The talking machine world (Jan-June 1920)

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218 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD March 15, 1920 NEED MORE SALES PEOPLE TO HANDLE PORTLAND TRADE Business of the Various Talking Machine Departments Increasing Steadily — Brunswick Phonograph on the Stage — Local Departments Being Enlarged — General News Portland, Ore., March 5. — More salespeople are needed very much by the Wiley B. Allen Co. in its talking machine department. Business there has grown to such an extent that it is quite impossible for the present force to attend to all the customers. The spacious rooms, the fine assortment of machines and records, and excellent service, all tend to make the Wiley B. Allen department one of the most popular places of the kind on the Coast. Frank M. Case is manager. While there is no difficulty in securing help, there is considerable difficulty in securing the right kind of help, and it has been the policy of this house to employ only those who are specially fitted to look after the high class of trade which the Wiley B. Allen Co. has always catered to. Business volume in the talking machine department of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. shows a LAKESIDE PHONOGRAPH RODUCTS CABINETS Motors Tone Arms EMAN LAKES! 1 >E OnoTONE KI'PREME MUTUAL FEDERAL FULTON ARNOLD JOHNSON EFFICIENCY Electric Motors f . , ( full lin: Hardware j AU?W Accessories j Af EBDLES EEDLE CUTTERS " BUMS. ETC. YES, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU COM. PLETED PHONOGRAPHS W rite for Our New Catalogue Lakeside Supply Co., Inc. Telephone Harrison 3840 416 So. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. gratifying increase since the alterations have been completed and more space given to that important part of the music floor. L. A. Willard, who is in charge of the department, has everything in fine condition. An unusually good supply of stock is on hand, most attractively arranged. The Widdicomb phonograph is very much admired, and a new shipment of these beautiful machines has just been received. The Bluebird talking machine is now also carried by this house. It is manufactured in Los Angeles. At the performance of "Head Over Heels" at the Heilig Theatre last month, in which Mitzi Hajos stars, a handsome Brunswick phonograph was on the stage. The machine was furnished by the Wiley B. Allen Co. The following letter was received by Frank M. Case, manager of the local branch, who complied with the request of Miss Hajos' manager: "Will you be so kind as to send a Brunswick phonograph to be used on the stage during the engagement of Mitzi Hajos in 'Head Over Heels' at the Heilig Theatre, beginning Thursday, February 5? The Brunswick phonograph was selected for this important musical production on account of its clearness and purity of tone and the excellence of its sound-projecting qualities, as well as its universal ability to play all records." Three new record rooms have been added to the talking machine department of the local branch of the Bush & Lane Co. These rooms are handsomely furnished in keeping with all the rest of the Bush & Lane establishments. E. C. Johnson, the new manager of the department, finds business very good, with stock below normal. C. A. Speer is a new salesman in the department. W. G. Gaston, Northwest sales representative of the Victor Talking Machine Co., was a Portland visitor last month. He has been in this territory since early in January and finds conditions booming. Mr. Gaston will be out here about seven months, looking after the interests of the dealers. Eiler's talking machine department has added several to its sales force. J. K. Bain and W. B. Bundy are in the machine department and Miss Laura Dobbert is in the record department. Mrs. Z. Baker is no longer connected with Meier & Frank's talking machine department, having resigned and gone to Seattle. Her position has been given to Miss Madeline Krebs, who has just returned from Tacoma, where she was engaged in the talking machine business. Miss Charlotte Kramer is now in the Seiberling-Lucas record department. Miss Kramer is a member of the Monday Musical Club. Symnhonv Orchestra, and a member of Spitzner's Philharmonic Society, and her knowledge of music makes her a valuable addition to the Seiberling-Lucas talking machine force. "The biggest talking machine sale ever known in the history of the city" is what Martin C. Collins says of the business done at Reed. French Co. last month. E. B. Hunt, manager of Sherman, Clay & Co.'s wholesale Victor department, reports very encouraging news from the Victor Co. Indications are, he says, that it will not be long before Victor goods will be available in very satisfactory proportions. This is very pleasing news. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bullock, of Nampa. Idaho, have been on a pleasure trip through California and called on Sherman, Clay & Co. while passing through Portland. Mr. Bullock 5s a Victor dealer in Nampa and was as enthusiastic as ever over their Victor account. Miss Meighen, of the Reed, French Co., sold a $35 talking machine to a man who at the same time bought $37 worth of records. W. B. Maxwell is again in charge of the talking machine department of Powers Furniture Store. He says that business was quiet last month, but was as good as could be expected under present conditions on account of the scarcity of records. The business in the record department of the Wiley B. Allen Co. is very good. Victor records are now being received, and, while the shipments are small, they are much more frequent. E. B. Hyatt, manager of the Hyatt Talking Machine Co., says that the increase of business in the record department has necessitated the employment of additional help. Mr. Hyatt says the demand for electrically operated machines is greater than ever before. Mr. Hyatt has purchased a handsome residence for himself in Laurelhurst, one of Portland's most exclusive residential sections. Hoffay Talking Machine Co., Inc. 14 Thomas St. New York City Manufacturers of the Famous Resurrectone Reproducers Airtight Tone Arm and Hoffay Talking Machine METZLER & CO. (1909) Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1788 # 40, 41, 42 and 43 Great Marlborough Street and 33, 35, 37 and 37 and 39 Foubert's Place LONDON, W., ENGLAND SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND HOFFAY AIRTIGHT MACHINES and ACCESSORIES Sole Distributors of the Hoffay Airtight — a really wonderful machine — for the States of Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Geo. A. Lowe Co. S Ogden, Utah We Assure the Trade Best Service Send Your Orders for HOFFAY PRODUCTS WILLS & PATON, Pty., Ltd. Sole Agenls for Australia 265 Collins Street MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA also 7 Quadrant LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA DISTRIBUTORS OF HOFFAY PRODUCTS Southern California Music Company Established 1880 332-334 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Other Stores Pasadena, Riverside, San Diego