The talking machine world (Jan-June 1923)

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January 15, 1923 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 99 In bond selling it is recognized that salesmanship consists of exchanging income and security for money. In the motor car field the process deals with transportation, plus or minus luxury. In real estate salesmanship the motive power is the idea of home owning and independent family life. And so on. The wisest business men are more and more coming to look with a sort of contempt upon the purely speculative side of business and to see that the great thought for to-day and for the future is that of rendering service to the world. The faint heart need not fear that he will starve. The economic history of the modern day shows clearly that the world will richly reward those who have something that the world needs, provided that scientific salesmanship is_ applied to bring the world and the needed thing together. Where Our Business Comes In All this applies to the talking machine business most clearly, sharply and positively. For the talking machine business is concerned with rendering to the world a most important and needed service, the service of music. All popular art is the expression of the feelings of all the people. Whatever art flourishes most at .any epoch may be taken to be a fairly clear expression of the feelings and beliefs of that epoch. To-day music is the one art which shows real activity, real liveliness. Music is the modern art par excellence; which is simply another way of saying that to-day music, more accurately than any other form of expression, meets the unspoken but deeply felt needs of the people. That is why the people want music, and why they will have it at any cost. Now the talking machine is of all music givers the most generally useful. It is the unsurpassed music means for the home. Everybody wants it who has not already got it and those who already have it want more and more of its music. If anv one exists who neither has nor wants a talking machine that person is cither stone deaf or in need of an interview and a demonstration. If every merchant who sells music in any of its forms were really convinced of these truths there would be no need to say a word about salesmanship. Equal Profits to Each Party No trickery, no sharp dealing, no lies, no exaggerations are needed in selling talking machines. The process is the nearest approach yet discovered to that perfect barter which gives equal profit to each party, profit equal in degree though different in kind. If every talking machine man would realize that he is really in the position of being able to benefit everybody who does business with him he would feel sorry rather than sore when a sale was missed, for he would see that the prospect had failed to connect up with a benefit due him, rather than that the salesman had failed to do some bit of sharp work. The careers of those who to-day are selling talking machines and records in the largest quantities are the careers of men who understand that they are selling music, and that to sell music is the most honorable of occupations, for it is the one occupation which need never bring regret. Moreover, and lastly, salesmanship being the process of putting through equitable exchanges music salesmanship need never be conducted as if price entered seriously into the question. To ofifer "bargains" in talking machines or records is to do the most unnecessary thing in the world. Every legitimate talking machine or record is cheap at any reasonable price. Not perhaps all at once will new conceptions conquer and persuade every one, but these new conceptions of. business, which in reality are very old, are gaining ground with such rapidity that he who does not lay hold on them now will soon be miles behind in the race. USES PUBLICITY AS SALES INCENTIVE H. C. Grove, Inc., Features New Process Columbia Record Advertising — Sales Totals Materially Increased as Result of Drive Washington, D. C, January 7. — H. C. Grove, Inc., well-known Columbia dealer in this city, took full advantage of the recent newspaper campaign sponsored by the Columbia Graphophone Co. in behalf of Columbia New Process records. Trimming his window with New Process record advertising copy and featuring .M3IA ■UATOS COLUMBIA H£A00t'AJ»TEH3 Grove Features Columbia Records the full newspaper page in his display, Mr. Grove reports that hundred of records were sold to new customers on the day that the advertising appeared. This publicity, moreover, not only produced sales for this particular day, but for weeks afterward H. C. Grove, Inc., lined up new customers on the strength of this New Process record publicity. MOVES TO NEW LOCATION PiTTSKiELD, Mass., January 8. — John P. Middleton, Victor dealer of this city, has moved his business to attractive and spacious quarters in the Syndicate Block. Showing Reproducer of Jewel Needle Equipment Turned Up to Change Needle; Also Position When Not in Use Showing Reproducer of Jewel Needle Equipment in Position for Playing Lateral Cut Records on Edison Phonograph For The New Edison Showing Reproducer of Jewel Needle Equipment in Position for Playing Edison Record With Fibre Needle. 1 Plays all types of records. Operates the same as the "EDISON" with the LEVER. No adjustments necessary when changing from lateral to vertical cut records. Stop prevents swinging to the right. Needle scratch almost entirely removed. Turning back of Reproducer permits of easy access to needle socket and saves records from unnecessary scratching. Is the ONLY equipment that plays vertical cut records with a Fibre needle in the proper "EDISON" position with the Reproducer turned FACE DOWN to the record, giving it a floating action. NOT Just Another Equipment BUT a distinct improvement in Tone Reproduction as well as in Mechanical Construction and Finish. Send for descriptive circular which contains "HINTS REGARDING THE CARE OF A PHONOGRAPH." WRITE YOUR EDISON JOBBER. HE HAS IT. Price the same. Liberal discount to dealers. GUARANTEED IN EVERY WAY. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. We handle highest grade Jewel Point Needles. JEWEL PHONOPARTS COMPANY Showing Back View of Jewel Needle Equipment in Position for Playing Lateral Cfut Records on Edison Phonograph Needle CENTERS on all records. Straight air-tight construction and absence of movable joints insure perfect reproduction and great volume. Pivoted ball-joint insures perfect reproducticm and freedom of movement both vertically and horizontally. Weight is the lightest that can produce perfect results, thus saving the record, and permitting a freedom and sweetness of tone considered impossible. Indestructible NOM-Y-KA diaphragms do not blast, crack, split or warp, and are the greatest development in phonographic sotind reproduction in years. 160 W. Whiting St., Chicago iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—