The talking machine world (July-Dec 1924)

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November 15, 1924 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 98g The DAY-FAN Line (There is a DAY" FAN set for every home S DAYRADIA DAYOLA OEM The OEM-7 jour tubes. The DAYRAD1A complete (except tubes) with A & B batteries and special silent, built-in recharging equipment $225.00 The DAYOLA with B battery compartment $125.00 The DAYCRAFT with built-in phonograph loud speaker and B battery compartment $160.00 The DAY TON I A complete (except tubes) with A & B batteries and special silent, built-in recharging equipment $285.00 $98.00 The OEM-11 three tubes, $90.00 E VERY set, regardless of price, has that important and distinctive DAY-FAN achievement ALL DIAL SETTINGS THE SAME FOR EVERY SET, EVERYWHERE, ON EVERY ANTENNA You don't have to log DAY-FAN sets. A complete list of all stations with corresponding dial settings for the wave length is given with each set. Simply turn the pointers to desired station — and listen in. There is a model for every taste and purse, and each one embodies the same remarkable qualities of tone, volume, selectivity, simplicity of operation and beauty which distinguish the DAY-FAN OEM Receivers. Write for literature DAYTON 1 A Ohe DAYTON FAN & MOTOR CO. Manufacturers of High-Grade Electrical Apparatus for more than 35 Years DAYTON. OHIO.