The talking machine world (Jan-June 1920)

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January IS, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 135 Ferro Phonograph Parts Phonograph Manufacturers and Assemblers Who Want the Best in ToneFaithful and Accurate Reproductions of All Makes of Records -Will Welcome This Opportunity, Write or Wire To-Day Now! About The Ferro Tone Arm and Reproducer-Patented Nov. 25, 1919 The first announcement of this new and better sound producing unit, has brought hundreds of requests for samples. Some of the larger talking machine makers have decided on the FERROTone arm and sound box. And if YOU want better results, more satisfied customers— more commendation of your phonographs— you will investigate immediately. Now is the time to make reservations for your 1920 requirements. Write or wire for sample. State quantities you may need. Do it to-day ! THE BEST AND MOST EFFICIENT AUTOMATIC STOP MADE i rw. The FERRO STOP It stops where you want it to stop. Just the kind of hand brake that manufacturers, assemblers and jobbers of talking machines have long waited for. Solves all automatic stop troubles. The FERRO-STOP, together with the FERROTone arm and sound box, make an invincible combination that will increase the value of any talking machine. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS and QUANTITY PRICES CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO., Phone Parts Division 1455 West Congress Street, Chicago, 111.