The talking machine world (Jan-June 1922)

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150 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD June 15, 1922 L OS ANGELES Important New Agencies Established — Console Models Grow in Favor — Cheney Distributors Open Up — Records for Stammerers Los Angeles, Cai.., June 1. — The Music Trades Association dance which was held last month proved a great success, so much so that it has been voted to hold similar ones at least annually. The weather was not very propitious, but in spite of that there was an attendance of about 250 and it is antic'pated that at least twice that number will be present at the next dance. Talking machine departments wTere well represented, managers, salesmen, record salesladies being there. The music, consisting of eight pieces, was supplied by Hancock's Vista Del Arroyo Orchestra. Mr. Hancock owns a Brunswick phonograph shop in Pasadena. Broadway Department Store Victor Agents Tlie Broadway Department Store has ob tained a Victrola agency, which it will handle exclusively. A. G. Faulkner, general manager of the music department, reports that the new stock was received in the early part of May and that the public has readily responded to the advertisements announcing the new department and he expects that the large clientele which the Broadway Department Store possesses will soon show their appreciation and that a large increase will result. New Cheney Distributors Open Offices The Munson-Rayner Corp., California distributor of the Cheney phonograph, has opened handsome offices in the Homer Laughlin Building. E. R. Darvill, who has been appointed sales manager by Munson-Rayner Corp., left for the New York Convention on May 30 and will visit the Cheney factories before returning to Los Angeles. Mr. Darvill is very well known throughout the territory through his former connections with the Aeolian Vocalion Co. in the distribution of Vocalion records. The MunsonRayner Corp. announces that, in addition to the Cheney phonograph, it will handle a line of phonograph accessory supplies. Console Models in Greater Demand Harold Jackson, manager of the phonograph department of the Wiley B. Allen Co., states that the demand for console models is showing a rapid increase and that sales of these types are exceeding those of the upright models. He is placing advance orders accordingly, believing that this choice on the part of the public will increase in the near future. Mr. Jackson also drew attention to the tendency — which will increase— of customers to apply for exchanges of their upright models; he has, therefore, found it necessary to make a rule that no exchanges of this kind will be made unless the price of the console, which the customer desires, exceeds the original price of the upright, which the customer wants to turn in, by at least $100; an allowance under these circumstances will be made on the basis of the price at which the upright can be resold less the usual cost for handling and reselling. Bullock's Victor Department Opens The new Victrola and record department oi Bullock's was opened on May 1. Mr. Crawford, merchandise manager of the department, has appointed W. V. Ray to be in charge of Victrola sales. Mr. Ray is well known in Los Angeles and was formerly in Canada, where he had several years' experience both in retail and wholesale Victor departments. Miss R. Johnson, formerly with Sherman, Clay & Co., is managing the record department. Series of Records on Stammering 0. H. Ennis, who has made a national reputation in the public schools as a lecturer of a method for the curing of stammering, has made three double-sided records on which a complete course for the cure of stammering has been recorded. The set, which will be sold to the public and placed in the public schools, will be distributed by jobbers to dealers throughout the country. Fitzgerald Installs Brunswicks The Fitzgerald Music Co. has opened a Brunswick phonograph and record department. The announcement was a great surprise to the trade in Los Angeles, and the Brunswick Co. is to be congratulated on securing this well-known music house as its representative. The Fitzgerald Music Co. has always been a very large advertiser and it has already launched a large Brunswick advertising campaign. Radio Outfits Selling Big 1. Lessor, special representative of the Blue Bird Talking Machine Co., returned last week from San Francisco, where he had been working for some time. He reports excellent sales both from the radio supply departments and also large orders for Blue Birds and special cabinets. Long Beach Dealer Enthusiastic George M. Parker, manager of the phonograph department of the Fitzgerald Music Co., reports fine business in the Long Beach Edison department. He states that the Edison has always been a favorite in that section and that the outlook is most favorable. IMPORTANT PATHE CHANGES Several important changes have been made in the sales staff of the Pathe Freres Phonograph Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Usher, formerly of the traveling staff of the Emerson Phonograph Co., has joined the Pathe organization and will occupy an important position on the Pathe sales staff. S. A. Price, also an ex-Emerson man, is now on the Pathe sales staff. James Watters, for many years secretary of the Pathe* Freres Phonograph Co., recently severed his connections with that company and has not as yet announced his future plans. There's a Curious Thing About Bubble Books The first Bubble Book sale isn't the whole story— by a lot, It's only a scratch on the surface. That first sale really means that you've got a prospect lined up for thirteen other sales, and it's up to you to make them. For there is one sure thing about Bubble Book buyers —they always come back for more. And that's where your profits lie. It's easy to make sales, but Bubble Books do more than that — they make customers. When you sell one you sell a habit and when you sell a habit, you're building business. HARPER & BROTHERS, BUBBLE BOOK DIVISION Established 1817 Franklin Square New York, N. Y.