The talking machine world (Jan-June 1922)

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12 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD March 15, 1922 Some Timely Suggestions and Selling Ideas I for Talking Machine Dealers By Thornton Hall 1 inn Resourcefulness is one of the most essential characteristics of the successful salesman, whether he be a retailer of talking machines or a vendor of any other kind of merchandise. The writer was the witness of an interesting demonstration of sales resourcefulness that was rewarded by a substantial sale in a talking machine shop the other day. The proprietor had just made a memorandum 1 1 1 at he was out of a certain record and that he must replenish his supply of that number without delay. Just at that time a lady entered the store and asked if he had that particular record. Knowing that there was not a single one in the store it was with some little surprise that I heard him say, "Just a moment, please, I shall have to go back to the stock room and see if I can find you one." He was gone some little time, obviously in search of the requested record. During his absence the resourceful merchant's ruse became apparent to me as soon as I observed the glance of the customer straying about the salesroom. While she waited for the return of Mr. Proprietor she read the various advertising streamers and posters, as well as the various record lists on the counters. She also discovered a record album which seemed to remind her that she needed one. Right then and there I decided that there was a method in the dealer's search, which was quite obviously a vain one. At this point the dealer returned with the regret that the record was out of stock. He would, however, be very glad to supply the lady with it the day after the next. To this she acquiesced and then proceeded to purchase the album she had remembered she needed and a John Mc Cormack record suggested by a poster which she had read during her wait. A little persuasion on the part of the dealer and he sold her several other Red Seal records. This merchant knew what he was doing. He tells me his motto is: "Keep Them in the Store as Long as Possible." Speaking of John McCormack records. Saint Patrick's Day is with us again, or rather it will ■111 I Resourcefulness Pays |[ ■ at All Times — Fea ( | luring Saint Patrick's H [ Day in Window and ( B Newspaper Displays m be with us in a couple of days. We now have the Irish Free State, which should mean that that portion of the American population which proudly traces its ancestry back to the Emerald Isle is more responsive than ever to Saint Patrick's Day suggestions. Let us consider a few of these appropriate suggestions. In the first place, it will be well to make sure that your stock is sufficient to meet the demands for such appropriate records as those of John McCormack, Walter Scanlan, etc., etc. In case lllllllllll! your supply of them is low you have just about time to rush an order to your nearest jobber. It is a matter of record that these records always sell well with very little pushing at this season of the year. Do not be caught without them. With the exception of Christmas, no holiday appeal is ever quite so effective as the birthday of Ireland's patron saint. Last year a Pennsylvania dealer carried out the idea with the following newspaper ad: KELLEY— THE POPULAR NAME OF THE WEEK The name of Kelley has always connoted something rich and ripe in the way of wit and humor. Saint Patrick's Day is the Day of the Kelleys, the world over. The particular Kelley we have in mind is Walter C. Kelley — the famous Virginia Judge, Story Teller Extraordinary, Raconteur of Raconteurs. You know Judge Kelley — how rich in humor and human interests his anecdotes always are! Have you heard his latest record on the Victor? A teninch series of witty yarns it is — a chuckle to the inch, and another bunch on the other side. And they're not like other stories; you can hear them with pleasure over and over again. Come in and hear them once. This year you have another opportunity for a timely tie-up. For example, there are the O'Neil records, "Peggy" and "Micky." Re(Continued on page 14) Individuality in Your Product Will Mean More Sales for You! The New Empire Universal Ball Bearing Tone Arm and Reproducer Made in Two Lengths: 8" and 9" The Empire Universal Pivot Base Tone Arm and Reproducer Made in Several Lengths. THE EMPIRE PHONO PARTS COMPANY, 1362 East Third Street, Cleveland, 0. Established in 1914 Manufacturers of High Grade Tone Arms and Reproducers W. J. McNAMARA. President