The talking machine world (Jan-June 1925)

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46 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD April 15, 1925 Orchestra of Columbia Artists Broadcasts Hymns First Time a Dance Orchestra Has Given a Radio Program of This Character For the first time in the history of broadcasting, a dance orchestra broadcast a program of hymns, this unique program being given during Easter week by the California Ramblers, well-known dance orchestra, recording exclusively for the Columbia library. The program was given under the direction of Arthur Hand, leader of the orchestra, and was broadcast over Station WGBS in New York, controlled by Gimbel. Bros. The program provided a series of hymns appropriate for the occasion, including "The Lord Is Risen," "The Palms," "Lo the Stone is Rolled Away," "It Is the Blessed Easter Morn" and "Holy, Holy, Holy." Special symphonic arrangements were made by the California Ramblers, who have achieved considerable pop ularity because of the individuality of their dahce arrangements. At the present time the orchestra is also considering the symphonic arrangement for broadcasting over WGBS such well-known hymns as "Abide With Me," "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," "Lead, Kindly Light," "Rock of Ages" and "When the Mists Have Rolled Away." Edison Tone Test in Seattle Seattle, Wash., April 6. — An Edison tone test concert, with Betsy Lane Shepherd, soprano, and Jacques Glockner, cellist, was recently given at the Olympic Hotel under the auspices of the Rice Watters Music Co. and the Edison Phonograph Co. The event was enthusiastically received, and dealers report an increased demand for the records made by these artists and the Edison tone as a whole. Don M. Weimer recently purchased a half interest in the Music Shoppe, Wooster, O., from Devere Kaufman, proprietor. "Avon" Cabinet Marketed by L. R. Donehue Co. Important New Distributors Appointed — Increased Demand for Adapto Products The L. R. Donehue Co., of Perth Amboy, N. J., manufacturer of Adapto cabinets, has just issued a new model, which has been given the name "Avon." The Adapto cabinets have won their success through the fact that any of the table model radio receivers can be installed in their compartments. There is also room for batteries and other accessories and the cabinets come complete with an amplifying horn and speaker unit. P. A. Ware, sales manager of the company, announces that its newest distributors are the Penn Phonograph Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Collings & Co., Victor distributors, Newark, N. J., and Cohen & Hughes, of Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburgh, who are large factors in radio distribution in seven States. The L. R. Donehue Co. has found it necessary to greatly expand its factory and distribution activities in order to meet the demands for its products, which are constantly increasing. Its factory in New Albany, Ind., is operating at full capacity. L. R. Donehue, who personally designs the Adapto models as well as superintends their construction, has in preparation, a further addition, a period model, which will be a high quality cabinet carrying all the refinements possible in a radio cabinet. Otto Heineman Off on Trip to Pacific Coast President and Founder of General Phonograph Corp. on Six Weeks' Visit to the Trade Otto Heineman, president and founder of the General Phonograph Corp., left New York on March 22 for a six weeks' trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Heineman's itinerary provides for a week's stay in Chicago, during which time he attended the meeting of the Phonograph Manufacturers' Club, held in that city on March 26. Mr. Heineman is taking this trip in the interests of all of the branches of the company's activities and he will undoubtedly receive a royal welcome from manufacturers, jobbers and dealers throughout the country. The General Phonograph Corp. is making plans for an aggressive sales campaign throughout 1925, and Mr. Heineman will co-operate with the company's clientele in making these plans as effective and productive as possible. New Blair Radio Set Is Now Being Distributed The Blair Radio Laboratories, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, New York City, which has heretofore confined its manufacturing activities to export business, now announces a sixtube popular-priced Blair receiver for the American market. This is a tuned radio frequency and resistance coupled audio amplification product. The product is said to embody the result of years of experience in both British and American laboratories. The sets are manufactured in mahogany and walnut cabinets with bakelite sloping panels and with three dials of the same composition. According to the sales department of the Blair Co. the receiver goes through a series of eleven rigid inspections, following which it is sealed, leaving the factory mechanically and electrically perfect. It is guaranteed by the manufacturers for the period of one year and will be replaced or the purchase price refunded within reasonable time if the seal remains unbroken. The Mastercraft Radio Mfg. Co., New York, was recently incorporated at Albany with a capital stock of $20,000. The incorporators are A. Levine, A. Dick and C. W. Halpern. 3 Early releases of the latest and biggest hits. Recordings by the most popular orchestras and foremost artists. A distinctive appearance. Write for sample records and complete details DOMINO RECORD CO. : 10 West 20th Street New York City ■ IK1IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS3