The talking machine world (Jan-June 1923)

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90 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD March 15, 1923 SAN FRANCISCO Construction of New Wholesale Establishment of Sherman, Clay &f Co. to Be Started in Spring — Business Good — News of Month San Francisco, Cal., March 3. — The latter part of February was fairly satisfactory in the talking machine business in San Francisco and vicinity, but the first part was rather slow, probably on account of the many post-holiday sales which for the time being exhausted the people's interest. The wholesalers now have ample stocks of machines and records for the trade, many shipments having arrived from the factories in the last few weeks. The sale of Chaliapin The PHONOSTOP STANDARD for SEVEN YEARS 100% Efficient. Guaranteed. Sold direct to manufacturers all over the world. Nickel or Gold. Your phonograph is worthy of the best stop. Your customers appreciate it. NEED-A-CLIP Fibre Needle Repointer with Hardened Tool Steel Blade Retail 75c. WORKS PERFECTLY POPULAR PRICE Sold to DEALERS We also sell Standard Phonograph Hardware and Trimmings Get Our Printed Matter and Prices PHONOMOTOR CO. 121 West Ave. ROCHESTER, N. Y. records has been lively with many dealers and there would have been a very much better demand if the great singer had not been taken ill and so could not fill his widely advertised concert engagement in San Francisco. Jazz selections lead in the sales records. Robert Bird, manager of the wholesale Victor department of Sherman, Clay & Co., says the indications are that the new Victrola consoles, Nos. 215 and 220, which are expected on the Coast in about two months, will meet a very popular demand, many inquiries being received every day. The February wholesale business is satisfactory. In records, a special hit is the new record of Chaliapin's, "The Volga Boatman." Floor plans for the new wholesale establishment of Sherman, Clay & Co. have been drawn and the members of the company are puzzling their heads trying to apportion the space satisfactorily among the various departments. Building will be commenced this Spring. J. Bray, manager of the retail talking machine department of Kohler & Chase, says that the sales of Burnham phonographs and Okeh records during February have been pretty fair and that the demand for the high-class models in machines is increasing. The Kohler St Chase store in Sacramento has taken over the stock of Victor merchandise held by Hale Bros., of that city. The latter company has discontinued its phonograph department in the Sacramento store. Brunswick goods are coming to the Coast regularly and the dealers are liberal in their orders. The Wiley B. Allen Co. has just received a carload of Brunswicks and the Jackson Furniture Co., of Oakland, another carload. The O'Connor Music Co., Merced, Cal., has just taken on the Brunswick agenc}'. George Morton, manager of the talking machine department of the White House, says that the business of his department is 30 per cent greater than a year ago. The highest class merchandise is in steady demand. George Hughes, of the Wiley B. Allen Co.. took a week off at Rio Vista. Cal., the last of February. J. J. Black, treasurer of the company, together with T. M. Fletcher, president of the Q R S Music Co., enjoyed a week of golfing at the famous Del Monte links during the month. Mr. Black says that the volume of January and February business indicates that this will be a prosperous year for the trade. The Oakland establishment of the Wiley B. Allen Co. has been moved to a new location at Washington street, near Fourteenth. The new talking machine department will be the largest in Oakland and will, of course, be most modernly equipped. Billy Morton, manager of the retail talking machine department of Sherman, Clay & Co., is about to visit the talking machine departments of the company's stores in Oregon and Washington. The San Jose store of Sherman, Clay & Co. is being remodeled in order to provide for greater space and convenience. F. B. Travers, Western Sonora general agent, called a meeting of the Sonora dealers in the vicinitv of San Francisco on Februarv 20 for the purpose of discussing matters pertinent to the merchandising of this product. The little convention was held at the Phonograph Shop in San Francisco. Most of the Sonora dealers were able to attend. There' is still a shortage of Sonora phonographs on the Coast, but early shipments are promised. P. S. Kantner, manager of the San Francisco branch of the Columbia Graphophone Co., has been spending most of his time, on the road in the last three months, during which time he has opened forty new Columbia accounts. These mew agencies are located mostly in the smaller cities of the interior. The next campaign of Mr. Kantner will be centered on developing , Columbia business in the larger commercial centers. The vogue of the console is strong throughout the California territory. The latest benedict in the San Francisco trade is G. A. Einselin, owner of the two thriving music stores on Mission street. The bride was Elizabeth Storer, a belle of Marin County. The couple spent their honej-moon on an automobile trip to Southern California. The Music Trades Association of Northern California will hold a dinner meeting some time in March in honor of Alex McDonald, of the executive committee of the National Piano Manufacturers' Association, who is coming to the Coast to boost the annual trade convention to be held this year in Chicago. PLAN MUSIC WEEK IN LOUISVILLE Louisville, Ky., March 7. — Extensive preparations are under way for Music Week, which will be held here from April 8 to April 14. The Music Week program is in charge of Miss Carolyn Bourgard, who is arranging for special features each day. A number of other committees have been appointed to work out the complete details of the pro.L;ram. Talking machine and other music dealers will co-operate to make the event a success. Special window displays will be staged and other forms of publicitv will be indulged in. PHONOGRAPH DE LUXE The instrument of incomparable tone, that plays any record better than you have ever heard it played before. Complete line of table, upright and console models. Prices to the Trade Range from $8.50 to $125.00 Cabinets of beautiful design and finish, improved motor equipment. Dealers write us: The Regrinas now in homes are malcing lots of friends; people come in and ask for them. Watch us increase our sales. Cash in on the Regina; now is the time. Also Regina Music Boxes with or without phono attachment. Regina Hexaphones and Mandolin orchestrions. Regina tune discs and parts for any instrument ever manufactured by the Regina Co. Send for particulars on territory arrangcments. The Regina Phonograph Co. MANUFACTURERS RAHWAY NEW JERSEY For San Francisco and adjacent territory Distributing Branch THE BRUNSWICK-B ALKE-COLLENDER CO. 767-69-71 Mission St. F. A. Smith, Branch Mgr.