The talking machine world (Jan-June 1922)

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26 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD January 15, 1922 Imagine Rose Ponselle and Ricardo Stracciari singing "Mira di acerbe lagrime" (Here, Pleading at Thy Feet), the duet from // Trovatore! Lucky is the music lover who secures this record. Order now. Columbia 49922. Columbia Graphophone Co. NEW YORK OVATION FOR ART HICKMAN Famous Columbia Artist Makes First Appearance of the Season at Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, and Is Given Wonderful Reception mounted on trucks paraded the streets every day, and the publicity tie-up was most efficient. Los Angeles, Cal., January 4. — Art Hickman, famous dance orchestra leader and exclusive Columbia artist, received a tremendous ovation at the Ambassador Hotel recently when the Art Hickman Orchestra made its first appearance of the season. Columbia dealers throughout this territory took advantage of Mr. Hickman's appearance at the Ambassador Hotel through the use of timely publicity, and among the dealers who carried attractive advertising were the Remick Song & Gift Shop, the Bartlett Music Co. and Cooper's Melody Shop. The night of the Hotel Ambassador opening was the most brilliant social affair of the season. The cafe was filled to overflowing, and every table was crowded. Chas. P. Mack, assistant manager of the Los Angeles branch of the Columbia Graphophone Co., arranged to have a large floral piece in the form of an imitation Columbia record placed at the entrance of the cafe, where it was the center of attraction. For one week previous to Art Hickman's appearance, large imitation Columbia records four feet eight inches in diameter were on display in the lobby of the Ambassador Hotel, announcing the opening date of Art Hickman's Orchestra. During the week of the opening large records RECENT GRANBY ACTIVITIES Business Shows Pleasing Development — Reports From Various Points — Prominent Men Entertained at Dinner — Conditions in the West Norfolk, Va., January 3. — The Granby Phonograph Corp., of this city, is receiving encouraging reports from its representatives in all sections of the country. Austin L. Fordham, who represents Granby in eastern Pennsylvania, reports excellent business and that the various period designs are proving very popular. F. D. W. Connelly, representing Granby in North Carolina, has been making his headquarters in High Point and in addition to the excellent representation he is giving the line in that State has found time to organize a singing society, join a church choir and otherwise advance interest in music. He has been elected an honorary member of the High Point Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Club. E. W. Schumaker, of St. Louis, who represents Granby in the West, writes that business is showing a very decided improvement and states that he does not believe it entirely due to holiday demand but -rather indicates a healthy return to normal business. Mr. Schumaker reports a number of new Granby dealers established in his territory. I&LBEKT CAMPB&LL ■""iiiiimiiiiniirrmTm In Concert and Entertainment Personal Appearance of Eight Popular Victor Favorites on One Program A live attraction for live dealers and jobbers Bookings now for season 1921-1922 Sample program and particulars upon request P. W. SIMON, Manager 1658 Broadway New York City Famous Ensembles including Campbell & Burr Sterling Trio • Peerless Quartet LAMBERT FRIEDL RESIGNS General Phonograph Corp. Manager to Take an Extended Rest Owing to 111 Health Lambert Friedl, manager of the metropolitan distributing division of the General Phonograph Corporation, New York, resigned from his position this week, owing to ill health. Mr. Friedl, who is one of the best known members of the talking machine trade, is planning to take a complete rest for about six months in order to recuperate fully. As manager of the metropolitan distributing division of the General Phonograph Corp. during the past year, Mr. Friedl was an important factor in the development of Okeh business in this territory. His success may be attributed in a measure to the fact that he numbers' among his personal friends the great majority of dealers in this territory, and his familiarity with every phase of retail merchandising in this industry enabled him to give the dealers maximum service and co-operation. ART IN ADVERTISING AWARDS Some Members of the Music Industry Whose Advertising and Drawings Have Come in for Commendation From Noted Art Directors The "Annual of Advertising Art in the United States" for 1921 has recently been issued. This is a catalog of the exhibitions of advertising paintings and drawings made at the galleries of the National Arts Club in the Spring of 1921, which exhibition was held by The Art Directors' Club. Awards were made by a jury consisting of Richard J. Walsh, chairman; Robert Henri, Charles Dana Gibson, E. H. Blashfield, Arthur W. Dow and Joseph Pennell. The awards made at this exhibition, which is held in the Spring of each year, are looked upon by the advertising profession as authoritative and indicating the companies an'd specific pieces t>f^ the advertising done by said companies, which x£re the finest published in a given field, from the standpoint of art. V^V/'^X ! The following awards for 1921 are of interest to the music industry: Piano airlyertjsentents — Stefhway & Sons, The Packard Co, Organ advertisements—Estey Organ Co. Talking machine advertisements — Victor Talking Machine Co., Columbia Graphophone Co., Wiley B. Allen Co. NEW RECORD CLEANING DEVICE Canton, O., January 3. — Patents covering an, automatic device for cleaning phonograph records have been" issued Homer Miller' and A. B. Kidder, manager of a local machine shop. The manufacture of the -new device will be started soon after the fit's t of the year, the inventors announce. A complicated, hair-splitting idea has no value in business. Each great business idea can be; put into a few sentences which everybody will be able to understand.