The talking machine world (Jan-Mar 1921)

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March 15, 1921 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 123 HAPPENINGS IN CANADIAN TRADE (Continued from page 121) as each year the accommodation for the musical competitions would become worse it would help squeeze the exhibition directors into providing the much-needed Temple of Music. The secretary outlined the growth of the Music Temple idea at the Canadian National Exhibition and thought the building could now be considered a possibility. The exhibition management was prepared to put up a suitable Music Temple if certain prescribed arrangements could be guaranteed for carrying and maintenance charges. Until such a building were erected he saw no signs of a suitable, permanent home at the exhibition for the phonograph industry. The incoming exhibition committee was asked to do everything possible to bring about a "Music Day" as a feature of the Canadian National Exhibition. Just as there is a Farmer's Day, American Day, Women's Day, President's Day, etc., it was thought there should be and might be a "Music Day." The election of officers resulted as follows: President, W. B. Puckett; vice-president, E. C. Scythes; secretary, J. G. Merrick; treasurer, W. N. Martin; export committee, S. J. Cook, O, C. Dorian, O. Wagner; exhibition committee, J. D. Ford, B. A. Trestrail, A. E.' Landon; finance committee, D. R. Gourlay, Thomas Nash, E. Van Gelder; legislation and tariff committee, Armand Heintzman, John E. Hoare, W. D. Stevenson; nominating committee, J. D. Ford, W. B. Puckett, D. M. Wright. The executive committee of the association consists of the elected officers, with the chairman of each of the standing committees. HAPPENINGS OF THE TRADE IN MONTREAL BOILED DOWN Champion Music Co. Buys Phonograph Shop — Brunswick Billboards Attract — A. J. Freiman Honored — Child & Gower Co. Buys Williams Business in Regina, Sask. — Other Trade Changes Montreal, Can., March 3. — There have been several changes in trade circles during the past month. A number of houses have fallen by the way, while others have engaged in new ventures. Dealers in established lines are finding business good and are doing all in their power to keep it so. The stock and good will of the business carried on under the name of the Phonograph Shop of Montreal, Regina, have been purchased by the Champion Music Co., which is already operating eight stores throughout the city. It will continue to handle His Master's Voice records and the Starr, Windsor and Cecilian machines. A. Robitaille, manager of the firm, is delighted over the acquisition of this business, which now gives him entree into the West End of the city and a share of the English-speaking trade. Gray & Jacquest, cabinet makers of Lachine, Que., and the Caron Piano & Phonograph Co. have made assignments. Congratulations are being extended to Gilbert Layton, youngest son of Philip E. Layton, of Layton Bros., upon his recent marriage to Miss Norah Estelle England, of Montreal. Ed Archambault, Reg., Canadian phonograph distributor, and the Phonograph Sales Co., Ltd., all of Montreal, have registered as dealers in talking machines. During the recent Edison jobbers' convention in Montreal Layton Bros., Edison dealers, extended through the press an invitation to all delegates to make use of their warerooms as headquarters during the conference. Billboards advertising Brunswick phonographs greet one from all sides, and this, together with heavy newspaper advertising exploiting the new arrival of Brunswick records, places this make most prominently before the public. N. G. Valiquette, Ltd., was the only exhibitor of talking machines at the recent Montreal Motor Show and had on display a Pathe Actuelle model and an open model showing the mechanism. The Zionists of Canada at the closing session of the seventeenth convention held in Montreal recently unanimously endorsed the selection of A. J. Freiman, the well-known Columbia dealer of Ottawa, as president of the organization. To Tony Ramsperger, of the Brunswick Shop, falls the honor of selling locally the first two Brunswick period models, Botham and Stratford console. This firm reports a spirited demand for Brunswick dance records. The Child & Gower Piano Co., Ltd., Regina, Sask., has purchased the entire stock of Columbia Grafono'las and records of the R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Ltd., and is now exclusive representative for Columbia product in that city. Norman F. Rowell, manager of the talking machine department of C. W. Lindsay, Ltd., is now the proud father of a baiby girl, born February 5. Musical Studios, Ltd., Quebec City, during the recent appearance of . Lazaro? the Columbia artist, advertised the fact in numerous ways and reaped the benefit in large sailes of records previous to and after the recital. There will be opened in Montreal one of the largest dance halls in America and the largest in Canada. The location is the whole of the first floor of the new building now being erected just behind the Engineers' Club, on Phillips square. The name of the place will be "Dancing Carnival." The floor space will give accommodation to over 1,200 couples. Two orchestras will be in attendance, playing continuously from 4 p. m. to midnight. Montreal dealers will, no doubt, notice a stimulation of sales of dance records as a result of the opening of this new dance hall. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd., has on exhibition in the show windows the first Magnavox which has leached this city. BRUNO Sending your sales staff to the Red Seal School, Mr. Victor Dealer, shows more wisdom than an investment in gilt edge securities. The former requires no capital and you receive all the "Velvet" of the latter. BRUNO COVERING NEW ENGLAND TRADE Wm. T. Gibbs Introducing New Device of Phonograph Specialties Co. to Dealers in That Section — Harry Leonhardt on Traveling Staff William T. Gibbs, of Providence, R. I., who was recently appointed New England representative of the Phonograph Specialties Mfg. Co., well-known manufacturer of a patented motor and spring safety device to prevent overwinding, recently departed on a trip covering Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island territory. Mr. Gibbs is a well-known mechanical engineer who has had long experience in the sales field. He is particularly well acquainted in New England territory and expects to introduce his firm's products to the trade in the States mentioned. Harry Leonhardt has also been appointed representative for the firm in the States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois. While Air. Leonhardt expects to make his headquarters in Philadelphia, he will shortly make a trip thoroughly covering all the trade centers in the States mentioned. O. W. Weisenborn, president of the Phonograph Specialties Mfg. Co., whose executive offices are at 69 Fleet street, Jersey City, N. J., recently stated: "The results we have obtained from the initial introduction of our device have been most gratifying and lead us to believe that the trade appreciates the merits of our goods. We have received a series of letters from numerous interested parties, particularly repair men, who state that the product has a ready sale." ATTRACTIVE DEALER PROPOSITION 0; N OKeL Records OFFERED BY Sterling Roll & Record Co. We handle a complete line of phonograph accessories Pittsburgh, pa SUihng Roll & Record Co. C1NC1NNATI OH1° 436 4th AVE. 137 W. 4th ST.