The talking machine world (Jan-June 1923)

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18 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD April IS, 1923 The ALBUM method EXCELS all other RECORD FILING systems EVER TRIED SELECTING THEIR FAVORITES To the Trade: Our Record Album factory — all or any part of it — is at your command. Hundreds of customers can and will gladly testify as to the good quality of our production. Our large and growing business is due to satisfied customers and repeat orders. Imprint (firm name or trade mark) stamped on covers if desired when orders are sufficiently large to justify it. OUR ALBUMS ARE MADE TO CONTAIN VICTOR. COLUMBIA. EDISON, PATHE. VOCALION AND ALL OTHER DISC RECORDS NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 239 S. American St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Office, 54 Franklin Street, Telephone, Franklin 1227, James E. Maguire, Representative THE PERFECT PLAN WILEY B. ALLEN CO. IN NEW HOME Prominent Pacific Coast Concern Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary by Completion of Handsome New Building in Oakland, Cal. Oakland, Cal., April 6. — The Wiley B. Allen Co. celebrated the semi-centennial of the establishment of that concern by the completion of its new building at 1323 Washington street, in this city. It was fifty years ago last month that the Wiley B. Allen Co. was established in San Jose by the man whose name it bears, and to-day the company is nationally known with branches all over the Coast, including the cities of Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento, Portland, Fresno and San Diego. In speaking of the new store, the Oakland manager, A. B. Laurilliard, said: "The one big reason for the move is the imperative need for more room. We have been for a long time handicapped by the limited space in our old location. In the new store we will have three entire floors and mezzanine. The first floor will be devoted to display, talking machine rooms, and sheet music. The second floor will be an exclusive piano salesroom, with eight separate salesrooms. The third floor will be devoted to service. STAGE MUSIC MEMORY CONTEST Rogers, Ark., April 5. — The music department of the Women's Progressive Club, this city, recently staged a very successful music memory contest in the local schools. The contest covered a period of three weeks. A Real Money Maker Patented 1914 Patented 1914 Boston Interchangeable Leaf Album The envelope leaves may be changed at will. This new feature made possible only by our newly patented woodback. Remember, when you sell Real Merchandise your customers will never trade elsewhere. Boston Book Company 501-509 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. HAHNE & CO. PLAN SUMMER DRIVE Talking Machine Department of Newark, N. J., Department Store Planning to Open Distributing Centers in Charge of Sales Crews Newark, N. J., April 6. — The talking machine department of Hahne & Co., big local department store of this city, is making plans for the opening of several branches during the Summer, according to J. Blake, manager of the department. It is the custom of this concern to open small establishments in advantageous sections of the State. A crew of salesmen is assigned to each of these stores, working out through the surrounding territory on a wide radius. This plan has been productive of much business in former years, due to the fact that the distributing branches, as these stores are known, make it convenient for the prospective customers to look over the line of Victor and Sonora machines handled by Hahne & Co. INTERESTING DISCOUNT FACTS The Retail Merchant Who Does Not Take Advantage of Discounts Is Losing Money If you think you are saving money by withholding payments to your jobber or wholesaler after the discount date because your funds are drawing interest at your bank here's a table prepared by the National Association of Credit Men which should wake you up. Even the smallest discount earns more than twice the amount of bank interest: 54% in 10 days — net 30 days — equals 9% a year 1 % in 10 days — net 30 days — equals 18% a year 1^-2% in 10 days — net 30 days — equals 27% a year 2 % in 30 days — net 4 months — equals 8% a year 2 % in 10 days — net 60 days — equals 14% a year 2 % in 30 days — net 60 days — equals 24% a year 2 % in 10 days — net 30 days — equals 36% a year 3 % in 10 days — net 4 months — equals 10% a year 3 % in 30 days — net 60 days — equals 36% a year 3 % in 10 days — net 30 days — equals 54% a year NEW STORE IN SOUTH BEND, IND. Complete Music Stores Co. Opens Second Establishment— E. H. Konold in Charge South Bend, Ind., April 6. — The Complete Music Stores Co., operating an establishment at Mishawaka, Ind., has opened a branch in this city at 217 West Washington avenue. The local store will be the headquarters of the firm. The store is attractively fitted up, among the conveniences being five record demonstration booths and a balcony extending the length of the establishment which is utilized for the display of talking machines. A complete line of wind and string instruments has also been installed. E. H. Konold is manager. A sage once said: "There is no fool like an old fool." In this enlightened day it would be better to say that there is no fool like the fool who refuses to profit by his own mistakes and the errors of others. TEXAS MERCHANTS TO CONVENE Annual Gathering of State Association Will Be Held May 1 and 2 — Elaborate and Constructive Program Planned Dallas, Tex., April 6.— The Texas Music Merchants' Association will meet in Dallas May 1 and 2, it was announced, following a meeting of the executive committee here in which arrangements for the two-day program, which promises to be one of the most interesting ever held, were completed. Among the principal speakers will be Alfred L. Smith, of New York, general manager of the Music Industries Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Sawnie R. Aldredge will deliver the address of welcome. Response will be made by C. C. Miller, of Fort Worth, former president of the Association. The report of the president, Will A. Watkin, of Dallas, will be made on the morning of the first day of the convention. Lester Burchfield, of Dallas, secretary-treasurer of the Association, will make his report following the address of the president. An open forum will be held in the afternoon of each day. Mark P. Campbell, of New York, president of the Brambach Piano Co., will speak on the afternoon of the first day and Henry Camp Harris, of Dallas, will speak on "Salesmanship" preceding the open forum of the second day. Dr. William M. Anderson, Jr., will deliver the final address on the afternoon of the second day, which will be followed by the annual election of officers and the selection of the next meeting place. lEGOBRysH made'to fit all makes machines THERE MUST BE A REASON "OVER 10,000 BRUSHES SOLD IN ROCHESTER, N.Y. IN LESS THAN 6 MONTHS' ' 25c. brings a sample List Price 25c. Dealers $1.80perdz. Jobbers $15.00 per gross THE STCRGIS NOVELTY WORKS Medina, N. Y. CLEANS RECORDS WHILE P LAYING