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April 15, 1925
Restricted Wholesale Distribution
Means Exclusive Protected Dealers
JTEADILY and surely across the country, the Sleeper Radio Corporation is gaining the powerful following of the phonograph and music trade by putting into effect in radio selling the same policies that the phonograph industry years ago endorsed and demanded as necessary to success.
Restricted wholesale distribution, making possible exclusive protected dealers, is the fundamental of the Sleeper Sales Policy. 629 phonograph or music dealers served by seven of the largest and oldest distributing houses in the phonograph field, are now selling the Monotrol under the protection of the Sleeper Community Dealer Franchise.
They are selling the Monotrol, not because it is "revolutionary," or "marvelous," or "extraordinary," but because it is a good receiver, different enough from the great run of three dial sets to be interesting, more powerful on fewer tubes, simple in tuning and a set of rare tone quality.
Many dealers have found the Monotrol a year ahead of competition in its appeal to the artistic sense of the woman of the home, in its single dial logging of all stations — "the Switchboard of a Nation" — in its six stages of amplification, three of radio tuned and three of audio.
Priced at $130, the Monotrol is a clean cut value that calls for no price cutting or other apology from the dealer. It is a springtime money-maker, a refreshing success that looks forward — not backward — to what people want and will pay for in radio.
If you want something sane, sound and profitable that will sell at list price when many sets cannot be given away at any price, write today for the agency franchise on the Sleeper Monotrol.
Write for free copy of "Putting the Radio Business on a Sound Basis," now in its third printing.
Licensed under Grimes Inverse Duplex Patents No. 1.517.057— 8 and Hogan Patent No. 1.014.002.
SLEEPER RADIO CORP., 434 Washington Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.