The talking machine world (July-Dec 1924)

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August 15, 1924 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 159 Two New Directors for the Wiley B. Allen Go. R. B. Miller Named Secretary and L. S. Lindsey a Director of San Francisco Music House After a Quarter Century of Service San Francisco, Cal., August 7. — Two important new additions have been announced to the official family of the Wiley B. Allen Co., R. B. Miller having been elected secretary and a director in that company, and Lawrence S. Lindsey a member of the board of directors. The promotions represent a tribute to the long service and loyalty of both men, who joined the Wiley B. Allen Co. staff twenty-five years ago as office boys and have worked their way up through the various departments. F. Bowman & Son Add Radio to Their Stock Realizing that this year marks one of the big years in the sale of radio receivers, and that the dealers who enter the field are in for the big profits to be gained, F. Bowman & Son, 938 Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa., have secured the distribution of the most generally accepted radio receivers of the best-known manufacturers. The receivers that are carried at the present time include the Radio Corp. of America line, Atwater-Kent receivers and DeForest. Plant Working Full Capacity A. P. Frangipane, secretary of the Mutual Phono Parts Mfg. Corp., New York City, who seems to be most happy when he is working the hardest, was exceedingly busy during the past month. Nathan Garfinkel, treasurer of the company, together with his family, was away several weeks on a well-earned vacation. This also took away from the office Miss Evelyn Garfinkel, who has charge of the office affairs, leaving all management to Mr. Frangipane. The Mutual factory has been working to full capacity on Fall orders. Both Mr. Garfinkel and Miss Garfinkel have returned from their vacations much benefited and have enthusiastically taken up the work for the Fall. Fulton's New Portable Styles The Fulton Talking Machine Co., 253 Third avenue, New York City, now manufactures its automatic portable in three designs. Its latest is the new model 25, carrying an improved motor arid a high quality fabrikoid case. In addition, is importing a new popular-priced portable which is being marketed under the trade name "Eveready." This portable carries several new features which should aid it in attracting attention. Control Wendell Music Co. Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 5.— Announcement was made here to-day of a change in the ownership of the Wendell Music Co. Dr. J. W. West and A. O. Andelin, who have been stockholders in the company since the establishment of the business in Idaho Falls in 1921, have acquired the majority of the stock in the business, which will be operated under the firm name of the Andelin Music Co. An Interesting Side Line The Agfa Products, Inc., 114 East Thirteenth street, New York, is producing a product which will prove a profitable and interesting side line for the talking machine dealer,' in the form of the Agfa roll-film and the Agfa film-pack. The company has prepared interesting literature which explains its proposition in detail and investigation of the plan on the part of the dealer might prove profitable. Chamber Gets Action From Revenue Department Treasury Department Instructs Revenue Collectors Regarding Exemption of Musical Instruments From Jewelry Tax The Music Industries Chamber of Commerce recently called the attention of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the fact that collectors in different parts of the country were attempting to apply the "jewelry tax" to musical instruments, in spite of the express exemption secured by the Chamber for such instruments in the Internal Revenue Act of 1924. In reply, the following letter has just been received from the Treasury Department: "Reference is made to your letter under date of July 22, with respect to the apparent misunderstanding of local deputy collectors concerning the exemption of musical instruments and of the provisions of section 604 of the Revenue Act of 1924. "This office appreciates your co-operation in this matter, and you are advised that proper steps will be taken to see that all collectors of internal revenue are furnished with correct information with respect to the exemption provisions of the Revenue Act of 1924 in the case of musical instruments." If further demand is made by revenue collectors for the payment of the "jewelry tax" on musical instruments by members of the industry, they are requested to communicate with the Music Industries Chamber of Commerce, 45 West Forty-fifth street, New York City. Schaefer Buys Out Partner Missoula, Mont., August 1.— W. B. Schaefer has recently purchased the full interest of his partner, William Rehmer, in the music business operated here for several years under the name of the Schaefer-Rehmer Music Co. Maine Music Co. Opens Branch Store in Portland Portland, Me., August 5.— The Maine Music Co., which has been operating as a music store for thirty-four years, recently opened a store at 17 Forest avenue, this city. Harry Seaford is manager of the new store, and it is certain that the many years of experience which he possesses will stand him in good stead in this new venture. He was originally with Cressy & Allen and later became salesman and manager for M. Steinert & Sons. For the past seven years he has conducted a general music store. The Maine Music Co. carries a complete line of Victrolas and Victor records and represents a number of piano manufacturers. Radio sets and accessories also are merchandised in a successful manner. Will Handle Gretsch Line Baltimore, Mb, August 12.— Cohen & Hughes, Victor talking machine distributors, announced this week that they have entered the musical merchandise field and will distribute "small goods" in Maryland, Pennsylvania and other Eastern territories. The firm will represent the Fred. Gretsch Mfg. Co, of Brooklyn. Cline Music Co. Moves Astoria, Ore, July 25. — New quarters in the Carruthers Building, at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Commercial street, have just been secured by the Cline Music Co. Utica Concern Bankrupt Utica, N. Y, August 5.— The Boucher Piano Co, of this city, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities are $10,069 and assets $5,503. A Manufacturers' International Exposition Under the Direction of James K J(ctt A MAMMOTH SPECTACLE Cfil(rpZ^&T~~~~ °F SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Radio Worlds Fair ZMadiscn Square Garden SEPT. 22 to 28 Monday to Sunday Night INCLUSIVE & 1 P.M.™™. 11 P.M. Extraordinary Features Daily ! 100,000 Square Feet! Devoted to the De Luxe Exhibition of the Very Newest in Radio and Phono-Radio SETS MODELS CIRCUITS ACCESSORIES Assembled by the manufacturers for observation by dealers, jobbers, and the public. FIRST TIME IN AMERICA Representative Displays by Famous Manufacturers of ENGLAND, FRANCE, BELGIUM, ITALY, SWITZERLAND Direction U. J. HERRMANN and JAMES F. KERR