The talking machine world (Jan-June 1923)

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June 15, 1923 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 23 Hitting on ALL Cylinders There always was and always will be two markets. Some of your customers are looking for price, but we will guarantee that you have many on your list that insist on having exactly what they want provided they get value received. Walter Camp This is particularly true in the physical culture field. In spite of a number of cheaper sets on the market, the demand for Health Builder sets of Walter Camp's "Daily Dozen" is greater than ever before. We have in mind one large department store where the "Daily Dozen" and an ordinary set, much cheaper, were on the counter side by side. It is interesting to note that the "Daily Dozen" had far the greater sales. Are you hitting on all cylinders in your business? Can the people that insist on the "Daily Dozen" buy them from you or must they go elsewhere? Don't let them get away any more. Write us to-day for full details. An extensive advertising campaign IS creating a demand that it will pay you to fill. Write NOW HEALTH BUILDERS, Inc. DEPARTMENT W6 334 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y.