandise will be added to the stock at a later date. Plans are now under way for the reorganization of the company, at which time the capital stock will be increased materially. The present officers, R. A. Barnard, president, and H. A. Barnard, secretary and treasurer, will continue in control after the organization. Lady From Country — Is this the Hall of Records? Attendant — It is. Do you wish to look around? L. F. C. — Yes. Perhaps you have some I would care to try on my talking machine. PRESENT QUALITY, NOT PRICE As a rule, it is good business to show a highgrade article first when something is asked for in general terms. It is poor business to inquire which size or what price. Take it for granted that the customer has a reasonable purchasing power. The customer is pleased by the subtle compliment of offering him a high-grade article in the first place, and many who might be satisfied with something cheaper will quite as readily take that which represents more money. H. J. Smith laboratories Jewel Manufacturer executive offices, FINISHING and RECORDING LABORATORY JEWELS Plant No. 1 833 Broad Street Telephone 2896 Market NEWARK, N. J. SAWING GRINDING ROUGHING ROLLING and EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY Plant No. 2 54V2 Franklin St. NEWARK, N. J. Manufacturer of Phonograph Diamond and Sapphire Reproducing Points — Recording Laboratory Jewels— Rough Diamond— Diamond Powder— Experimental Work. Jewels manufactured for all talking machine records. Consulting Specialist on all experiments relating to any new recording grooves. Recording problems satisfactorily worked out. A REALLY USEFUL SOUVENIR Standard Talking Machine Co. Remembers Its Friends at Holiday Time The Standard Talking Machine Co., Victor wholesalers, of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be kept in the minds of its dealers and friends during the coming year through the medium of an attractive and convenient pocket notebook, richly bound in leather, which was distributed with the compliments of the company at Christmas time Each book had stamped on its cover, in gold, the trade-mark of the Standard Co., together with the name of the recipient. The note pad in the book is detachable, and in a little foreword the Standard Co. announces that new pads will be sent to the owners of the books at frequent intervals. "TONAR" RECORD BRUSH APPEARS Parks & Parks, Inc., Place on the Market New Lubricating Record Brush The well-known firm of Parks & Parks, Inc., manufacturers of brushes and other specialties, has recently produced a record brush, the trade name of which is "Tonar." The "Tonar" record brush, according to its manufacturers, differs from other brushes in that the rubbing surface has been treated with an especially prepared lubricant which not only removes the dust, but also lubricates the record so as to eliminate, to a large degree, the so-called scratching and to bring out the most delicate tonal qualities. These brushes, which are being manufactured in large quantities, are ready for immediate shipment. INCORPORATED The Duplex Symphonie Talking Machine Co., New York, has been incorporated with a capital of $100,000 by W. C. H. and C. E. Eitzen and M. Purdeck, 440 East Sixty-sixth street. '* LET'S GET ACQUAINTED!" Fill out this coupon and mail it RIGHT NOW if you want details about that Monthly Service on Record Delivery Envelopes, designed exclusively for Victor dealers. My name is The Firm Name is . '_. '. Our address is LU FRANC SALES SERVICE 1202 Dime Bank Building, Detroit