The talking machine world (Jan-June 1922)

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20 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD April 15, 1922 S. KAMINSHINE IS SALES MANAGER Of Greater New York Novelty Co. — Appointment Announced by President Cohen N. Cohen, president of the Greater New York Novelty Co., manufacturer of Wall-Kane needles. Brooklyn, N. Y., has announced the appointment of S. Kaminshine as sales manager of the company. Mr. Kaminshine is an energetic young man of marked sales ability and was connected with the Liggett Co. for the past four years. S. Kaminshine Mr. Kaminshine has a double relationship to Mr. Cohen. In addition to being his right-hand man in the selling of Wall-Kane needles he will, in a short time, be his son-in-law as well. The engagement of Mr. Kaminshine to the daughter of Mr. Cohen was announced at a reception held on March 25 at the Park Mansion, in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn. Immediately after this affair Mr. Kaminshine left on a trip which may possibly carry him as far as the Pacific Coast. During the early part of March he covered the New England States and Pennsylvania and reported having found a marked increase of business and an optimistic feeling in these respective territories. ARTIST HELPS RECORD SALES Kiraly Erno, Columbia Artist, Helps Dealers Sell Records — "Open House" Attracts Thousands On his recent concert tour in this country Kiraly Erno, popular Hungarian artist, recording for the Columbia library, was the guest of L. Fazekas, Columbia dealer, 1463 First avenue, New York, who featured him in a special sales effort. From ten in the morning until six in the evening Mr. Erno held open house at Mr. Fazekas' store, autographing his photos and presenting one to every record buyer. Over 2,000 people visited the store, and at times the crowd became so great on the sidewalk in front that it was necessary to have the police clear the way. As a result of this sales effort Mr. Fazekas sold 450 Kiraly Erno records during the day. At noon a luncheon was served in honor of the artist, at which a number of Columbia sales representatives were present. Mr. Erno expects to return to the United States very shortly on another concert tour, and at present is under contract to appear in Berlin and other European capitals. SPRAVKA & TEBOREK ENTER FIELD Berwyn, III., April 1. — A combination talking machine and electrical store has been opened at 6224 Roosevelt road here, on the site formerly occupied by the Gift Shop, by the firm of Spravka & Teborek. While the concern handles both musical and electrical goods, these two lines have been separated in such a manner that the store is in effect two establishments. A branch store has been established in Yuba City, Cat., by the Wiley B. Allen Co. A stock of talking machines and pianos has been installed. |^ SUPERIOR STEEL -» RrilliantoNF W RlCISTi'OCD THADC MARK ■ 1 NEEDLES Uniform Hardness Uniform Points Uniform Length Guaranteed BRIIUANTONE STEEL NEEDLE CO., of AMERICA. Inc. Selling Agents for MfH.Bagshaw&Co. Factory, Lowell, Mass. 347 FIFTH AVENUE. NEWYOR.K IMPROVED QUARTERS IN OAKLAND Recital Hall and Additional Booths Installed by Oakland Phonograph Co. Oakland, Cal., April 3. — The Oakland Phonograph Co., 473 Twelfth street, has just completed extensive alterations to several departments of its store and now has one of the finest talking machine establishments on the Coast. The changes were carried out under the personal direction of Bernhard S. Goldsmith, proprietor of the company, and include the installation of a commodious concert hall on the lower floor with a seating capacity of 200, which is to be devoted to educational work. Free lectures and musicales will be given in the hall under the direction of Pierre Marvin and a feature will be a series of twenty-minute noonday concerts. A number of new demonstration rooms have also been installed, bringing the number of rooms up to fifteen. The rooms are all of sound-proof construction and provided with special ventilating apparatus. 55EARM&REPRODO FEATURES LARGE diaphragm and long stylus bar lengthens vibrations, producing a deeper and more natural quality of tone. Perfectly balanced in accordance with carefully worked ratios and with regard to co-ordinate parts, this tone arm and reproducer permits a freedom and sweetness of tone heretofore thought impossible. Surface sounds almost entirely removed. Throw-back design permits of easy access to needle socket. Saves records from unnecessary scratching. ' 1 1 i I i l li ill ll I ill li ill l 1 l l I I I I II 1. 1 ll l l I I I 1 I II 1 I l I k for KNOWN the country over its excellent quality of tone and natural, life-like reproduction of all musical tones, and its great volume. This tone arm on your machine spells success, because of its high standing in the Phonograph World. Made only in 8^-inch length. Can be furnished with or without Mute Tone Modifier, with Mica or THE JEWEL MUTE CONTROLS volume just like the human throat. Built in the reproducer and functions in such a way that the length of vibrations is minutely regulated and the tone reproduced to a softness and clearness that are remarkable. Operates by means of a thumbscrew and is instantly adjustable. Tone has free and unimpaired passage throughout tone arm and chamber — Not "Muffled" or "Choked" as with ordinary type of tone modifier. Perfect regulation without in any way changing character of tone. j ■ ■! I « i i i i I 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1^1; JEWEL PH0N0PARTS COMPANY 154 Whiting Street Chicago, 111.