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The talking machine world (Jan-June 1923)

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164 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD May 15, 1923 liit — zi what makes uou "Ritz" me so cr AHappijSnappT| Fox Trot Son^ "You can't ^owvon^ VithanyFEIST'son^' MITZI ©LEO.FEIST INC. NY.C. NEEDLE PRICES TO ADVANCE General Phonograph Corp. to Advance Prices 10 Per Cent on May 31 — Intensive Sales Campaign Now Under Way Featuring Okeh Needles Throughout the Country Adolf Heineman, vice-president of the General Phonograph Corp., New York, and in charge of the company's needle division, advised the trade this week that, efifective May 31, it will be necessary to advance the price on all needles manu <? factured by the company 10 per cent. This ders as much as possible in order to take advantage of this ofTer. At the present time the company is carrying out an intensive sales campaign in behalf of Okeh needles. Attractive sales material has been prepared for the use of dealers in the wareroom, window and booth, and this material includes posters, window Strips, display cards and other valuable sales helps. Okeh needles are now packed in envelopes, as well as boxes, so that the dealer may cater to every class of trade. GERALD GRIFFIN SCORES SUCCESS Okeh Needle Window Poster in Use increase will affect True-Tone and Okeh needles, as well as the "Needle of Quality." In a letter to the trade Mr. Heineman pointed out that there had been three advances in the price of steel during the past five months, these advances liaving been made on October 1, 1922; February I and April 1, 1923. In addition to these increases the cost of labor has steadily advanced since last Fall and the 10 per cent increase does not cover the additional cost of production. In order to co-operate with the trade in every possible way the General Phonograph Corp. will accept all orders placed up to and including May 31 at the old prices. It is therefore suggested that the dealers anticipate their Fall or SECOND YEAR SUCCESSFUL LEADER The Most Dependable and Inexpensive Lid Support on the Market Canada Patent Applied Patented 5ept.9.!9l9' Two other patei Applied fbi The bottom plate is constructed of one piece of metal and it works automatically perfect. No parts to go out of order. The hinges are made in two styles — Samples on request. flexible and bent. STAR MACHINE &NOVELTYCO. 81 MILL STREET BLOOMFIELD, N. J. G. L. LAING CO., Canadian Distributor 4 1 Richmond St., East, Toronto, Ont. PATHE LOUD SPEAKER MUCH LIKED H. T. Leeming, general manager of the Pathe Phonograph & Radio Corp., reports that dealers and jobbers throughout the entire country are evincing great interest in the Pathe loud speaker which has been on the market for some time. The construction of this instrument is entirely distinctive and it is claimed by the company that it combines correct acoustic principles with proper electrical and mechanical characteristics. The sound is given off by a large fibre disc in all directions. It is also claimed that mechanical vibrations are eliminated in the Pathe loud speaker. Mr. Leeming reports that the sales of this speaker are steadily on the increase. An attractive broadside in colors has just been sent to the trade on the Pathe loud speaker. It includes a letter from Eugene Widmann, presi The Pathe Loud Speaker dent of the company, an attractively written description of the Pathe loud speaker, and a photograph of the big Pathe plant in Brooklyn, showing the facilities and resources of the organization behind this device. There are also numerous testimonial letters included from users of the Pathe loud speaker. TAYLOR MUSIC CO. OPENS BRANCH BooNviLLE, Mo., May 7. — The Ta3'lor Music Co., operating stores in Columbia, Moberly and Mexico, Mo., recently opened a branch store here. Talking machines, etc., are handled. Exclusive Okeh Artist Enthusiastically Received in Chicago — Dealers Benefit Materially Gerald Griffin, popular Irish tenor and exclusive Okeh artist, gave a very successful concert on April 18 at Kimball Hall, Chicago. Mr. Griffin was assisted by Edouard Hesselberg, eminent Russian pianist, and the program included a number of selections which he has recorded for the Okeh library. The newspaper criti c s were enthusiastic i n Gerald Griffin praise of Mr. Griffin's performance and the concert was received with such popular favor that Mr. Griffin was engaged to appear for one week at the Stratford Theatre, in Chicago. Prior to the concert at Kimball Hall extensive publicity was used to advise the public that Mr. Griffin made Okeh records exclusively and to emphasize his success as a singer of Irish and American ballads. This publicity proved a stimulus to the sale of Okeh records made by Mr. Griffin and Okeh dealers in Chicago territory benefited considerably through his appearance in that city. The Bush & Lane Piano Co., Portland, Ore., has filed notice of increase of capital from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. Victor Wholesalers The House of Mellor in Pittsburgh since 1831