The talking machine world (July-Dec 1924)

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46 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD October 15, 1924 Wiley B. Allen Go. Features Victor Wagnerian Records Particularly Effective Display Made by Prominent San Francisco House Arouses Great Interest Among Wagnerian Enthusiasts San Francisco, Cal., October 3. — One of the most interesting window displays that have been seen here for some time is that of the Wiley B. nerian music have gone in and begged to be allowed to purchase them, so well do they convey the Wagnerian idea of the "Ring." Illustrating "The Rhinegold," Alberich is shown stealing the gold from the Rhine Maidens; "Siegfried" is illustrated by Siegfried forging the broken sword. Illustrating "The Twilight of the Gods," Brunnhilde is depicted riding her fiery steed Grange on to the funeral pyre of Siegfried, and "The Valkyrie" is shown by the picture of Wotan bidding farewell to Brunn G. A. Barlow Sons Go. Open Radio Department Well-known Trenton, N. J., Music House Gives Over Large Section of Store to Radio Trenton, N. J., October 6. — G. A. Barlow Sons Co., well-known music merchants of this city, formally opened their new radio department last month during local "Style Week" when all their windows were dressed especially for the occasion. It was thought a good idea to advance the opening date of the new radio department. The new department has a most prominent place in the store, and is well equipped to handle the quality and volume of business that the store attracts. Warren Whitney, of Dalrymple-Whitney Radio Corp., attended the opening of the department, which is under the management of H. V. Huntdon, formerly manager of the radio department of the Knight-Campbell Music Co., of Denver, and aided in making the affair a success. The concern will at present handle a. staple line, including the Ware, Radio Corp. of America, Pooley, Atwater Kent receivers, and a standard line of well-known and reliable accessories. Mr. Barlow predicts that this year will see a great volume of radio business done through the music merchant channel, as indicated by the large business that has already been done in the new department. Artistic Window Display of Wiley B. Allen Co., featuring the new Victor Wagnerian Masterpieces. A beautiful bronze bust of the composer, Richard Wagner, is the centerpiece of the display. Artistically arranged in the window are paintings representing the most vivid scenes in the four operas from which the records are excerpts: the "Rhinegold," "The Valkyrie," "Siegfried" and "The Twilight of the Gods." The paintings were made, to order, for the Wiley B. Allen Co., and many lovers of Wag Allen Co. Featuring Wagnerian Records hilde. Each picture carries, at the bottom, the name of the opera to which it applies, together with a line telling what it portrays and the number of the Victor record which carries the musical theme. Since the window which so dramatically tells the story of the . Wagnerian Ring has been installed the Wiley B. Allen Co. has had a very heavy demand for the thirty-two Victor Wagnerian records, and crowds have stopped to admire the thoroughly artistic display. Features Brunswick-Radiola Terre Haute, Ind., October 8. — Jensen Bros. Brunswick Shop has for some weeks past been featuring the Brunswick Radiola combination unit and reports that the instruments have been given an enthusiastic reception. William Piper, representative of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., recently spent some time at the store, assisting the sales force in demonstration and installation work. Salability — plus rare selectivity and sensibility that is unusual — these are the outstanding features of this panel by Federal, for which we are general distributors. In handling this Federal panel, under the M. I. S. plan of distribution, you will encounter none of the elements of indiscriminate merchandising and may rest assured that there is a policy behind it worthy the permanent respect of Victor dealers. The Victrola Specials are not complete without radio and, to demonstrate this Federal panel in them, is to realize the greatest sales opportunity of the day. Federal Five tube Panel 200 for Victrola 215. Panel 417 for the 400's We Are the Exclusive Distributors for These Federal Panels in the Metropolitan District and Only Through Us Can They Be Procured. Musical Instrument Sales Co. MMAA +2 rr st k err