The talking machine world (Jan-June 1925)

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44 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD April 15, 1925 Don C. Preston Sells Radio Sans Try-Out West Coast Dealer Tells How He Avoids Costly Demonstrations in Merchandising Radio — Quality Products as a Sales Builder Life is a matter of changes, and so it is with any business. Success in either depends largely upon the ability of making adjustments to meet the ever-changing conditions. We of the music industry now realize, greatly against our will, that never before have we been confronted with this great problem as we are to-day, and our very existence depends largely upon a proper solution of the readjustment problems. I am frank to confess that never have I dreaded any change or addition to my business as I did that of adding radio to our then complete music stores. This fear I now feel to have been mostly due to my lack of confidence and knowledge in this line, and not until . I had studied out a thorough merchandising plan on a basis which would make the department a profitable one did I enter this field. Quality Products Build Radio Sales A solid foundation can only be built upon the continued selling of the right kind of merchandise. A very good rule in any business is to first be sure that you are handling the best that the market affords; then put yourself behind it 100 per cent, and do not change your line to please every salesman who comes along. Make yourself the best customer for the best manufacturer, and if he is the best he will appreciate your trade and will do his utmost to show his appreciation and hold your steady support. At the same time, one must realize that his particular business comes first, and that no one is entitled to serve him unless all interests are mutually profitable. One must never allow his place of business to become the dumping ground for inferior merchandise. How Don C. Preston Sells Radio Following out this thought, we selected the lines which we could back up so strongly that we could sell them right over the counter, so to speak, and know that we could back them up by giving real radio satisfaction and retain the confidence of our trade. We believe in selling radio right in the store if possible. One of the greatest mistakes any dealer can make is to allow the customer to think that the accepted way of buying radio is to demonstrate in the home. Make them feel that the accepted way is to buy in the store, placing their confidence in your ability to satisfy them. The moment you suggest home demonstration, before exhausting every resource to sell them in the store, they immediately take it for granted that home demonstration is the proper way of selling. The thought then enters their mind that if you are so willing to do this, why not try them all and see which they like the best. Then you know only too well what happens. They then become keenly critical, and any time you may spend with them or service you may render is simply taken as sales effort and is not as a general rule appreciated. On the other hand, if you sell them in the store and receive some of their money, they are going to appreciate everything you do for them and accept it as service and not as sales effort. They will also be more patient with you when they have a financial investment; the pride of ownership is bound to exert itself, and, besides, no one is fool enough to admit right away, at least, that he has made a mistake in judgment by buying something that he has not heard. These very human facts will assist you in mak For Playing All Needle Records on the Edison Diamond Disc Height adjustment screw H enables you to operate the 5-E the same as the regular Edison Reproducer nickel ORO-TONE No. 5-E $6.00 Usual Discounts to Dealers GOLD OR OXIDIZED $7.50 WITHOUT QUESTION OR DOUBT the No. 5-E is the most perfect equipment made for playing all needle records on the New Edison. ATTACH IN ONE SECOND — Swing it over and lower on the record with the operating lever just the same as when using the Edison reproducer and the Edison record. TONE QUALITY — Deep, rich and powerful. You will be pleased with both the volume and quality of tone. AUTOMATIC SELF-ADJUSTING REPRODUCER— Nothing to get out of order. Compression spring S is compressed by plunger P when pivot screws X are seated, which insures a perfect flexible adjustment at all times. Ask Your Edison Jobber or Send for Sample on 30 Days Approval The Oro-Tone Co. 1000-1010 George Street Chicago, U. S. A. ing the installation a satisfactory one, as we all know that the first few days are the hardest, and if you have the co-operation of the buyer you are bound to satisfy him. Avoiding Home Demonstrations When a customer asks for a home demonstration, we tell them that should we demonstrate, and the set prove satisfactory and they buy it, would they have confidence in us to take care of it if something went wrong the day after they had paid for it — or in the demonstration and later buying, will they relieve us of all responsibility if it goes wrong? Of course, they will not, and they admit that they would still have confidence in us to take care of them. Then why not display that confidence now by making a deposit and trust in us to satisfy them. Should they still insist upon a demonstration, we ask them if they are enough sold on the set and us that they will agree to buy if the demonstration is satisfactory, and they are able to meet the required terms. In other words, it must be clearly understood that they will buy if everything is satisfactory; otherwise, we are too busy to give them a demonstration, as we are taking all "of our time to give service to those who are buying outright, as they are entitled to our service first. By following this policy you will test the sincerity of your customers and they are not much of a . prospect if you cannot get some positive statement from them as to whether they will buy. Customer Pays for Aerial Construction When you are unable to close your deal in the store, and a home demonstration is absolutely essential to the consummation of the sale, we insist that the customers pay for the aerial installation, as they will have to have an aerial no matter from whom they purchase a set. This light investment tests their sincerity, and also makes a wedge for an easy close. We prefer not to leave a set out overnight. However, we do occasionally vary from this rule. We also guarantee to make any change within our lines to suit individuals, as long as they take their own chance on tubes and batteries, and the units must still be standard at the time of the exchange. It must also be within a reasonable length of time. Sticking to the Truth Not having any local broadcasting station which operates in the day time, and the others being at too great a distance, we are unable to make even a store demonstration, so we must talk our goods with a great deal of confidence, and must be in a position to back up every statement. Only the other day a lady came into the store and was greatly disgusted with a competitor for stating that his set would get everything but Mars. With a few straight facts, dealing with a few of the bad features of radio, as well as the good, she purchased from us for cash. How Trade Can Aid in Stabilization Radio has come to stay, and the sooner we do our part to stabilize this new addition to our business, the sooner will other lines become readjusted to the new conditions. Above all keep your stocks in all departments clean, and buy only according to your immediate sales. If you are conducting a general music business, you must be ready to swing your efforts from one line to the other as occasion demands. Clean and well-balanced stocks will allow you to do this. Trade-ins should be watched very carefully. No article should be accepted beyond what you would actually pay in cash for it. If it is unsalable, do not take it at any price. We trade for no second-hand radios ourselves. Phonographs and pianos are taken only at cash value.